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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. You can fly the lane of entry, even in a jab. Just can't go into controlled airspace, so watch the steps and stay out of class D (Camden, Bankstown). I have phoned CASA to ask about the "jabs in built up areas and class D aerodromes". They said that Bankstown, Moorabbin, Archerfield (those named in the instrument) etc are specifically forbidden, however the others are left to pilot discretion as to whether it is "built up" or they can glide free, etc. With that then you would just need a PPL, and appropriately equipped and rego'd Jab. I flew into Sunshine Coast, which is class D, in a jab - no issues. So yeah, you can take the LOE, just stay under the steps, and out of YSBK and YSCN. I like the suggestions so far of taking V1 South then hooking a right at Moruya - beautiful strip right near the beach and they have AVGAS, in case you need to stop. If you want inland instead, then from the LOE you can overfly YSCN (at sufficient height, and make your calls), then go down to YMIG, over to YGLB, across to Tumut then down to Jindy (you'll want lots of height, it gets a bit bumpy). I've never encountered much around the Bindook NDB. What can be surprisingly busy however is Crookwell - seems to be a favourite for instructors to throw in diversions and Prec. Search n Landings.
  2. hmmm.... came about as a result of the deregulation. imagine that.
  3. right but my question was just on the definitions. are they the same thing?
  4. when is it a drone, and when is it just an RC model? Is there a distinction?
  5. hahah trust f_t to actually read the question properly... no idea, don't have the face book.
  6. I think all you need to do is type the URL in the response window?
  7. Well i can tell the photo wasn't taken in the 70's
  8. I'd like to see those. Picture's worth 1000 words! re: the above - I've had just that thing happen to me at Goulburn. Gets your attention in a hurry when that head/cross wind suddenly becomes a tailwind!
  9. https://www.atsb.gov.au/publications/investigation_reports/2015/aair/ao-2015-079.aspx The ATSB is investigating a fatal accident involving an amateur-built aircraft (Glasair SH-2FT) near Wedderburn Airport, NSW on 19 July 2015. The aircraft collided with terrain with two people on board. One person died and one person was seriously injured as a result of the accident. The ATSB has deployed four investigators to the accident site. They are expected to be on site for two to three days. The investigators have specialisations in human factors, aircraft engineering and aircraft operations. As part of the on-site investigation, the ATSB will: assess the accident site examine the aircraft wreckage interview witnesses review aircraft documentation. Any witnesses to the accident are asked to call the ATSB on 1800 020 616.
  10. I think you're meant to be a club member to use it anyway if I recall? anyway, hoping we get more info soon on this tragedy. so sad :(
  11. The runway is a kilometre long, Dr Anderson said. "It's definitely an adequate runway ... probably the best north-south runway outside of Mascot [airport]," he said. huh?? What about Wollongong, also N-S and its 1800m... and doesn't have massive trees all around the approach.
  12. Those skydiving rides use whatever the hell runway they feel like.
  13. It is, and the requirement to avoid flying over the township for noise abatement can cause some fairly high and tight circuits from what I've heard. Not saying that was a factor here, just to add to your comment.
  14. really enjoyed that!
  15. Good to know Bevan, I will certainly look into that!!
  16. and please... if its not busy on the ground, no need to announce you are taxiing to get fuel (unless you need to cross the runway to do so)
  17. +1 for Schofields, to answer the OP's original question for getting the hour of instrument sim time.
  18. Hi all - wondering if anyone has experience with any of the various offerings for EFB that run on the iPad in the US? I am asking here rather than joining a US forum because a) I "know" everyone here and won't have to spend a lot of time figuring out who's who on another forum and b) i would like opinions of those who know and use Ozrunways enough to know what might be good for someone who considers OzR very intuitive. I wish they had the US maps :-( Happy to hear from everyone, but that's my main focus for this question :-)
  19. Damn and it really was a Cessna this time
  20. hi there, welcome to the forum! Just click the envelope icon to the left of the screen and choose "start a conversation". You can type in "farri" in there then he will get a private message and should get a notification that way.
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