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Everything posted by ayavner

  1. As long as they stay in the cold unpressurised compartment, otherwise weight and balance could be a problem...
  2. If they made them out of foreskins, he really could 'prick up his ears'...
  3. in Russia, the tailwind lands with YOU
  4. Good thread, I wonder how many of us are flying around out there in a similar state.
  5. Here's another good one
  6. I'm right handed, but play guitar so have a reasonable amount of dexterity with my left. No issues with yoke or stick or throttle on either side. Or so I thought... broke my right thumb once. If you *think* you are ambidextrous, try wiping your bum with your 'off' hand...
  7. At least he didn't leave me hanging
  8. Let's not crucify the poor man, he's trying
  9. Hah on the day, they'd have had to send up F18's to get me down!
  10. When did you go solo. I think for me it was around the 24 hour mark... we thought at first maybe around 12-15 then long delays were imposed, instructors changed, one thing led to another and it just dragged on and i think my confidence suffered as a result. Past experience. No past experience other than flying with a mate in a 172 a couple years earlier which ignited the spark. Did you feel ready or do you think you should have gone hours earlier. I felt ready, but not without some trepidation. I trusted in my instructor to know i was ready but if left up to me I'd have wrung my hands over it forever. How did you feel when the Instructor got out. The whole thing was very surreal, as though I was watching a video of someone else doing it. I remember having a massive grin on my face and total concentration the likes of which I hadn't experienced before. Of course we know how much better the performance was, and yes the climb rate was crazy and it was all over very quickly. I think I did 5 or 6 circuits before coming back down. No torn shirts or water dumped over me, or a certificate, but there were a few "congrats" over the radio which made me feel good. Comments. Agree with Geoff - as monumental as it was, I was so adrenaline-addled and it was over so quickly, that I think there are other milestones that mean more to me. My first PAX is probably my best memory, as that is when i truly felt like a pilot, someone's life in my hands. First solo Nav was also good, but a long day as I also did my nav flight test afterward (8.1 hour day in all!!). It is all pretty special, and even when i start thinking about hiring the plane on a weekend, my pulse starts racing.
  11. What was the information? share! :)
  12. I wonder if there's anything realistic the guy could have done following the other pilot with the hard landing? The film implied that the first guy saw it (yep, sprung landing gear) and didn't report it. Wouldn't the second guy have picked that up? Or, if its not visible and hadn't been reported, what really could he have done? that's one of the things that makes me worry about hiring at the club/school.
  13. love how un-PC they were! Yeah... seems like the same stuff, that's disheartening.
  14. A gentleman does not motor about after dark
  15. pretty embarrassing to end up on a no-fly list for your own airplane
  16. to be fair, biggles said "could", not "should"
  17. Nope, they are waiting for ios 8.4 release and hoping that fixes it.
  18. Well, you didn't miss much, just another western suburb! I'd like to hear about that Nanchang! Got any pics?
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K8_jgiNqUc
  20. impressive!
  21. there's probably apps for buying a baby on the internet
  22. Welcome to the forum!
  23. busted!
  24. And by the way, congrats Adam on passing your Flight Test!!
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