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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. figures...
  2. you can adjust the font size in a browser with control and + or - (command in the case of macs). Sometimes i have accidentally hit one of these combos whilst typing something else..
  3. ... and welcome!
  4. Hi Craig - not so sure you need to be too light on the rudder pedals either as you come in, the jabs i've flown need to be shown who's boss... and as others have said, once down, keep that nose wheel up as long as you can and keep the stick back even when the nose is down while rolling to try to keep as much of the weight off the nose as you can until it slows down. For me, once I know I am down and will not be needing a go-around, i get the flaps up to get the weight on the mains as soon as possible. That's just what works for me, and of course, POH speeds and all that.
  5. While we wait on Andy - this cleared it up for me (thanks djpacro) http://www.eaavideo.org/video.aspx?v=4105230997001
  6. thought they only had Cubs
  7. Great presso, well-articulated - I finally (think I) understand *why* not to use bottom rudder on that turn! The explanation of the G forces (and therefore stall speed) being a result of the elevator pressure and not the angle of bank in and of itself was a huge lightbulb moment!
  8. thanks! watching now
  9. poop. was hoping it had been recorded. wish I saw this thread when you posted it, dj
  10. I still say a mock-doco, done by either the people who did Kenny or Red Dog.
  11. A couple of situations i can think of where the chute would be the wrong thing at the wrong time... floating back to earth serenely whilst the airframe is on fire, or ditching then having the canopy gently settle over you, shrink-wrapping the plane and contents snugly to the surface of the water.
  12. What else have the Romans done for us?? bloody Romans....
  13. Hi there, nahh.. they seem well-aware of it, and I don't depend on it enough really - happy to stick with the maps and garmin/avidyne for now till they come up with a fix.
  14. You will have no problem with the Warrior if you can handle the Jab :-)
  15. my personal feeling regarding this whole thing, the deal I paid for at the time was the printed magazine. IF I renew in August and they want to change the terms and conditions of what I am purchasing, then fine. But I prefer to stick with what I signed up for, which was the printed mag, for all the reasons above.
  16. maybe they think its a Savannah
  17. groooannn.... where's your Pride?
  18. Wasn't on my ppl exam... just have to know what the minima are. Not that there's any reason NOT to know the info, but it really wasn't that granular...
  19. anyway, the question was "how to judge", not "how to calculate in real time". But no such thing as bad info, good to know mnewbery!
  20. 5000 metres is close to 3 miles, could you use your normal sight picture of "3 mile final" to roughly judge that distance from a cloud?
  21. Hi all - just in case this hasn't been posted, be warned that the latest update to the iPad iOS breaks connections to external GPS, rendering it useless for running Ozrunways or similar if you only have the wifi iPad. I recently found this out on a very long cross country, so thankfully I had the maps and the Garmin, but still very irritating, as OzR has some very nice features that make it more pleasant. Some info - http://help.ozrunways.com/kb/troubleshooting/help-i-cant-get-a-gps-position http://bad-elf.com/blogs/bad-elf/18013536-alert-compatibility-issue-with-app apologies if this has been posted elsewhere. adam
  22. or soon would have been
  23. last year most of the displays were cancelled due to high winds :-(.
  24. Yeah and dead easy, just follow the rail line down - the GA lane takes you straight to Maitland at 1500 ft. Just give them a courtesy call over the radio to let them know you're entering the lane, no dramas.
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