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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. where's your Pride?
  2. I am not sure why we can't just globally adopt UTC and do away with local times and time zones altogether. I mean its only perception really that we expect it to look a certain way outside at 3am vs. 3 pm.. i think everyone would adapt well enough - 0300 would just mean different things to different people. its arbitrary. i've done exactly what ben suggests - just set my clock to UTC. If i'm just buzzing around locally, i'll just give out the time in "past the hour" for a CTAF broadcast, if having to talk to anyone in particular like the tower, or centre to amend a flight plan, I just state the time like "0300 Zulu" just to make sure.
  3. ... guilty as charged?
  4. your capacitance for witty observations is always electrifying.
  5. Think I need to meditate. OHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  6. Aren't "skeds" just sort of a colloquial way of saying "flight following"? Actually the CASA "out-n-back" video series talks about a lot of this, and specifically crossing Bass Strait. Worth a watch.
  7. can we really call it camouflage if it sticks out like a sore thumb?
  8. If I recall, I learned it during the pilot cert training but don't remember it being in the syllabus until the XC portion. Of course in much greater detail on the PPL test. That said, I had forgotten the specific point until ben pointed it out and I looked it up... i am also of the persuasion that I can get the TAF before departing and all that, but whether its M or T and off +/- 10 degrees doesn't make much difference as its likely to be different by that much or more anyway by the time I arrive - at which point the windsock or ATIS/AWIS or other observations or pilot communication will be more timely and accurate. A great test question and important to know (or be able to look up) but so far hasn't caused any real problems.
  9. Just having a look at AIP GEN 3.5 4.4.1 - refers to ATIS, and wind is in degrees magnetic 7.4.3 - refers to AWAIS, wind in degrees magnetic which are what you "hear" as Ben87r pointed out, above. Then of course as happyflyer pointed out the others being in "True". I think i probably added 2+2 and got 5, thinking that the ATIS would be the same as someone just reading off the TAF. Great thread!
  10. I thought on TAFs, isn't the wind direction in magnetic?
  11. Well done! Enjoy the privilege! Navs are where it starts to feel real!
  12. update, looks like iOS 8.4 is to be released soon and is meant to fix this: http://bad-elf.com/blogs/bad-elf/33670852-ios-8-4-expected-to-launch-by-june-30-with-gps-fixes all the same, i think i'll wait a week and see how it goes...
  13. no, David had it - it was right off the field
  14. ouch. glad to hear everyone's OK. Adjacent the airfield... after take off? Fuel valve i wonder?
  15. OK - I've sent 8060 via email, and got an email from a pleasant "Nicole" thanking me and saying they will be sending the request to CASA shortly. CASA said (also pleasantly, I should add) that if I ring in, they will let me know when they have the request, at which time I can then send the 452 (and $50). It's *possible* my brain short circuited and I made this sound harder than it really is.... I hope getting a medical and licence over there won't be too full of surprises... looking forward to taking advantage of some cheap flying! Might even be worthwhile to buy a plane, I've seen Warriors in the $20K's and Archers for not much more, in decent nick and plenty of hours. watch this space!
  16. haha i gave the creative as a joke, having a go at whoever put "optimistic". I didn't understand it either. It was funny in my head.
  17. When i first saw this thread pop up, i thought it said Neil Diamond hybrid. cool though! Hmm.... technically, can that count as a single engine?
  18. Cool, thanks that is good to know. I'm current yes but tests freak me out! Looks like I will be moving to within walking distance of a municipal airport, so hoping to be able to get in with a club or school who can also help me bridge any of these gaps. OK, form 8060 sent off, wish me luck!
  19. Hi guys - thanks for the replies. That makes sense, I'll try it that way. If I email it, do you know whether I am in fact required to snail mail it? I ask because I am not sure yet of my arrival date into the US and don't want to get crossed in the mail so to speak. Also, what do you mean by start flying training? I just want to start flying over there with my PPL as it stands, surely I don't have to do my training over again? Posting here for now instead of PM, in the hopes others can benefit from the info. Thanks!
  20. Hi everyone - I'm trying to navigate the tricky path between 2 bureaucratic giants each of which say they need you to do something else with the other CAA before doing it with them. On CASA's website - fill out this form http://www.casa.gov.au/manuals/regulate/fcl/form452.pdf which basically is supposed to authorise them to send info to the FAA. However, on the form, it says "please ensure you have asked the FAA to request this on your behalf first or your paperwork will be rejected. The only thing is says on the FAA website about it is to fill out this form http://www.faa.gov/documentLibrary/media/Form/AC_Form_8060-71.pdf and the instruction that airmen from Australia, ...[etc]... must contact their respective CAA to complete additional forms that are required PRIOR to providing the requested information to the Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760. Sooo... if I contact CASA first, they'll reject it if they've not heard from the FAA. The FAA says I must do all that prior blah blah... its giving me a headache! Has anyone successfully gone through this process? I'm thinking I'll email FAA first, give them a 2 week head start, then submit to CASA... Wish I could just get both sides on a conference call and have them sort it out.
  21. It won't hurt... While the motor skills (hah) might not be directly translatable, you can certainly use the time to think about things like radio calls, maintaining accurate speed, multitasking, prioritising... etc...
  22. good episode, i didn't realise there was so much involved for so little actual flying time!
  23. When I did my coast to coast flight in April I got in the habit each time i would either cross an area boundary OR a FIS/Centre boundary I would make a radio call asking for updated area QNH for the particular spot I was in. Broke up the monotony and it was nice to occasionally hear a voice and confirm my radio was working and could reach someone. I think they seemed happy to help, and there were a few times where the difference was fairly substantial.
  24. Welcome, keep us updated on your progress!!
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