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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. Yup, I did it! By myself this time... YWOL to YGLB and back... Bit bumpy in parts, but overall a great day. Had the pleasure of meeting fellow forumite Eric and seeing his (new to him) J170. Was going to upload a couple of pics but they appear sideways from the ipad, so ill do it tomorrow from my PC.
  2. and really what are the odds of at least 1 out of ~300 people not being able to dial from a mobile or cause a fire or *something*?
  3. I guess it beats having no real info... Thursday, March 13, 11:10 AM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 17th Media Statement As a mark of respect to the passengers and crew of MH370 on 8 March 2014, the MH370 and MH371 flight codes will be retired from the Malaysia Airlines’ Kuala Lumpur- Beijing-Kuala Lumpur route. With effect from 14 March 2014, the new flight number to replace MH370 and MH371 will be:- MH 318 – Kuala Lumpur - Beijing MH 319 – Beijing - Kuala Lumpur There are no changes to the frequency of our services and we will continue to operate double daily services to Beijing. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the families of our colleagues and passengers of MH 370.
  4. I've had that happen to me both in a car (jag e-type, stuck carb linkage) and a motorcycle (don't remember which) and I think in both cases quickly giving it clutch then killing the ignition kept me from running up someone's backside. One of those real world demonstrations that knowing how your engine/system works makes you a better driver, but certainly gets your attention!
  5. Welcome to the forum! there's one of those for sale in the member's market, looks sweet!
  6. not speculating as to cause, but agree it had to be catastrophic for no indication from anyone... hell, even if the cockpit did explode, surely in the last couple of thousand feet, someone's cell phone would have gotten a signal... or something?? My bet's on dangerous goods.. usually the terrorist scum are a lot quicker to take credit. OK so i speculated. Agree with Bluey and all who have expressed condolences to all involved.
  7. Great job AJ!! It really is a great feeling!
  8. Oscar - You would be right, looks like all of area 21 is awash.... I've postponed my trip, but I'll keep working on the permission at YMIG... my preference would be to land there anyway, and have a cuppa and a chat at the club... was just thinking t&g's in case no one was going to be there, but good to know... sounds an interesting place, and I hope i get to see it soon! Keith - amend that - it happens all over the world! :-(
  9. Kinda what I thought guys, thanks! I'll just fly over unless i'm able to get them in the morning.
  10. Yup, hitting the oaks as well... but with the rain we've been getting not sure if i'll land there or not. Plan is to hit the BBQ at Goulburn, weather permitting.
  11. hey all, just wondering what we do in a case where we haven't been able to reach the listed number or email address listed for PPR in ERSA? I'm going to fly right over Mittagong on the way to Goulburn, and thought I might do a full stop there or some touch and goes, just for practice. whats the go, can i just broadcast when in the area and ask for permission that way if all other avenues have failed? thoughts?
  12. Well let's see how we go. This Dr. seems pretty well versed in dealing with CASA and seemed fairly certain that he's doing as much as he needs, but no more, to satisfy the question they asked. Part of the problem is I don't have the records for my initial diagnosis... But, will see how it goes. Bandit12, and indeed everyone - I will certainly keep this thread updated to the best of my ability, because I suspect I won't be the last one with this situation. The actual overnight is on 7/4, with a follow up in a week, so I suspect awhile after that for CASA to stroke their beards over it. Bureaucracy at its finest... they don't really know, so they have you do everything "just in case" then when its done, there's more hoops basically to avoid making a decision. DrZ, how do i find out about this inquiry? Not sure I want to put myself "out there" just yet, as so far I have no reason to suspect a "no"... but, just in case...
  13. Ok went and saw him today, I actually like the guy and he seems to know what he's about... I do have to do the sleep test, but it will be with my mask and he is just using that to demonstrate proper control of the OSA. Then there's this thing he wants me to do next day, basically sitting in a room all day and trying to stay alert for 40 minute stretches... can't remember what that's called, just sounds like boredom haha. so this is mid to late april, so now looking like at least May before i can start my PPL... i've already been spinning my wheels 2 months with this stuff, i could conceivably be well into it or even done by now at the rate i was planning to go... but, progress!
