We have a Rans S-7S Courier (Tail Wheel), ideal bush aircraft and have been thinking of a change. Maybe an RV4? Flick me your mates details on a PM if he wants to investigate a deal.
A few aircraft are meeting up for a weekend of flying and telling lies by the campfire. All welcome. Basic plan will be some local flying on Saturday, campfire and dinner. Sunday morning will be a tour of several local strips and likely end up at Biggenden Cafe for Breaky/Morno's.
Good mix of strips, with some testing off airport fields for those that are able.
Please let me know by the 8th of Nov if your intending to drop in so that I can organise the rationing. Contact Brett - bpoole123@bigpond.com
Fractions of a second count in parachuting. Several years ago I was involved in a similar incident. During my deployment I suffered a collision with an unseen team member still in FF. The only reason that my case wasn't fatal was the difference of a fraction of a second. My collision occurred as my canopy was still in its deployment bag, hence the speed differential whilst horrendous wasn't fatal. We both survived although I suffered permanent spinal injuries and spent the next two years in and out of hospital and wearing a brace. Fractions of a second! RIP..
Hi Kev,
Looks like we are both loving our flying. I have had heaps of fun in the last 2 years flying the drifter followed by the Courier. The Courier still amazes me with what it can do and where I can put it. Keep those stories from up North coming. Safe flying mate.
Well the first Cane Country Muster is done and dusted. Considering the forecast we had a good turn-up. Thanks to all those that attended and to the property owners that allowed the use of their strips.
Their dreaming, enough issues falling through cracks to be trying that on!
Just imagine the little trade-offs that would occur, before you know it we'll be knee deep in Lame's, regulations, medical requirements, ahhhhhh the mind boggles!
G'day Scott,
No showers I'm afraid, certainly tank water and several taps you could use for a bird bath. Toilets at front gate will be cleaned up ready for visitors. Club house open throughout, with fridges, drinks, tea/coffee etc....