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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. This is a great discussion! i also wish full spins were taught and aircraft certified under RAAus... I know I'd feel better if the first time I have to do it is under instruction, not under duress! I would agree with DrZoos regarding the safety and legality, so I think what I might do is sign up with one of these aerobatic outfits and get some training in a properly certified aircraft. Then if one day it should happen to me for whatever reason in a Jab, I'll have practiced it properly and can hope that the plane would withstand the attempt to recover - if its an emergency, you do what you must; but no need to create an emergency for yourself or the next guy by practicing a full spin if the plane clearly isn't certified for it.
  2. What a beautiful day it was yesterday, did our low-level navs up from Warnervale to Cessnock - what great fun, almost like driving a car; eyes outside a lot more and basically steering from point to point. I'll put the link to the blog when I get it written up. Diversions were equally fun and challenging, and I felt like I did really well with my in-flight mental maths. That's pretty much it for the XC syllabus, just need to do my solo and the test! Got a month before I can go up again, so will probably do a consolidation flight first so I'm not hopelessly rusty on the day. His plan for my solo looks like a tour of country NSW - Young, cootamundra, wyalong, forbes, parkes and back... hope there are some decent visual references out there, the map looks pretty sparse! Back in the office and it is too damn nice to be inside!
  3. ... remembering of course I did spell out the purpose of the exercise was to call them out and physically go through the motions or radio calls as needed. I agree, just calling stuff out without acting on it is useless. Its definitely burned into my brain, when I say to myself "ts and ps are green" i look and be sure they actually are. Now after some time to reflect since having gotten my ticket, I have made somewhat of an effort towards streamlining these types of things and just "flying the plane", and I am sure part of that is just getting comfortable and gaining more experience. But doesn't stop me from thinking about it all day, i really am a tragic... i need a more exciting job.
  4. I think for you if it doesn't have FL in front of it, it counts!!
  5. Yup, YCNK via YWVA.. should be there around 1330-ish? Not sure how long we'll stay, is there a cafe or facilities? Ben - just planning the last bit of the XC syllabus before my solo and test flights, a low level nav to YCNK and back (with a diversion in there somewhere)
  6. Would have loved to see that, did you have a passenger to get a piccy?
  7. looking forward to that, looks like a lot of fun! How's everyone's experience been with them?
  8. not the way I fly...
  9. http://www.cnn.com/2013/09/12/travel/seoul-invisible-skyscraper-tower-infinity/index.html?hpt=hp_c4 yes. An invisible skyscraper. near an airport...
  10. Well but if the 230 is RAA registered, doesn't he still need an RAA cert? If it were VH rego then he wouldn't need the conversion, to my understanding anyway
  11. that'd only work if you were standing though?
  12. Well lots of options here Alan - http://www.raa.asn.au/market/ pretty much across the budget spectrum. As well as here in the classifieds. Maybe as f_t implies, if you know what your budget is, why not see what's available. There's rag and tubes way north of 30K, and there are some nice honest fliers under $20K (boingk's minicab comes to mind, but i think he sold) so there are definitely options! Welcome to the site as well!
  13. haha all i wanted to say is that it was on, right after the talent show. Glad everyone got to see it, its nice to see some positive coverage of light aircraft.
  14. hi speed_racer, to answer the overall question, if you are concerned about safety or maintenance, then yes you should change if they are unable to address your concerns. As to what's left, its not just a matter of x hours flying + 5 hours solo, but there is a syllabus to be followed and it takes as long as it takes. Then there's the practice test and the real thing - sounds like you're close though!
  15. same channel, directly after...
  16. is doing a story on the young bloke who just completed his round the world solo record. Can't wait, makes sitting through Australia's Got Talent almost bearable :)
  17. seriously... why do they persist on calling it a "crash" landing... sounds more dramatic?
  18. Yup you're right it does. Think if I'd have known a week or two prior that the entire blue mountains would be under smoke though, I'd have planned something else. worked out pretty well for the purpose of my lesson, but I'd have been bummed if i really wanted to go there for real.
  19. Hi all - there was some pretty good discussion around the smoke aspects of my latest post about my second Nav exercise and having to divert due to smoke from bush fires or control burns. I thought I would post this helpful link to the rural fire service's control burn schedule - might help in flight planning for anyone that has a trip coming up. http://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/dsp_content.cfm?cat_id=689 Looks like it is updated weekly.
  20. yes, my parents eat this stuff up :) Very happy with the instructor, even if I do get frustrated with the school and administrative aspects from time to time... i think I'll have no trouble transitioning to PPL, and that's definitely due to his thoroughness.
  21. and, the official Crapping On version... http://morerightrudder.wordpress.com/2013/09/03/second-navigation-exercise-lost-whats-your-plan/
  22. Thanks turbz, so while I am not sure I am in a position to give advice, nevertheless I would say that person is taking their life and possibly others into their hands in a very foolish way. Besides, why would anyone want to learn to fly without learning all the stuff that goes with it? I took this on to challenge my brain and learn new concepts, not to just steer a chair in the sky. I can buy a cheap Jetstar flight and let someone else fly! That said, a GPS would be handy as long as its just used in a secondary way to confirm a position. The jab has a moving map system, and we just leave it turned off - not even sure how to work it lol. Dazza that's scary stuff, and i was definitely having all those thoughts while looking at it. If id have not been with the instructor, i'd have just turned around no questions. But at least now i have a couple of tools in case i'm caught out.
  23. some piccies: somewhere between Oberon and Teralga: OK now what do you do??
  24. I'd like to hear about it if you have time! Bandit, you are 110% right it is astonishing how quickly things can change, and I have to say the biggest takeaway for me on this trip was how easy it is to be utterly convinced of where you think you are and are heading!
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