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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. I'm striving to be a Real Pilot, per the original post. Oh sure, I'm already a pilot - even have a card and everything! But everything you do, every choice you make, either makes the situation better or worse. Think about it and try always to pick the option that makes it better. All 10 items above can be paraphrased as "airmanship".
  2. not to worry, we're paying for it out of the pensions
  3. haha thanks guys, enjoying the lively discussions anyway! Col, I'll be doing my conversion over at Schofields - now I just have to apply for my ASIC and SPL, and start getting scheduled for the flying. I have more than enough hours dual/solo/xc but will need the instrument hours, 2 I believe. After that, its just however long it takes to get up to standard on a new (to me) plane - think I'm gonna go with the Warrior II. And of course the written test. Agree that it is just a box tick thing, it'd be smarter to anticipate the "intent" of the question rather than the literal meaning of it... maybe for fun I'll post a thread on applying for ASIC, can only imagine what fun that is going to be....
  4. They had the Roulettes and others parked on it at the 26 side
  5. the Roulettes did not get up. the Sabre did a few passes, then the F-18's took off, one did some nice displays and the other one just disappeared. The one doing the displays didn't even land, I think they both just went home. Once that happened, the entire audience population hit the gates en masse. it was a nice day out, but a bit of a bust as far as any flying displays go. I was really looking forward to seeing Matt Hall's routine too~!
  6. Fair enough... its behind me to the extent that i can now start back on my PPL training but yeah agreed I do need to clarify that with them... if i am going to have to do this every year, may as well do a class 1. I'll give em a ring Monday, i want to have a look when i get home and make sure none of those other restrictions or whatever are on there. you're not being cynical - nothing wrong with being realistic!
  7. Nahh, its all about arse-covering, and I get that. I agree with a lot of what has been said already that the system is designed to make you not want to report things that really should be reported... its a shame really, but there you are. I don't know that the advice was bad per-se, just don't know really that it HAD to take this long or so much info required.... for a class 2.... if i say i have the problem, i guess they are bound to follow it through. Just glad to have it behind me!
  8. no doesn't look like any restrictions other than i have to provide all the sleep study stuff with my next medical... i'll look it over more closely, but didn't see anything like that. Do you think it would be worth calling them to at least clarify? I mean i am completely fit, other than being stupid enough to tick the box about having occasional trouble sleeping...
  9. aaaannnnd, got mine in the mail yesterday! I am a little confused, they have made it for 1 year - at 44, i thought they were still good for 2 years? I'll have to look it up. Also they made it 12 months from the date of application, NOT the date they issued it, so 4 months of slogging for essentially an 8 month medical certificate... the last few months of which will no doubt be consumed in trying for the renewal... should i even bother asking? or just take it and be grateful?
  10. would love to see that thing fly, looks like they are making pretty good progress with it
  11. Well, got through my sleep study with predictable results (perfectly controllable with CPAP) and even sat a full-day Maintenance of Wakefulness Test and did not get drowsy or fall asleep once - which should be pretty compelling evidence that the CPAP works AND that I don't have any issues staying awake though the day - so its all in their hands now, spoke to them yesterday and was told they have everything they need and should have something in the next few days... assuming of course no one else decides they need more info... seriously, 4 months to get this thing, I surely could have finished up my PPL by now. Anyway, here's hoping! :)
  12. stealth? just turn off the transponder...
  13. ... to no avail, they still don't have any info other than basic name and address in my self-service portal area... thought that was where you were supposed to be able to check on status of medical certs and that sort of thing?
  14. I wanted to look some things up and the page only shows the logo banner with no content. Anyone else having this problem? www.casa.gov.au thanks adam
  15. Ooooh I see... I was thinking it would be a separate doc I could read... This way it kinda assumes I already know about them all. Guess it will give me a good preview to see if i should buy the hard copy. Thanks!
  16. Right but how do you read it?
  17. With the latest update, it says that the Pilots Touring Guide is now included. I have downloaded the update, and the files under Downloads > Australia > Other - something like 288 of them. It shows as active under my subscriptions..... But I cannot find it anywhere -has anyone downloaded this update and been able to find it? I'd love to have a read, but its nowhere to be found.
  18. congrats Tomo, all the best!
  19. oooh a mystery... hrm so Ryan reckons it is a boeing, and I guess a 4 engine older model of some sort, but i don't think the 707's had APUs so kinda rules that out.
  20. Maybe not really, but in context it would be a good outcome to find the plane and black boxes, and find out an innocent reason for it all and that the pilots died as heroes trying their best.
  21. something, anyway... could be a shipping container as well. all parts are crossed hoping for a good outcome!
  22. yeah can't wait to see this on Air Crash Investigations one day... they'll have to do a 2 hour special on it!
  23. Here are a few pics from the weekend's flying: Lake Cataract, about 15-ish nm North of YWOL ^ In the area of The Oaks airfield, a bit to the south headed up from Mittagong ^ Lots of these guys on Saturday... still don't know if i have the cojones for that... ^ Stopped into the flying school for a cuppa and this guy certainly knows how to spot a sucker ^
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