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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. no audio? or is it just me?
  2. welcome aboard!
  3. Just be afraid of some of the answers
  4. would a new weight and balance be required?
  5. not enough, nothing like the holidays to cut into your flying budget...
  6. isn't that a bit premature?
  7. Tiniest minority ever: golfers who take the train
  8. haha nice one - i've only overflown YPEC a couple of times, some reason i had in my memory it was a bit wider. PMQ is very nice, I think my best ever landing to date was there so maybe i am a bit biased hehe. Good one!
  9. wouldn't be the Aeropelican strip would it?
  10. scratch that, their runway is n/s
  11. is that PMQ?
  12. the thing i like was right underneath each picture, F_T's caption: buy this plane.
  13. Part 2 on tonight, same bat-time, same bat-station.
  14. hmmm, you want to be careful on a job like that offering to share the load...
  15. www.casa.gov.au/download/caaps/ops/235_1.pdf CAAP 235-1 Standard weights should not be used in aircraft with less than seven seats 11. Because the probability of overloading a small aircraft is high if standard weights are used, the use of standard weights in aircraft with less than seven seats is inadvisable. Load calculations for these aircraft should be made using actual weights arrived at by weighing all occupants and baggage.
  16. hell i'd do it for half!
  17. on the other end of the spectrum, it took me almost 2 years and 37 hours to get my certificate. navs and pax came pretty quickly after that.
  18. there's a section for them here on the forum, otherwise known as Aviation Laughter :-P Welcome scre80, enjoy the TIF!
  19. It was my pleasure, and you certainly put in a lot of hard work to make this the best it could be. I'm privileged to be the first, and I can't wait to hear more! Let me know when you're up next, we can do victor 1 and put that cockpit audio gear to work!
  20. ...so they referred her to the CIA
  21. Hope i didn't lead anyone astray with my interpretation, good work rank!... so short answer, if your doctor is willing to provide the said note, you should be good to go!
  22. yes, i have found in almost every organisation, there appear to be people whose only job is writing forms... I should think the State's willingness to issue me a driver's licence should be sufficient, if all they need is proof one is sufficiently fit to drive a car... If someone is so unwell/unfit that they cannot reasonably drive, then I imagine either the State would refuse it in the first place, or take it away/restrict it. yes those things can be "gotten around", but that's a product of dishonesty and would be no different whether we are talking about planes, cars, or boats. "look boss, 2 new forms today!" "good, good.."
  23. The orginal medical statement form is here, on the ra-aus website: https://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Recreational-Aviation-Australia-Medical-Declaration-Revised-November-2014.pdf which is the one most of us are used to. But on the form, it lists those conditions, then states you will need the medical statement from the doctor, blah blah. - which then takes us to this form, noted above: https://www.raa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Medical-Questionnaire-and-Examination-Form-1st-September-2014.pdf the last page of which is the statement from the physician: RECOMMENDATION BY MEDICAL EXAMINER I _____________________________ do declare, _________________________________ ( Full Name) (Applicant Full Name) is medically fit to be issued with a vehicle driver licence and to operate a recreational aircraft in Australia. It looks like a new addition since 1st September, which is also when Part 61 went live.
  24. I'd be leery of answering any job ad asking for an "Erections Supervisor"
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