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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. Thanks Col, yes I lucked out with instructors on both sides of the fence... if i can get out of my own way on the test, i might have a chance!! Thanks for the tips, those are a couple of the spots i tend to forget occasionally!
  2. Thanks all! Well all the boxes are ticked and forms are signed.. .just waiting now to schedule the flight test! My original goal of PPL by end of august may be a reality!! (depending on weather of course). For those keeping track, after the RAA cert + PAX and XC (with a little over 60 hours), it took me about 16 hours in the Warrior II to get to this point. The biggest factor was an RAA school that trained to GA standards, so I had much less to do starting out. Once in the Warrior, we hit it very hard and covered everything... its been exhausting, but so much fun. Hopefully I can nail the flight test and open myself up to the wider world of aviation, and more options! Barra - I have updated my blog up to the point of my CTA endo, but am a little behind. Thanks for reading!
  3. I've had my set for a couple years now and they are still doing great! I find them very comfy.
  4. Hi everyone,Little Wings is a charity flight service that flies sick and terminally ill children from regional Australia to major cities so that they can get medical treatment and reduce the trauma of being separated from their families and hence assisting the recovery process. Just putting this here to help raise money and awareness by helping promote their trampoline dodge ball evening. The event will be held from 5pm to 8pm on Monday 1st of September at Skyzone Alexandria Sydney You get the freedom to come along any time during the event with your team. You don’t even need to have a full team, just bring some friends or work friends and help support this event.. For a contribution of $30, you get the following - 3 hours jump time participating in friendly trampoline dodge ball games, trampoline slam dunk and free style jumping - $20 of the ticket price goes directly to Little Wings - Play alongside Fitzy and Wippa from NOVA 96.9 - Play alongside Ash London and Scott Tweedie from the Loop - Play alongside Andrew “Reidy” Reid and Jesse Polock from Bondi Rescue - The chance to play against the Sydney Thunder Cricket Team - You could also be in the drawer to win a $530 30 minute scenic flight with Sydney Seaplanes for you and a friend; win a joy flight with Sydney Jabiru Flying School; iFly Indoor Skydive or Ding Duck Merchandise. You can also purchase Pizzas and Slurpees on site. If you’d like to help support Little Wings, please go to the link below and purchase a ticket http://www.littlewings.org.au/merchandise/lets-fly-for-little-wings-charity-event-ticket If you can’t make it, but would like to make a tax deductable donation, please click on the link below https://give.everydayhero.com/au/team-little-wings For more information about Trampoline Dodge Ball, go to http://skyzone.com.au/ For more information about Little Wings, go to http://www.littlewings.org.au/
  5. I've had it happen a few times, in the jabiru and lately in the Piper... it is disconcerting the first time or 2 but I think as Andy pointed out, having an idea of the temp and RH helps to be on the alert for the first sign of engine sputter.
  6. Here's the obligatory harbour scenic shot (yes the instructor took the pic, before anyone has a go...)
  7. This weekend's PPL lesson, we did a Nav through Richmond LOE and down to harbour Scenic 1. It was a grueling lesson, and the weather wasn't the best, but I now have my controlled airspace endorsement! taking my pre-licence flight test this Sunday... wish me luck!
  8. "A gentleman doesn't motor about after dark" - Joseph Lucas
  9. Resistance is futile (think that about takes care of Ohm's law)
  10. thanks kgw :-)
  11. nevermind... they'll send an invoice. in the space of a year, i managed to forget that's how I've done it the last 3 times... maybe going blind isn't my problem...
  12. hell no. ten characters is that enough??
  13. Now I love a web page with a wall-o-text to sift through as much as the next guy... https://www.raa.asn.au/contact/forms/ But i can't seem to find the basic membership renewal form - have they moved it? Neither the student nor re-activation forms seem right for my situation (pilot/pax/xc) , and the rest look more like initial applications for endos or ratings. i have an email in with them, but wondering if anyone else has found it in some other spot? its just that and the medical declaration still, right?? (oh and now $210 apparently...)
  14. follow it here: http://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2014/aair/ao-2014-119.aspx nothing yet, but watch this space
  15. I just get told to CLEAROFF...
  16. Next closest is turbz with 8831...
  17. Oh crap, i thought that was for the BBQ...
  18. a flaming bag of poo is funny in any language
  19. and who could forget the flaming bag of poo on the front doorstep???
  20. Do you realise it is just as close to 2048 as it is to 1985? the thought makes me run cold...
  21. Aviation is proof that given the money, we have the capacity to achieve the impossible. There, fixed it for ya!
  22. yes its all down to aeronautical experience. The J160 counts as a group A ultralight, which counts towards the hours needed for GFPT or PPL.
  23. ayavner


    you are definitely going to need to change your avatar!
  24. Congrats mate!! it only gets better from here!!
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