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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. Bob Tait's books were good. As for TEM, CAAP 5.59-1(0) covers everything and more you need to know - I have attached it here. also, because the CAAP is pretty expansive, I created a study sheet from all of the salient points and if I recall correctly I got them all right on the PPL written. I've attached it as well. Threat and Error Management.pdf TEM definitions.doc Threat and Error Management.pdf TEM definitions.doc Threat and Error Management.pdf TEM definitions.doc
  2. Clear to fly when the weight of the paperwork exceeds the MTOW of the aircraft in question.
  3. Wow that was quick... longest delay was on CASA's part, naturally... 3 weeks of beard stroking after submitting the form.... but I'm told on the other end that my letter from the FAA has already arrived yay!!
  4. Great stuff, keep it coming. Bit of thread drift, in that I've already covered the stuff to do on the day... really just interested in helping someone mentally prepare in the days leading up to the Big Day. Good tips Kay - I never thought about the limited reach etc. Oh how about this - sometimes i let them strap on the ipad mini kneeboard and they can follow the moving map if they are curious as to where they are in relation to what they can see. They seem to enjoy this (and i can sneak a look if i need to)
  5. great stuff guys. this is just someone who wants to go but is scared and needs a bit of mental preparation to psych themselves up. I like the suggestion about not giving them a sick bag, but having it in reach. Sometimes it can be a self-fulfilling (lap-filling) prophecy if you hand it to them. Also i find it helps to make sure they know now to do any rapid head movements as that can bring it on. But I think mostly its the freak-out factor of sitting in a chair in the sky.
  6. I hired a C152 with only Jab and Warrior experience. Just went up for 3 circuits with the owner. But then, there isn't much difference between the Jab and the 152. I am not sure if i wanted to hire a Diamond or 182, i am sure they would want a lot more comfort level. Good topic.
  7. Fishla - I had all the solo time i needed before starting my PPL. Never once went solo in the VH plane until after I had the PPL in hand. Makes sense to do as much as you can in RAAus where it is cheaper. where it may come into play is when looking for employment... you wouldn't want most your hours in a CPL to be RAAus, but that is a different subject. Even then they count, its just a matter of the prejudices of the employer then.
  8. Hi all - just after everyone's experiences on the topic. I've found with all passengers it helps to give a good briefing and explain things along the way, involve them in the process, give them things to do, etc. But I have yet to take a seriously nervous one. What do you do in the weeks or days leading up to the flight in order to reassure and calm them? Especially when they only have to turn on the news to see a "Cessna" going down in flames?
  9. It ALL counts - I went straight from RAAus with pax and nav to a PPL, skipped the RPL altogether. Only took an additional 15 hours or so, basically some navs, instrument time, and the pre-test flight. It all counts, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
  10. Hi Parkway - welcome! Lots of threads on here already on this subject. I don't think its really RPL vs PPL, as one is just a continuation of the other. The 6 hours you have done will absolutely count towards the RPL. If you get the RPL, i believe that already includes the radio and ability to carry PAX, just in a limited radius. Once you start taking Nav lessons, yes the cost will start creeping up - but not sure there is a separate nav endo for the RPL - you need the PPL if you are going to go farther. so if you are happy with 1500kg and a limited radius, then just stick with the RPL. Once you want to stretch your legs a bit, then you can start working towards the PPL. Aeronautical experience is aeronautical experience - as long as its logged and with an instructor, and right class of plane, it will count towards your total required hours.
  11. Update - iOS 8.4 is out today and appears to fix this issue. Bad Elf have tested it and given it the green light, and I loaded it this morning and tested it with Ozrunways on the drive to work. Everything appears back to normal. http://bad-elf.com/blogs/bad-elf/34749060-cleared-to-upgrade-ios-8-4-fixes-gps-issues Let this nevertheless serve as a reminder to us all never to forget the basics and become complacent or reliant upon one particular piece of technology. Sound nav principles were a strong point for me in my training, and served me well when the iPad became a paperweight. That said, it'll be nice to have to back :-)
  12. Agree with all of the above... do everything you can to move the ball down the field. Especially item 3... i am always amazed at how many people whizz through the syllabus then have to take a test before they can progress, then just kinda fade away because they are too daunted by the idea... months pass, they eventually get it done, then have to start up again on the back foot. Regarding money - i'd say that was my biggest one, though it never stopped me, it just slowed me down. Eventually i got this bright idea which really accelerated things and allowed me to finally finish up my PPL - just got one of those 0% credit cards, put everything aviation related (ONLY) on there and scheduled my lessons and exams aggressively. Then I worked to pay it off before the introductory rate expires, and cancelled it.
  13. That's the difference between being "involved" and being "committed". The pilot is involved... the bug is committed.
  14. its not in the Pilot's Touring Guide? I've already asked and its not in the Country Airstrip Guide.. .:-(
  15. yes but the FAA aren't run by the Keystone Kops
  16. i know its built in to the instrument affecting Jabiru-engined aircraft, so maybe an assumption based on that. If it were already a regulation, then it wouldn't need to be spelled out in a special instrument aimed at a particular engine...
  17. Who doesn't like a set of D's
  18. I'll do it. In a Jabiru. for free.
  19. sigh... http://www.australianflying.com.au/news/casa-extends-jabiru-restrictions
  20. I even get up at night to go to the Jim. now that's dedication.
  21. "gave"?
  22. anybody wanna peanut?
  23. ok I'll do it. Cat-astrophe avoided!
  24. Definitely! You've got your cert, as they say a licence to learn - so what better way? Let us know what you think, you'll probably find it very easy and docile after the jab.
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