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    Perth WA
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Member (1/3)

  1. Call you tomorrow (Sunday).
  2. Any time Ricky, if you hear of any other ferries going please pass them my details. Regards, John Welsh.
  3. Ricky check your PMs
  4. Ferries recently, Virus Jacobs Well /WA, Foxbat WA/Goondawindi and recently September, RV3 WA/Latrobe Valley Vic. My terms: airfare WA to Brisbane, plus fuel, room and board enroute Ferry Brisbane JT. It would help if aircraft had a BP fuel carnet. Email is [email protected]
    1. ricky m

      ricky m

      Hi wooddick, it looks like i have a guy over east prepared to do the ferry, thank u for the offer if for some reason it does not happen i will be in touch if that ok.. I think i flew the foxbat with you?
  5. Can do Ricky, I am an RAAus Senior Instructor/450 hours mostly Jabiru aircraft, recently A/CFI 6 weeks Esperance flying J120/Bantam. Currently attached Skysports Flying School /Foxbats & Beverley Soaring Society. PPL 1,560 hours/GFA Level 2 Instructor/Coach/6,400 hours Gliding.
  6. Ryan, check your PM.
  7. Hi Ryan, I might be interested, PPL with 1560 hours, RAAus Senior Instructor 430 hours, 250+hours on Jabirus. Recent ferrys: Sinus Queensland to WA, Foxbat WA to Goondiwindi, RV3 WA to Latrobe Valley Vic. Require fuel carnet, accommodation and food, airfare Queensland -Perth.
  8. Why would anyone want to serve on the RAAus Board with all the crap that comes from the members?
  9. The main problem seems to be that CASA is trying to treat the Sport Aviation bodies like the Commercial/Charter Organisations. Has anyone asked CASA how are they going to implement their SMS with their PPLs? GFA has always had an SMS (although it wasn't called that as such) with the club structure delivering ops review through peer pressure, Instructor Panels, Club inspections and Ops panel review of accidents/incidents. GFA has recently rolled out a documented SMS as part of the CASA/GFA Deed of Agreement (which incidently in quantum does not go half as much as it cost GFA to do all of CASA's work on their behalf). You can see the outline at: http://www.glidingaustralia.org/Operations/OPS_0025.pdf and the risk management toolkit at: http://glidingaustralia.org/Safety/risk-management-toolkit.html GFA's big advantage is that every member is attached to a club, which delivers peer pressure and standardisation, whereas RAAus and HGFA can be unsupervised as soon as they reach certification and operate outside FTFs. I hope RAAus members apply the same peer pressure, as they have to their fellow administators, to their fellow pilots that need counselling in their operations......
  10. http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/plane-stolen-from-northam/story-fnhocxo3-1226664013135
  11. I fly at Beverley, I can assure everyone that the club takes usage of Oxygen above A100 very seriously, most of us have Mountain High Oxy equipment (see Mountain High Oxygen and Supply) on board, a few have Aerox. It is indeed a remarkable season this year, not too good for the wheat crop, but excellent soaring conditions. Have a look at our website on: Beverley Soaring - Home and come and try out our wonderful DG1000 two seater glider with one of our instructors. Its 47:1 glide ratio is amazing to fly, besides it is a great looking aircraft and handles beautifully!
  12. Woodduck

    New CEO

    Some background info FYI: http://www.skybrary.aero/bookshelf/books/1132.pdf Multimodal safety management and ... - Google Books
  13. Hi Fellow Aviators! Just getting into the wonderful world of RAAus this now, having flown Gazelles to get my licence, and flying the Jabiru 160 & 230 towards getting my Instructor's rating transferred over from Gliding operations. Have my own glider and going to use the winter period to help out instructing workload in RAAus. Always enjoy spreading my wings at anytime
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