I know that brain fade very well. Usually happens to me right at about 2 hours, and I plan stops accordingly. I try to always remind myself at my stage that I am only just now becoming aware that I don't know what I don't know!
My most recent planet-smiting came when just about to flare, the crosswind suddenly became a tailwind, and suddenly goodbye, 10 kts of airspeed that I really needed just then! Grabbed a bit of power and so softened it some, but still not the most graceful landing ever and I then spent the following week rereading and watching every resource I could get my hands on and so in hindsight was able to see what happened to me (at the time it was kinda like 'what tha...??').
As windy as it was that day, i should have gone flapless and carried in more speed. Yup, it was the BASICS that bit me!