Completed my first nav today, from YSBK to YWOL and back. This was months in the planning, as I had done the 4 hours of briefings back in January in preparation for doing them at the time. Keep in mind this was before I'd even gone solo, but we were going to work those in.
Anyway, after getting rained out for something like 4 attempts, I ended up doing my solos elsewhere, recently finished up my cert, and was now ready to pick it back up.
I'll update my blog with a narrative, but I was really pleased with how it went. Practicing with flight sim along with my flight plan and map etc really helped me nail it. Made it overhead YWOL within one minute of my original estimate. Return trip I was about 5 minutes early, as I don't think the winds were as strong or direct as forecast.
1.8 hours down, and next one is going to be much farther away and into unfamiliar territory (by air, anyway).
I was too focused to get any pics en route, so here is a pic of the planning area....