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Everything posted by BJFly

  1. Hi All, A reminder that the Childers fly in Breaky is on the 6th Feb. The more the merrier, so drag your baby out of the hangar and plot a course for Childers. Here's a write up from our last Breaky.
  2. When you get a chance post a few pics of the Storch and the Supa Pup. Can never get to many pics of taildraggers. Here's a reminder, Childers Quarterly Breakfast fly-in 6th Feb 0730-1000. All welcome. We might end up with a long line of taildraggers parked out the front.
  3. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi Mike, If you get your Rans built we can form a RANS squadron at Childers. On the weekend I had a good look at Alf & Sue's pride & joy, a Rans Courier which is also at Childers. We are getting a good mix of aircraft at Childers - Jabiru's, Terriers, Drifter, Cessna, Lightwing, Savanah, Airbike, Auster & Rans Couriers. See you in a couple of weeks.
  4. Hi All, Launched at first light for the short flight to Maryborough. Spent a good hour with Russ brushing up on the finer points of wheeler and three point landings, on both grass & tar. Also had a chance to fly a couple of circuits from the rear seat. Aircraft handles bueatifully, the bloke driving could do with some more practice. Here's a couple of pics.
  5. Hi Brett, Keep us posted on the progress of the Sonex, enjoy your maiden flight. Maybe a few pics?
  6. Hi Mick, Haven't had a good play with her yet, just taking it easy for the first few flights. Russ and I are hoping to give her a good workout over the weekend. Specs list landing roll 320ft, T/O roll would be less. Catch you soon
  7. Always liked the look of a Corby Starlet, hopefully that's right. Looks like a fast & fun machine. What's your engine?
  8. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    I posted a few more pics under "other Rec aircraft" "Tail Dragger Heaven", thought I would keep the same theme running. Geoff, Looks like I'll be following you and Kev north, I'm keen for a trip!
  9. Hi All, Here's a new thread for all aircraft with the little wheel down the back. I picked up our Rans S-7S today from Watts Bridge. Ken was kind enough to meet us at Watts where I could take the opportunity for a few circuits prior to flying her home to Childers. Ken has done an amazing job building this aircraft and was great to deal with. To say I'm as happy as a pig in mud would be an understatement! Here's a few pics for those that are interested.
  10. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi All, Picked up the Rans Courier today from Watts Bridge and flew her back to her new home in Childers. So I guess this is my last post on a Drifter thread, at least for a while, but never say never! Here's a pic of the new baby, I'll post some more on a different thread. P
  11. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi Kiwi, Almost a Rans owner. Had to delay hand over until I can lay my hands on some documentation. Fingers crossed maybe the next couple of days. The Rans forum looks good.
  12. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    It's from down near Gatton ( Forrest Hill). It's Ken Edwards aircraft. Really nice build, I believe it won best aircraft a couple of years in a row. Should be a fun machine once I get the hang of it.
  13. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi All, Well the Yellow Hornet is now in Bundaberg. Bueatiful morning for the short flight, she now awaits her new owner. Looks like I won't be grounded long. I pick up my new aircraft ( a fantastic Rans S-7S Courier) tomorrow. I'll post some pictures tmw for anyone who is interested. Happy days!
  14. Bring her up to the Childers fly in breaky on sat 6th Feb. I'll do my best not to drool on her!
  15. Hi All, Just returned from Evans Head. An excellent event with the highlight being the amount of warbirds on display & flying. It seemed that every flying machine from powered paragliders, gyros, trikes right on up to the warbirds were in the air. One downer for RAA occurred when right in the middle of a warbird display a drifter flew into the closed airspace and proceeded to do a circuit before landing. The display was cancelled and the crowd missed out on seeing the Mustang perform its simulated ground attack (thanks goes to the pilot of the red drifter with German crosses). All in all a great show, especially if you love the sound of radial engines!
  16. The Isis Flying Club is holding its Quarterly fly in Breaky on the 6th Feb 2016. Details: 0730-1000hrs Cooked breakfast, tea & coffee, $10 per person Grass strip 10/28 , 1000m, elev 140ft Freq 126.7 No landing fees All welcome, great excuse to go for a fly. For catering purposes please contact Brett 0411122712 or bpoole123@bigpond.com
  17. I'm going to be heading down for a look. Now my Drifter has sold maybe I'll get lucky and find the perfect aircraft for sale just sitting on the flight line waiting for me to fly it home! We can all dream......
  18. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Here's an aircraft I know you'll love. Picture an all metal Drifter, Rotax 912, only problem is they stuck a nose wheel on it. Looks like a fun & reliable machine.
  19. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    The Hornet is heading to Darwin. The new owner has arranged hangarage in Bundy until April, then i believe it's a long ferry flight to Darwin. So I'll have to begin the hunt for something to replace the Hornet. Can't leave it too long or I'll get the shakes!
  20. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi All, The Yellow Hornet sold yesterday. There was time for a short flight in the morning before putting her back in the hangar to await her new owner. Wifey has given instructions to search for something with doors (broad search criteria). I would find it hard to go past a Fisher 912 Drifter if anyone is selling. Regards
  21. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Nice looking scenery, another happy day flying a Drifter!
  22. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi All, Dragged the Yellow Hornet out of the hangar early today for my favourite local flight. Childers-Pacific Haven(quick brew with Bruce). Then Burrum Heads-Woodgate-Childers. All before 8.30am, good way to start the day.
  23. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi Mick, Yeh, once your settled in we'll have to link up at the field for a cuppa. Not sure I could get the idea of owning a squadron of aircraft pass the misses. Your right about enjoying the flying, there's not much else like it. Catch you soon.
  24. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi All, Here's a video of a Yellow Hornet flight along the Isis River then the Burrum River and out into Hervey Bay. Quite often see Dugong's feeding around the mouth of the Burrum.
  25. BJFly

    Drifter Heaven

    Hi Mike, Glad you liked it. Well picked up on the Ccts, on occasion when nobody else in the area I have a crack at left&right Ccts and throw in some practice emergencies from both sides. Regards
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