Hi all - still buggered after a FULL day, but wanted to pass on that I finally got my solo hours and passed the XC flight test yesterday!
I'll write it all up in my blog, but it was a big day with lots of twists and turns! From Bankstown the plan was to fly to Young, however got as far as Goulburn (home of the sideways sock) and the clouds were closing in all around so I decided to pull in there for a bit. Hung out at the flying school there for an hour until the clouds broke up, amended my flight plan and sartime with airservices, then off to Young.
My CFI is from there, so he visited family while I did my solo - Young West Wyalong - Forbes. Landed at YFBS and I was the only person or plane there. Even the toilet was full of tumbleweeds (I have pics). The club was closed and I wasn't sure about refilling my water bottle from the lawn hose, so I just left it and went up to Parkes - Cowra - Young. Winds were pretty robust, so I was only managing a ground speed in the 60s at some points (but in the 110s the other way, woooo) so logged a healthy 2.9 hours solo nav.
Then got back, got updated weather and did my flight plan and charts etc and the way back was filled with diversions, getting lost (and not all on purpose), low level, and some real-world opportunities to avoid clouds.
All in all, about 8.1 hours in one day, I was buggered, it was all i could do to remember I still had to land and taxi back at bankstown (save the high workload bit for the last haha) but I guess I managed, and I passed!
So now just need to rack up a few more PIC hours for the PAX which I hope to do in the next few weeks!
I'll post the blog link here when I get round to gathering my thoughts, right now its all still a buzz. First order of business today is a relaxing massage!