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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. Hey this is a great post, and I am following because I am also one who wants to understand rather than just repeat if at all possible. Just wondered if you could clarify, but I am not seeing the difference between the 2 other than the order of attitude and power and the fact that they are in CAPS on the second sentence. I may just be dense, but can you help here? I am just looking at it as 1+2 = 2+1, but that's clearly not what you meant. cheers~!
  2. yes, at least while I am waiting for more Jack Flyer :)
  3. http://edition.cnn.com/2014/09/08/travel/dc3-c-47-world-war-ii-plane-reunited-with-pilot/index.html?hpt=hp_bn6
  4. Then my insurance for that would be very cheap indeed, because I can guarantee I wouldn't do that more than once!!
  5. http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2014/aair/ao-2014-148.aspx
  6. edited above to reflect advisory, not regulation.
  7. Here it is - CAA 235-1, paragraph 11: Standard weights should not be used in aircraft with less than seven seats 11. Because the probability of overloading a small aircraft is high if standard weights are used, the use of standard weights in aircraft with less than seven seats is inadvisable. Load calculations for these aircraft should be made using actual weights arrived at by weighing all occupants and baggage. 235_1.pdf 235_1.pdf 235_1.pdf
  8. Definitely understandable!! I'd hate to be 12 degrees off when flying near the control steps!! better safe than sorry.
  9. I believe that is correct - can't remember the specific reg, but it was something I had read when studying for the PPL written. I believe 7 PAX and below requires actual weights, can't use standard.
  10. Hi Aj - yes I have found in the flight plan that the Track given is in degrees magnetic. I can't remember if there is anything to indicate what correction has been made or from where, but i went through an entire flight plan manually with my chart and protractor and came up wtih the same results, so i was satisfied they were done correctly.
  11. found some for you!
  12. Yeah it was pretty straightforward. My PPL flight test was actually done on 1/9 which was the first day of part 61, so i had to redo all the forms, but the whole process from RA > GA was not too painful (other than the elsewhere well-document battle over the Class 2 med...). i hear the new licences are going to be shiny plastic ones, so that'll be nice.
  13. haha thanks guys! UL - absolutely, I want to do at least a course on recovery from unusual attitudes. I don't want the first time I fly upside down to be a surprise ;-). Just need to recover from the unusual expense - to get this done quickly, I got a 0% visa from NAB and just chucked it all on there (rather than do one lesson a month as finances allow). now to pay it off!! Kaz - thanks mate, I'll update the blog soon. Col's leaning technique... well... it ain't the snags haha! Nahh, not the technique per se, but he did remind me a couple times to be sure and remember to do that - its easy to forget when you've been in a jab for almost 3 years (and that and the tecnam are all I've flown), but I did remember it in the test and a tick is a tick!
  14. Col, you've been a huge encouragement to me and I've gotten a lot out of hearing about your experiences. Thanks for the tip on leaning the engine... that ones been hard for me to remember, not having had to deal with it on the Jab. and yes your snags are top notch!
  15. Great stuff! how did it feel? Were you surprised at how much quicker everything happened? Did you talk to yourself the whole way through?
  16. Hi all, Finally did the Big One (for me)... i am absolutely buggered, so will put it into words when I've had time to gather my thoughts. For those wondering about the conversion from RAAus + NAV + PAX, it took about 17 hours worth of navs and circuits in the Piper, but I would suggest experiences would vary considerably - i feel like i am barely aware that I don't know what I don't know! I'll update my blog when i have time, i am a couple of sessions behind on that as well. Thanks to the gang at Schoies!
  17. Hi Welcome Jerome.. what area are you in? i've heard nothing but great things about Dave's at the Oaks. Personally I have experience with Fly Illawarra down at Wollongong, and Sydney Jabiru at Bankstown. Depends on your goals, i went mainly with Sydney Jabiru and feel very well prepared for things like circuit traffic, airspace awareness, and dealing with the tower. The downside is that its large so can take a good chunk of your time just in runup and taxi, etc. Fly Illawarra are good because they are in uncontrolled airspace and smaller so you can get more flying in much quicker, plus Bruce is one cool cucumber. be sure to keep us up on your progress!
  18. nothing on atsb.gov.au just yet, but i know I'll be watching for it!
  19. seriously... dying to know what happened here! was it a panic? was he suicidal? dementia?
  20. Mid-flight incident forces pilot to make emergency landing Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/midflight-incident-forces-pilot-to-make-emergency-landing-20140825-108acq.html#ixzz3BRizDgdq good job by the pilot, and dare say the reporting isn't bad either this time...
  21. We can rebuild him...
  22. has everyone signed that change.org petition that was floating around? and what about the cutting red tape site? all we can do is keep squeaking the wheels...
  23. the way the application for the PPL is written seems to imply that the ASIC is required, there are tick boxes for either "i have an ASIC" or "my application for ASIC is attached" so not sure there is a way around it for someone just starting out like myself. bumma...
  24. got my ticket! trampolines and dodgeball, what could go wrong!!
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