  14. Mate thank you very much for the extra insight... that definitely helps.. i might just need to go with a different outfit. I'll call CASA in the morning and triple-check (again) whta their requirements are, then may just need to find a different place so I can start over on the front foot...
  15. Thanks guys... yeah unfortunately I think i am stuck in this. CASA haven't stipulated anything, they just asked for a "formal sleep study" and both times I called, they said that the at-home one is fine for what they want. However, the sleep doctor I've ended up with has decided he is more comfortable having me do the in-hospital one instead - probably for the reasons you mentioned jaba-who... really sh*ts me off, i already KNOW i have it, and I'm already under treatment! i don't see the benefit here, as the best they are going to do is agree with me that I have it, and perhaps line me up with a newer/better machine. But I didn't need that expense right now, and will probably use up the money I had earmarked for my PPL (how's that for irony?). So J-W in your opinion, when i go to do the sleep test should I make sure and tell the Dr that i want them to put the mask on in the middle of it once they see that I have OSA? That way they could demonstrate the condition AND show that the treatment is effective all in one go. That's how they did it when i was first diagnosed, but that was in the US. Grateful for everyone's thoughts here! Andy, that blows me away... for a kidney stone??? Lucky me, to end up in the cross hairs of their cause du jour....
  16. Yeah, the temptation is just to tick the boxes since you know the "correct" answers... which I think is a bad road to send people down. It should really be a non-issue, I was diagnosed in 2009, and so far have managed not to fall asleep at the wheel or stick or at work, thanks to my CPAP machine (which I hate). I'm happy wtih a class 2 for now, just want to get my PPL so I can have more options and experience more of aviation.
  17. Actually, they all do don't they? thats how you get the nose up n down... :-P
  18. what has been seen cannot be unseen.
  19. so just as a followup... yes, they did indeed write back and say they needed a formal sleep study report so I've been in the throes of trying to get that done... a very expensive and time consuming process. Part of the problem is no one really seem to know exactly what needs to be done, so out of caution they seem to want you to do all of it.. which is getting very expensive indeed. CASA said I could do one of the at-home sleep studies, so I went in, paid the $395 for the gear and another $200 for a consultation. Then get a call the next day saying the doctor doesn't think this will suffice for CASA (despite them having said so) and now wants me to go in for the in-hospital one. I'm doing it, because it is just my luck that if I don't, then CASA will in fact come back in a month's time and say oh sorry we need you to go back and do this blah blah. No telling how much that is going to cost... and i don't seem to ever be able to tick the right box or utter the magical phrase that will have either medicare or BUPA pay for anything.. i am told I have their best coverage through my employer, yet on the rare times I do try to claim anything there is always some esoteric exception despite whatever Dr. office telling me that oh yeah, routine stuff, should be covered, yadda yadda. Anyway... will update when I finish with that, for the benefit of anyone else who may have similar experiences... hopefully it will all go well, SOMEONE will cover some or all of the expense, and I can get going on my PPL before i completely lose momentum. I only need 2 hours of instrument time, 2 more solo XC hours, and whatever time it takes me to get familiar with the new aircraft and competent to pass the test. That and the exams of course... I really am a sucker for a Quest....
  20. when i try to open it in another tab, it wants me to log into gmail. curiouser and curiouser...
  21. clearly "a few ales" wasn't enough...
  22. I used to watch these take off from RAF Mildenhall in the UK back in the 80s, when I was a crew chief on the EC-135's... so loud the noise split the sky, and I never, ever, EVER got tired of seeing them. Especially before sunrise, you could see that blue flame coming out the back. I'll have to go find the shoe box now and see if I have any piccys. Was a sad day when they retired the SR-71 :-(
  23. Congrats!!!! Be safe and have fun!
  24. just try really hard not to think about it. Damn!!!!
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