Took up my first passenger today, and who was the brave soul? None other than my wife Rebecca! We drove down to Wollongong first thing in the morning, and after waiting a bit for the weather to clear, fueled up the J170 and did some sight-seeing. I worked a bit on my "patter" and briefings. I think I was more nervous than she was, as I really knew I had to get it right. But she said she'd do it again, so that was a plus!
We went up and down the coast line, saw the big P&O cruise ship docked just off of Kiama, then followed the coastline north to look at the sea-cliff bridge - always wanted to do that!
She brought her nikon D90 along, so hopefully got some good piccies and will post a couple. I wish I had thought to take a picture of her as well, but got pretty wrapped up in everything. Hopefully with more practice I'll free up some brain cells for the finer points of the experience.
On short final, I did say "well I guess now its time to see if the lessons were worth the cost" which got a chuckle, then followed by a beautiful greaser landing.
What a great day!