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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. Hi Ron, Welcome to the forum!
  2. it blows my mind that there ARE 100,000 olive oil bottles
  3. cheers mate very nice of you!
  4. hopefully I was the one that got the last one? :)
  5. I've just ordered the one in question, Ian good to know you've sold a lot and haven't had any complaints or returns. I'll post a video here when i've figured it out. That and a book haha thanks all!
  6. thanks flyerme, i suspect the one in question is somewhere in between, as it does have HD available - looks like your $50 ebay one didn't do (or wasn't set for) HD? love that biplane!!
  7. http://www.clearprop.com.au/for-aircraft/cameras/camera-units/go-pro-hero-3-style-sport-camera-with-wifi/ Hey all - seriously thinking about one of these, if they work and are decent, the price is certainly right! I am sure it isn't "As good" as the real thing in many areas, but is it "good enough"? interested in any feedback on this, think it'd be great for snapping pics or short videos in-flight.
  8. Hey cool, this will keep me busy for awhile!!
  9. looking out the window wishing I was up there flying!! welcome to the forum, enjoy, have a look around...
  10. ...in any case, in reality its not as though the guy (OP) was actually asking anyone to teach him how to fly or do anything for that matter over the forum. Having recently been in his shoes only a short couple years ago I can assure you it is just a normal part of the learning process that you want to vocalise your anxiety or questions to hopefully a sympathetic audience, talk it through, that sorta thing. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion, and i don't think every time someone asks a question that it needs to be jumped on with wailing and beard pulling and wrapped in disclaimers.... he's just looking for a bit of reassurance and maybe opening his mind to different ways to consume the info his instructor gives him, that's all.
  11. yeah pay attention to everything about how it feels in slow flight, not just the feeling of the controls itself, but a feeling for how to put the aircraft where you want it when you want it at the slow speed - ie, maybe at height your instructor will let you follow a road or some features... cuz guess what landing is?? Slow flight! First couple times i did slow flight, early in my lessons, it seemed like it was just a box to tick but after changing instructors and enough time passing, the true value of really absorbing slow flight sunk in and landings started to become less of a frenetic sequence of events and more of just a nice controlled slow flight where i just happened to be on the ground at the end! Hell, do several lessons in it if you need! adam
  12. Interestingly enough, in this month's Sport Pilot, p 31, there was an article about an Engine failure survey: Of note: * of 3200 aircraft registered with RAAus, 429 responded to the survey. * of those 429, 1/3 were Jabs, 1/3 were Rotax 4 strokes, and the rest were lycomings, 2 strokes, VW, etc. * of those, 1/5th (or about 100) experienced an engine failure - most jabs being for thru bolt, piston/ring, exhaust valve and most rotax for sprag clutch issues, CDI or electronic ignition failures, or gearbox problems. The survey is still open as far as I know, and full analysis and results aren't available. Maybe concerned parties (or everyone really) should take the survey to help build an accurate picture? Of course, in typical style, they say "information is available on the RA-Aus website", which buggered if i can find it. And they provide a link which contains roughly eleventy-billion random numbers and letters in the hyperlink - ever heard of tinyurl, guys??
  14. ayavner

    Tomo gets a Pacer!

    Gonna have to change that avatar, Tomo~!
  15. ayavner

    Tomo gets a Pacer!

    congrats Tomo!
  16. Well after over a month in processing limbo, I've finally received my part 61 PPL licence! Just in time to start thinking about my medical again lol...
  17. How'd it go recflyer? are you still with us?
  18. no not A, you are still restricted to VFR only which I believe excludes us from A altogether regardless of rego
  19. patience: it will take off when its ready and it will land when its ready :)
  20. Hi - no I meant PPL. Just wondering how wide spread the slowness was :)
  21. Nice one! Just curious, how long was the processing? CASA received my paperwork for my PPL on 15 Sep but it has yet to move past the "application received" stage. Because I took my flight test on 1/9, I had to fill in all the new forms for Part 61, so something that would have taken a couple weeks the day before now does not seem to have any avenue towards completion and they are hopelessly backlogged. 100% agree, starting out in RAAus was the best way for me, now I have flexibility and the best of both worlds, and at a fraction of the cost had I gone GA from the start!
  22. i've thought about that often, and i am pretty sure that would be my instinctive response would be to kill the engine asap.
  23. my wife was my first PAX... i wanted everything to be just right, i think I was more nervous than she was! we had a great flight and i think it remains my best landing ever. But no, she didn't get the bug.
  24. wow: http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us/2014/09/22/dnt-plane-crash-survivor-speaks.ktvu.html I wonder - shouldn't he have killed the engine and glided it in rather than attempt to fight a bucking plane with a broken prop? Good outcome, and they actually got the model right this time!
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