just talked to someone from the area (my old instructor)... not a single seater, its a tandem tail dragger. 2 of them went out, one returned. so sad :(
hrmm, if i recall, Wedderburn is a private strip and I think you have to be a member of their club to fly there.. unless this person was just passing through (probably with permission), should be straightforward to know who and what sort of aircraft.
Here's hoping for a good outcome...
Certainly didn't seem like a good flying day to me, at any point yesterday. Nice view HH - I can't even see the trees that clearly out my window right now!
yeah its a great show with some fantastic flying, just wish they wouldn't feel the need (as with all reality shows) to add in all the manufactured drama and whinging.
"oh noes! we might crash somewhere they allegedly ate people 60 years ago!" Dun Dun DUNNNNN.
hah i loved the bit where he said something to the effect of they are living much as they did 1000 years ago... then in the same breath... so we have to airlift supplies into them... of course. as they did 1000 years ago.
cool show though, makes me want to learn to fly like that one day.
what puzzles me is the number of them saying how they are just trying to build hours so they can get back to the UK and fly the heavies.... i can't imagine how unfulfilling that would be after experiencing this sort of flying!
had to laugh at the kid on skype with his girlfriend... he didn't exactly make her feel like she was anything special. Acting like its all hard work and misery.... well, she'll find out when she sees the program, seems like they make plenty of time for fun!
its because you 've linked it to your yahoo inbox.... try downloading the pics then just uploading them into the post.
here is the link for the first picture - so only you can view it (unless you want to pass out your yahoo creds)
Sounds good, you must be getting close to solo now! Was supposed to fly today, but the weather up here is uninspiring. Fun quiz at the end, and i like the transition sounds better on this one!
Hi Rick - between the Jab and the Tecnam, the principles are the same but handling will be a bit different.. you'll find the Tecnam much more docile and forgiving. Things that will throw you at first will just be stuff being in different places, different power settings for the various configurations, and slightly different sight picture/attitude out the window. But those are minor, may take you a couple of lessons to settle into it. Interested to hear what you think once you've tried both!
thanks guys, i'm just sitting back and absorbing, nothing to add just yet!
djp, i've downloaded that and went back and got part I as well... good stuff, and i do like that the FAA tries to show a little humour to keep it from being so dry.
Hi all - just trying to reconcile something in my brain.. you always hear of the appropriate landing approach speed as being 1.3 * Vs0. Yet most POH's quote an approach speed that is much higher than that.
For example, the J170 POH says Vs in landing config is 40 knots. 40 * 1.3 = 52, however the manual states 65 is the approach speed. I've seen similar discrepancies in other aircraft I've looked at.
So.. where does this Vs0*1.3 come from?
YESSS! love it! That's what i had pictured in my mind when i first started reading it way back when... that nails it (for me).
edit - oops, looks like you posted another one at the exact same time as i posted this. let me look at the other one now...
I almost think the cover should show one of the rag n tube models... i dunno... the Nieuport seems to me the non-flying public might associate that look with more of a hot-shot ace barnstorming type. whichever one is in that grainy picture on the bottom, if you have a similar side view of that one, that'd be my vote!