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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. ahhhh thought this thread was going to be about you just bought that Vampire that was for sale in the classifieds!
  2. #16 has been attributed to Albert Einstein.
  3. forecast looking pretty windy out there today... be careful up there mate and best of luck, you'll smash it!!
  4. Ahhh good news for the owner, hopefully no damage done but I'd imagine you'd want to get it gone over with a fine-toothed comb since you have no idea how hard the landing was or if unsafe maneuvers were performed or ???? Seems a really small pool of people who could have done it, hope they're caught!!
  5. YEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! :) so who was the first lucky victi- er - passenger?
  6. what sort of ultralight, i wonder? Sad news... :(
  7. just unsubscribe as Hongie said. I think its not so much spam as the attempt to harness the power of social media to advance these causes... remember, the Bishop probably got an email asking to support removal of ASIC cards... if a million people get that and only 1% think its worth a look, that's still 10,000 without even trying...
  8. so which one got the job? the one with the biggest t*ts.
  9. Very normal 2tonne.... my whole journey has been one of 2 steps forward, 1 step back or sometimes 3 steps back. its just a sign that your brain has reached a saturation point and needs a bit of time to connect the dots. In other areas of my life I've come to realise that is a big part of mastering anything... the master knows when he is stuck on a plateau that there is something at that level left he needs to understand.
  10. maybe it was the quickest way to get a set of thru bolts
  11. hrm, now it says 200 required, what's the go there?
  12. ouch :(
  13. I'd love a late 70s Yamaha XS Eleven....
  14. Signed! I'll put a link on my blog too.
  15. Why are shabby, tiny, 3 bedroom homes in a run-down, graffiti-ridden neighbourhood advertised for upwards of 6-800K (at least in the Sydney area) when I would not pay over 80K? Because enough fools* have paid it, now everyone thinks thats what their worth! Same thing happened to classic cars when the Yuppies got their mitts on them as "investments"... back in the 80's, I owned an e-type jag as well as a '59 MGA, paid very little for them and didn't get much back. I just had them because I love them. Then someone got the bright idea of adding an extra 0 to the price on the principle that it will appear more desirable if its unaffordable.... and enough people took that bait I guess and here we are all this time later and I'll never be able to own the like again... * naughty word removed by Mod.
  16. Geez so how do you log that flight time... let's see... left seat of a C337, but the right seat is flying, but you're controlling a B727... "ummm.... simulator. yeah."
  17. I was also outvoted by the Voice :-(
  18. 15/6 at 1130... naturally forecast calls for rain, but hoping for the best...
  19. great thread, as I'll be having all these concerns very shortly. So far my set up is good for getting me to the training area and back, but we'll see how it goes when I am headed into the Unknown. I am also being taught the 6 minute markers, and the CLEAROFF work cycle, which does seem a bit busy and I wonder when I'll even get time to enjoy the flight. I guess in time its a matter of having all the tools available then knowing which ones to use for the job at the time.
  20. YEEEEE HAAAAAAAAA!!!!! good onya Camo!!! (8 hours before, of course) keep us posted on your PAX and NAVs. Great news!
  21. you mean WHEN you pass! If I've learned anything, its that its a mental game as much as anything.... i did worse circuits on my practice test than I did on my 3rd lesson, and almost certainly because I let myself get psyched out and it got away from me. You will do it m8!! :)
  22. Haha, see i told you you'd get yours in first! Great stuff, can't wait to hear all about it! I think it will be deserving of its own thread :)
  23. unless he writes with his left hand the way I do, in which case I'd be just as well trying to get my dog to write it for me....
  24. that one was horrifying... i have to say though, they do a great job with the reenactments
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