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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. fair call guys, didn't mean it that way :)
  2. welcome to the forum Mark! Glad you found the info you were after, not sure being an Australian forum that many of us have FAA regs at top of mind. KSAC - is that Sacramento? Been there a few times! cheers! adam
  3. oooh all official-like!
  4. "Ladies and... er.. Lady... we've now reached a comfortable cruising altitude of 5,280 feet...."
  5. He probably wondered what you were on about...
  6. Dunno, just showing up seems to work for me...
  7. and then for comedy effect, the chute fires just after the dust settles
  8. I always thought those Spacewalkers looked nice. From what I've flown, the tecnam golf was nice. the Jab J1x0 is where i spent most my limited time so its a sentimental favourite.
  9. hey there - mate you are not alone, i have that same issue. If I'm able, i will try to get myself to do a bit of piloting such as a steep turn or 2 or mentally rehearse a forced landing.. really anyting just to get my brain back under my control. Then some time before I call tower or the CTAF inbound call i mentally run through how I plan to approach the field, reacquaint myself wtih the speeds (and rpm's to get there) and just relax. It seems to help, when I can remember to do all that.
  10. fabbbullousssssss!
  11. what about on ipad/mobile?
  12. That sounds more like the air legislation exam... but if you get all that down, you'll be well prepared for it! (and over-prepared for the pre-solo, which is never a bad thing)
  13. believe that's known as "short range ballistic"
  14. here's the one for 2015. haven't been back to the UK since 1991, might be time to start planning a visit... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM5EYePTUvU
  15. luv it planey
  16. Could not agree more. BTW Mike yours was really interesting, looking forward to part 2 of yours. did you catch the one on the Lightwings?
  17. yeah pre-solo will not be this in depth... think broader, like who has right of way? runway markings? maybe a bit on your local procedures.
  18. i bet we could have a new thread each time a podcast is released.
  19. only if it crashes..
  20. think that was Oscar Wilde, no?
  21. If you can do Albury then Tumut then Yass Township to Goulburn then its a pretty straight shot to YWOL from there and skirts around the Canberra airspace... i've done that in reverse (mostly) and it worked out well
  22. then objectively it wouldn't matter
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