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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. yeah got mine pretty much right away. Hoping August comes as quickly actually. Also looks like this month's Australian Flying is meant to be a good one, 50th anniversary edition with lots of pics and stories.
  2. Here's the long version: http://morerightrudder.wordpress.com/2013/07/30/first-navigation-exercise/
  3. Thanks col, I'll suggest this route. Looks like next up is YSBK - YKAT - YBTH - YORG - YMDG and back, but would be good to have a different one up my sleeve in case of weather out Mudgee way for example...
  4. Yes me too, and my CFI is a stickler for it. I think it just enhances the whole experience. sure I might one day get an iPad with ozrunways, but I'll always look forward to planning the trip and seeing how i go with my times and tracks via the map, watch, and compass.
  5. it was, in sooo many ways planey!
  6. Completed my first nav today, from YSBK to YWOL and back. This was months in the planning, as I had done the 4 hours of briefings back in January in preparation for doing them at the time. Keep in mind this was before I'd even gone solo, but we were going to work those in. Anyway, after getting rained out for something like 4 attempts, I ended up doing my solos elsewhere, recently finished up my cert, and was now ready to pick it back up. I'll update my blog with a narrative, but I was really pleased with how it went. Practicing with flight sim along with my flight plan and map etc really helped me nail it. Made it overhead YWOL within one minute of my original estimate. Return trip I was about 5 minutes early, as I don't think the winds were as strong or direct as forecast. 1.8 hours down, and next one is going to be much farther away and into unfamiliar territory (by air, anyway). I was too focused to get any pics en route, so here is a pic of the planning area....
  7. there's always someone without a shirt in these things...
  8. I've thought about this as well for a possible future goal - definitely not to make a living, but for the love of flying and teaching. I think it would be nice to have more instructors out there who aren't just trying to rack up hours for a ATPL job like my first two, so as they say, "be the change you want to see in the world". but yeah that's a helluva long way away for me at the rate I'm going lol :) Tomo, I think you'd be great - you seem knowledgeable, cheerful and patient!
  9. Hope the weather stays ok here, first Nav on Sunday!
  10. CASA Mission Statement: "We're Not Happy Til You're Not Happy"
  11. Where ya at? Pretty nice here most of the day (Western Sydney), aside from a brief rainshower earlier. Wish I was flying this weekend :-/
  12. Got mine today!!
  13. Training area near YWOL, just taken with my iphone:
  14. ayavner

    160 or 170 jab

    how does the 120 fit in here, vs the 2 mentioned?
  15. haha you're on!
  16. Now I remember when i was a kid and had saved up my pennies and ordered something from the catalogue and kept a very watchful eye for the postman... and checked every so often just in case ;-) Why was everything always "6 to 8 weeks"?
  17. steep turns are great fun!! Forced landings are great fun too.. Heck.. its all fun!
  18. Thanks guys :) OK, boring version here: http://morerightrudder.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/1885/
  19. Approval under CAR 233(1)(h) OzRunways is now approved by CASA as a data provider under CAR 233(1)(h), which states: The pilot in command of an aircraft must not commence a flight if he or she has not received evidence, and taken such action as is necessary to ensure, that the latest editions of the aeronautical maps, charts and other aeronautical information and instructions, published in AIP or by a person approved in writing , that are applicable to the route to be flown and to any alternative route that may be flown on that flight are carried in the aircraft and are readily accessible to the flight crew. OzRunways is a person approved in writing, our instrument of approval is CASA 44/13. The approval is valid for all versions of OzRunways EFB for: Maps ERSA DAP East and West AIP
  20. who was his CFI, Jack Flyer?
  21. Andrew, if I'da been drinking coffee just then I'd have shot it out my nose... Thanks Davo, it is a great feeling!
  22. Here's the obligatory snap... he wanted me to do the 'jump in the air' thing like the old Toyota ads, but dignity and restraint prevailed :)
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