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Alexander C177RG

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Everything posted by Alexander C177RG

  1. Hi Mike! Maybe you followed these postings. I am an overseas pilot who will fly this year in the kimberlys. As you live in kununurra may i ask you for a little help as i need to know more about how best way to fly in the kimberlys. Maybe you can help me? My plan is to fly from darwin with a PA28 (there was no chance to get any plane in the kimberlys) to kununurra, take fuel and fly to mitchell plateau. Here is my first problem: how we can get from airstrip to the campground? (I cannot walk 20km...). And second problem: for a flight from kununurra via mitchell falls to derby the endurance of the PA28 dont match my safety-requirements. As there is probably no chance to take fuel at mitchell (?), my idea is to carry 2 empty jerrycans each 20l with me and fuel them in kununurra. My qustion is: should that be possible at the airfield? And maybe you like to meet me? I could invite you for a (in germany we say) landing-beer))))). I will be there three times: 11th, 14th and 24th july.......))) Have a nice day and would be great to hear from you! Alexander
  2. Hi Tomo! How are you? The idea with RAGWA didnt work, so i will try to get a plane at darwin flying school. Now im working out my validation for the australian licence...wow..its a lot of paperwork!!! And I want to prepare my check-ride an the trip, which will take me 4-5 days. As i dont want to buy all the aip´s of australia´s airfield as i only need three of them, may i ask you to send me the vfr-arrival charts for darwin, kununurra and derby by email? and if it would be possible for you, to make a pic of the vfr chart 1:500.000 just for the area of darwin, it would great, so i could prepare my checkride. To learn about the airspaces over there, because when i arrive in darwin to hire the plane i dont have very much time for learning the specs of the airspaces of darwin, even i would be a little tired....(and i promise you, i wont use it for navigation....)) Hope you (or another pilot?) can help me....))? Have a nice post-easten celebrations..... Alex
  3. I searched everything. My first intension was to rent a bird like mine (C177RG) in derby at bushpilots. First they practically confirmed to hire their C177RG to me, but then they never answered my detailed questions. Even when i called them, they didnd gave me any informations. Its a bid stupid, they could just say : "No, because...." ! But they didnt. So i have to hire at darwin flying school, they are really friendly guys, but in that case i have a lot of hours to fly and only with a piper, which isnt so nice for picture taking as a cessna. Anyway, better than nothing! But i will ask RAGWA as well, maybe they have anothe ridea... ALEX
  4. Hey Tomo! Im overseas pilot from germany and also trying to find a plane for hire in july in kimberly. so my question is, if your search was succesful and you can give me a hint? Thanks and regards ALEX
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