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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. my understanding based on the wording is that it is related to the takeoff/landing performance, ie they won't guarantee and one shouldn't assume/extrapolate that you can safely take off or land if the temp is over 38.
  2. and from the J160POH: Extrapolation outside the boundaries of the Take-Off Distance Table is not permitted. When the outside air temperature and/or pressure height is below the lowest range included in the table, the aircraft performance shall be assumed to be no better than that appropriate to this lowest range. The performance information is not valid when the outside air temperature and/or pressure height exceeds the maximum values for which this information is scheduled. The chart only goes up to 38* So i think its "implied" in the 160 POH, then "stated" in the 170 POH for clarification. If extrapolation is not allowed, then above 38* sounds like a no-go.
  3. 9 CLIMATIC RESTRICTIONS Maximum Ambient Operating Temperature................38°C Flight into known icing conditions ............................... Prohibited From the 170C POH
  4. Thanks found it djp http://www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_101529
  5. Well... early days yet... hopefully they will just have me sign something saying I'll continue to use my CPAP machine or similar, perhaps get a sleep study every x years. If its not meant to be, well I have RAAus :) Just would like the choice, is all. Plus a transferrable licence if i should find myself back in the US.
  6. Thanks guys. Hopefully given all my other numbers were excellent, and its only a class 2, they'll let me off lightly. I can understand it being a concern esp for a class 1, however I'm not flying 30 hours a week nor have any reason to fly at all unless I am feeling tip-top. Will see, fingers crossed...
  7. Went and did my class 2 medical today, as I am considering transferring to PPL so that i can have the option of aircraft/airfield as appropriate. Also - my school in Bankstown finally got a waiver from CASA so RAA pilots can fly out of Bankstown (solo only) for the purpose of "continued training" - but it also requires a class 2. It went well for the most part however I did have to tick the box about sleep apnea, which i have and use a CPAP machine for. Doctor did alot of writing on that one! Does anyone know if that is going to cause any problems for the class 2? After spending $320 for the medical and CASA fee, I certainly hope not!
  8. a big goose-egg, if you will...
  9. As I mentioned in my post about the PAX endo, I wanted to get in some more practice on emergency procedures to make sure I was comfortable and confident. A few weeks ago I went out and did a lesson on Precautionary Search and Landings. Here is my blog write up here: http://morerightrudder.wordpress.com/2014/01/12/precautionary-search-and-landing-psl-practice/ Then a couple weekends ago, I went up on a hot, windy, bumpy day just for a nice day of circuits and forced landings... more challenging than normal, but I got a lot out of it - it was nice to be able to fly because I want to work on a skill or just have fun, as opposed to flying off a lesson or hours towards a cert. No flying today, xmas was hard on the budget lol :)
  10. That says New York, not India... Different story methinks
  11. I have the Aviation Theory Centre navigation and meteorology books i'll sell you, that's what I used. http://www.conceptaviation.com.au/products_info/books~aviation-theory-texts~ppl-cpl__meteorology-aviation-theory-centre http://www.conceptaviation.com.au/products_info/books~aviation-theory-texts~ppl-cpl__navigation-aviation-theory-centre PM me if interested :)
  12. yeah i think we were mostly joking Nev... I am sorta wondering who is going to be first though. Not sure my wife is too keen to be #1 in this case :-D
  13. c'mon over Mag, I am sure we can find a maccas with a playground close to an airstrip!!
  14. Thanks for reading, guys! I guess I should update it as well, I did a session of precautionary search and landings and low level last week and just yesterday went up for an hour of some pretty hairy crosswind landing practice... bumpy blowy day but so much fun!! Great confidence builder! now to find a 5 year old...
  15. Looks like a "scratch" is the last thing he'd want in that!
  16. Here's the writeup on this one, not too wordy this time, as I am just catching up on blogging the big Navs day! http://morerightrudder.wordpress.com/2013/12/23/passenger-endorsement-done/ go to the home page and scroll down if you want to read the 3 part Navs write up!
  17. Figure of speech... try not to read too much into it :-)
  18. couple of hours hooning around in the glorious training area around Wollongong to wrap up my PAX cert! What a day too, not a cloud in the sky and smooth and calm.
  19. Hi all, just back from YWOL and ticking off the last 2 hours of solo time for that and the checkride! The prospect of the responsibility is nothing short of awesome.. .having someone other than a pilot in the right seat. I am going to do more PSL and PFL work and circuits still I think before taking that step, but it is nice to have the accomplishment in hand. Thanks Bruce at Fly Illawara!!
  20. I know I'm gonna cop it, but give me Tassie any day...
  21. Looks like a great time, only made it 1:22 into the video however... is the version without the music and hi-speed available? I like to hear the rise and fall of the engine note and what is being said and all ;)
  22. What, ALL of them?
  23. not sure anyone under 30 would know what it means anyway....
  24. you'll find it rarely helps
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