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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. is that what comes after the 15 minutes of charm?
  2. haha i also heard while out there on Saturday a heavy requesting a ground speed check... i don't remember what it ended up being, but he said thanks and the ground guy said "yep... pret-ty fast...." lots of good little moments like that from time to time, adds to the fun.
  3. You could have your entire circuit done in the time it would take to make your downwind call!
  4. hahah even better, it took me awhile to stop saying "jabiru 7295" when in the piper or cessna. Just wanted to make sure I was accurate just there - i was tracking west at 8500' and the class C nearby was 8500' so was making sure to keep a bit below that... my other option was 6500, but it was very choppy down there. No ATIS at Tumut. I did go over (well about 10 miles west) Jasper Brush, heard an Archer leaving for Bankstown, was that you Andy?
  5. yes all good, i'll most likely do exactly that next time I am in the situation - thanks for the tip!
  6. PREPARED FOR: AYAVNER VALID FROM 2201 UTC NOV 23, 2014 TO 2201 UTC NOV 24, 2014 WEATHER INFORMATION ------------------- AREA21 (21) AREA QNH 22/01 AREA 21: SE OF YBOM/YBAO/36S152E 1010, REST 1014
  7. Correct, and in fact he did say that QNH was 1010 north of xxxxx and 1015 south of xxxx, so got what I needed, but yes i think he was amused.
  8. True..... thanks Frank!
  9. Funny thing happened to me this weekend, was out west tracking towards Jindabyne and requested from Melb Ctr an updated area QNH. 'No problem' he says, 'what is your location?'. 'Standby', i says and looking... looking... 'I am about 20 nm to the south of.. umm... ' and realised that I had only ever seen Tumut written but had no idea how to pronounce it!! anyway, i got through it (much to his amusement I think) and got the info I needed. had i planned to go there, I'd have probably figured it out ahead of time! (so how DO you pronounce Tumut??) Love to hear similar funny stories, there are some colourful town names in our country!
  10. Get your instructor to take you, usually just take a quick phone call... no need to wait for a "tour"... your instructor will have an ASIC and you'll be under escort.
  11. This is nice, thanks for taking the time to put that together! I think getting down the "flow" is important - everything you need to know is really in the ERSA, but understanding "why" and "when" helps it come together, and this doc really looks like it would be helpful in understanding that - at which point the ERSA simply becomes a reference as intended and not a "how to", which its not. Like you, I did my training at a busy class D (Bankstown) so had to cope with all this from day 1 - I think I have it mostly down now, though sometimes i can get a little bit confused if a taxi instruction comes along that is complex and wasn't what I was expecting, OR when they change circuit direction in the middle of things. Best thing I ever did to help my radio work is asked my instructor to take me to the tower and intro me to the guys. It really helped to just chat with them and see that they're just ordinary guys and gals and you can talk to them. And as long as you are professional and concise, don't be afraid to talk to them in plain English if necessary!! Thanks again mutley and welcome to the forum!!
  12. wish i'd known it was about her grandpa passing away.. mine just did 2 weeks ago :-(
  13. The runway's where you make it :-D
  14. Irony: a pilot ending up on a no-fly list...
  15. i just went to the store page to see if i could leave a review there, but doesn't look like the store has that capability?
  16. Just received mine a couple days ago and so far all indications are that it has all the features you'd want, easy to use and with plenty of mounting options, and a few quick test snaps have revealed perfectly good pics and videos in the admittedly darker late afternoon light inside my house. Only critique I'd have so far is more around the companion app - at least the iOS version. Rather than having a viewfinder or screen on the back, the unit sends a wifi signal to your ipad/iphone/tablet via a downloadable app - this allows you to see where it is pointing, and some controls (video/picture, resolution, timer, white balance, so on) so its really a great concept. Problem is the app is a little dodgy and randomly resizes itself such that any useful buttons are off screen somewhere and you cannot get them back. But that's an issue with the app, and I am sure as it gains in popularity they will provide updates over time. Still its useful for aiming the thing, and you can always control the shutter with the handy remote! 2 thumbs up and 4.5/5 stars - thanks for making this great product available to us at a great price Ian!! If I go flying this weekend, I'll take some proper pics and video to test it out, and post it here.
  17. c'mon Gibbo!! who's the lucky one!!
  18. I'll give it a go...
  19. i'll fly a leg.... er... so to speak
  20. better hurry if you're taking the Jab brumby hahaha
  21. suddenly the PPL looks like coming in handy :D
  22. If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail...
  23. Well... "aircraft fitted wtih jabiru engines"... CASA is responding to a high, and increasing, rate of engine failures among aircraft that are powered by engines manufactured by, or under licence from, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd (Jabiru). Such aircraft are referred to in this document as 'Jabiru powered aircraft'. The issues appear to be the result of several failure modes, which require separate investigation. CASA has formed the view that its functions under the Civil Aviation Act 1988 require it to mitigate certain risks to passengers, trainee pilots and persons on the ground. Accordingly, while CASA works with Jabiru to identify the causes of these engine failures and to implement appropriate corrective actions, CASA proposes a set of operating limitations on Jabiru powered aircraft. Additional information Contact: Lee Ungermann, Project Leader Email: [email protected]
  24. I use the mini with the bluetooth Bad Elf GPS and find the accuracy fantastic and the screen size more than adequate.
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