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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. That looks really good. Reminds me a bit of Long Way Down, that sorta style.
  2. especially if you say "only one, thought you said threesome?"
  3. though the boobs come a bit later...
  4. let's do ittttt! where do i send the $??
  5. yes but the exchange rate has come down significantly since then (in your favour)...
  6. he's out standing in his field.
  7. I don't have the face book.
  8. I think you'll find there are more than that here...
  9. rhymcc is correct - that was a separate endorsement. my part 61 PPL flight test did not cover CTA, that was done as a separate endo (thank gawd)
  10. Denzel can do it at 500...
  11. just in case...
  12. in that case, its probably meant as a deterrent
  13. ayavner


    Don, I've done just that - from Moruya, straight up and over, with no issues. It was a weekend, and it was inactive, but a quick call on the area frequency and ATC were more than happy to re-confirm that for me.
  14. i really wish they'd rebuild the cafe down at YWOL.
  15. HAHAHAHAHAH i almost snorted my apple out my nose! good one john
  16. wait, you're in China... doesn't that mean... erm... never mind...
  17. that's what comes after white
  18. well... i at least expected humour. should have expected less.
  19. maybe better on the pPrune site?
  20. Fantastic once again! Do you think you might just start a new thread for each new episode? Someone who hasn't read this thread might see that its a bit old and a few pages long and decide not to take a look. i really enjoyed that one, keep em coming! and let's get that flight in soon!
  21. you wanna watch your hose doesn't develop a drip
  22. just in case you forgot, me too!!
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