Hi everyone - I'm trying to navigate the tricky path between 2 bureaucratic giants each of which say they need you to do something else with the other CAA before doing it with them.
On CASA's website - fill out this form http://www.casa.gov.au/manuals/regulate/fcl/form452.pdf which basically is supposed to authorise them to send info to the FAA. However, on the form, it says "please ensure you have asked the FAA to request this on your behalf first or your paperwork will be rejected.
The only thing is says on the FAA website about it is to fill out this form http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Form/AC_Form_8060-71.pdf and the instruction that airmen from Australia, ...[etc]... must contact their respective CAA to complete additional forms that are required PRIOR to providing the requested information to the Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760.
Sooo... if I contact CASA first, they'll reject it if they've not heard from the FAA. The FAA says I must do all that prior blah blah... its giving me a headache!
Has anyone successfully gone through this process? I'm thinking I'll email FAA first, give them a 2 week head start, then submit to CASA... Wish I could just get both sides on a conference call and have them sort it out.