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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. just remember: "do whatever you want" doesn't mean what you think it does.
  2. Did you know that Saturn is less dense overall than water? If you could find a bathtub big enough and fill it with water, it would float... ...But it would leave a ring.
  3. Did you know that Saturn is less dense overall than water? If you could find a bathtub big enough and fill it with water, it would float... ...But it would leave a ring.
  4. best telling of that one I've heard, Marty!
  5. best telling of that one I've heard, Marty!
  6. Great listen, and what a fantastic route!! You going to go up in one now Adam?
  7. Great listen, and what a fantastic route!! You going to go up in one now Adam?
  8. I think you'll find its internal combustion...
  9. I think you'll find its internal combustion...
  10. I took it to mean he was already at a safe height over the road, and he was simulating a takeoff up to 500' over where he started... so not down near the wires at all. So he's saying he lost 600'... 100 below his start point. I use roads from height for the same sort of thing - something straight to line up on and practice, without doing so over an airport and annoying traffic in the circuit. At least that's what I got out of Geoff's comment.
  11. .. in my night circuit lesson the other day, the instructor said basically if the fan stops, pick a dark spot (assuming reaching the field not an option)
  12. Its taking the piss out of this http://ak-hdl.buzzfed.com/static/2015-07/30/18/enhanced/webdr03/enhanced-buzz-wide-30231-1438294227-18.jpg that circulated around a bit last week.
  13. further to the above - just curious, since i've not done the maths nor been in that situation... but... you would be doing more than a 180* turn in such a case right? Unless there were a parallel runway under you at whatever point you roll out of your 180, wouldn't there be an additional loss in then getting yourself back to the runway you were on? I'm envisioning a turn that looks a bit like an enlarged question mark or an upside-down J. worth mentioning, or am i overthinking?
  14. in the spirit of the question, i'd put myself around #2. Not to say I always get them perfect, but i haven't hurt myself or the plane yet. What I do fear is the sudden changes from headwind to tailwind at the moment of roundout... good time for a go-around, but if it catches you out it can be percussive...
  15. having them well away from each other would be a good one. I bet that caught your attention hey!!
  16. yeah, over 3100 kg MTOW... still at least they didn't call it a Cessna
  17. nice reporting this time, no blatant attempts to sensationalise it. Good outcome, glad he's OK.
  18. Not only that, since landing is the most difficult (and arguably most important) part, circuits are a way to get in 6 or so in an hour rather than 1 per lesson. Hopefully under varying conditions over time.
  19. if you have an engine failure, its nose-down anyway..
  20. fair enough, kinda came across that way, but i see what you mean now.
  21. wasn't really the point though
  22. interesting! wonder what will come from this.
  23. think about how great you were as a teenage driver merging into traffic or parallel parking... do you think you might be even better now after doing it a few thousand times? We can't reasonably expect landing an aeroplane to be any different. That should take a bit of the performance anxiety off :-) It will get better as your muscle memory and judgement incorporate more and more experience.
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