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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. at least they didn't call them Cessnas
  2. http://media.smh.com.au/video-news/video-world-news/disaster-averted-when-planes-clip-in-midair-6278517.html ouch!
  3. HAH! love it!
  4. that's a porta-loo, not a Tardis
  5. how about The Aviator (with Leo)
  6. ayavner


    well there's the CAGIT trophy, but I can't afford to go to WA and back just to get it. I like the idea though, and I have had a competitive tingle race through me on occasion when i've read the stories.
  7. hahah Tim you missed an opportunity to shake your fist at the sky and say "curse you Red Baron!!"
  8. I know what is going to have some great aviation scenes, and that is when 'Jack Flyer' is made into a movie!
  9. You misunderstood.... i was likening the talk of legislating it across the board to the same type of thinking that would consider seatbelts on a motorcycle. The devices themselves I see no downside to. Just that those types of suggestions often come from Well-Meaning Concerned Parties. But no, never meant to imply that a BRS was of any less value than it obviously is. I don't know if i would do anything "more" risky, but I would certainly do what i already do with "more" confidence. I like winsors idea of a new class with a higher weight limit to accomodate the BRS.
  10. aww i wanted to fly down there and watch it come in.
  11. This reminds me, some years ago, of discussion somewhere to legislate seatbelts on motorcycles. thankfully cooler heads prevailed.
  12. closer to the mark, i think, to say 'men who put other people at risk of death by getting into situations they are not trained nor qualified for may be psychopaths'. at least.
  13. Why stop there?
  14. So here's a question, probably rhetorical. I think the word is starting to get out, and I see alot of articles, forum discussions, and resources such as the ones aerogeek has shared... What is a person to do when it comes time to sit the exam? The books 90% of us have are still outdated apparently, and we know this is what the test writer is looking for. Any move by the industry to incorporate new information as it becomes available? I think it becomes a case of putting what you know will get the tick, and therefore another generation of pilots cruises along with misinformation.
  15. I actually think that is something I'd like to do one day, at least for a little while. I am sure there is a great deal of competition and networking involved, but I think it'd be great fun to fly the jump plane one day. Going to work on my CPL soon, but not in a huge hurry... just enjoying the freedom i have for now :-) Oz, i didn't know there was such a thing, I thought for some reason you always had to go tandem until you logged a certain number of jumps. I have no basis for that other than assumption... That's cool, thanks :-)
  16. right but to get back to the subject, anything new on this? do we know type?
  17. anything new on this? do we know type?
  18. I wasn't talking about the joke...
  19. looks like it could fly apart at any time! How does it feel, and what would you do about it! The aircraft in question seemed like it was fully under control, what would the pilot have been sensing there?
  20. Geez, odd timing this video because I had just been recently discussing giving this a go with a friend... doesn't do much for the confidence... i'd have thought the pilot would as a matter of policy stay at altitude and get well away from the area, not plunge straight down through it... are they in that big a hurry to get back? I'll probably still give it a go (maybe)
  21. oldie but a goodie
  22. he's so good, she seemed oblivious as to what happened
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