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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. commas are free
  2. Outstanding! When you come back down, tell us about it! Any surprises? Was it what you thought it would be? great stuff, keep it up!
  3. Just looked it up... appears you are correct, although as defined in the ops manual, it is a stall with a wing drop - and I did do those, but I don't think he called them incipient spins. Over in GA-land, when we did them, it was also a stall wtih a wing drop, but this time the nose was pointed down and rotation was about to start. Should I have done that in RA-Aus as well? Glad I got them in somehow!!
  4. where do you think flying saucers come from?
  5. I did the bulk of my training there. I credit their thoroughness and the fact that they train to the GA syllabus (to the extent possible - no incip spins or instrument) and standards as a big part of helping me make a smooth transition to PPL.
  6. Highly recommend Bruce Robbins down at Fly Illawarra, YWOL - PM me for contact info.
  7. Ouch, did your back hurt after that? I always find a day or 2 after a firm landing that my back is a little sore, possibly from tensing up.
  8. I, for one, welcome our new Overlords
  9. could be discolouration from the UV?
  10. yeah... squawk #0002
  11. Right and this is what I was talking about in my example. I probably should have used the word windshear, but my brain had faded.
  12. haha OK well that was my context, and hopefully in that light some of the worms can go back into the can. i was not looking at the IAS at the time, but surmise that is what happened as the sock was back and forth all day (literally in the blink of an eye a couple times as I sat there afterwards with my coffee, reflecting). Louie you're right though, and ASI shouldn't change just with the normal changes of wind direction experienced on a cross country flight for example.
  13. At the risk of opening both ends of the can... i think he's right, it is important to understand so i am hoping I didn't misunderstand (or lead anyone else to) when i posted my thread. So in my mind... my understanding is this - If i am at 65 kts on short final with a crosswind, and it then becomes a tailwind (let's say 10 kts), my ground speed would indeed increase, which would lead me to perceive that I am going faster than i am, but would it not be true that my actual airspeed (ie air flowing over the wings) in fact be 10 kts lower?
  14. That's true in any language! :)
  15. yes I suppose... i've not had great luck with google translate, though it can be amusing at times. The article was good, welcome to the forum Tony!
  16. Pictures were nice, but unfortunately I don't read Portuguese :-)
  17. cool, thanks that is good to know. One thing i did before my test was I had a good idea of how the instructor's yoke lined up wtih a particular spot on the door out of the corner of my eye. not completely scientific, but did help in seeing it coming. would a piece of red pinstripe tape be a bad thing, or is the clearance through the hole such that it is likely to come off and gum up the works?
  18. Probably a dumb question: I think I understand the concept of the 'stick position' as relates to stalling, but would that translate to a particular 'yoke position' for those planes which have a yoke? if so, might be beneficial to take a red sharpie and draw a little line on the shaft as it reaches that point or a bit before? **disclaimer: please no beard tearing about whether or not it would be dangerous to attempt to draw a line on my yoke while in a stall. i know. really, i do.
  19. now that's just crazy talk Andy, how on earth would that happen??
  20. I know that brain fade very well. Usually happens to me right at about 2 hours, and I plan stops accordingly. I try to always remind myself at my stage that I am only just now becoming aware that I don't know what I don't know! My most recent planet-smiting came when just about to flare, the crosswind suddenly became a tailwind, and suddenly goodbye, 10 kts of airspeed that I really needed just then! Grabbed a bit of power and so softened it some, but still not the most graceful landing ever and I then spent the following week rereading and watching every resource I could get my hands on and so in hindsight was able to see what happened to me (at the time it was kinda like 'what tha...??'). As windy as it was that day, i should have gone flapless and carried in more speed. Yup, it was the BASICS that bit me!
  21. Small world. i am originally from the Dallas area, Wylie (Lucas) to be exact. perhaps I can look you up next time I'm there, maybe grab a burger and a beer!
  22. sweet looking!
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