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Everything posted by ports

  1. Congrats and welcome to the club.
  2. Welcome Tony. Hope you're enjoying the tecnam. I'm a big fan of them to be honest. Good to see you're enjoying learning so much too.
  3. I'll second that too, Ian has always been very quick to reply to a PM
  4. Welcome.
  5. ports

    First flight

  6. To be honest, I don't really remember one part standing out more than another. I really just couldn't put the book down. Wish I could single out a couple of points for you. Great podcast too, btw. Really enjoyed it, keep up the great work!
  7. Looking forward to listening. I found his book a great read, I imagine literally hearing his experiences will be very enjoyable. Keep up the great work!
  8. Do you know what area in Melbourne you moving to? I'm from Sydney originally too, and found the travelling much easier around and beyond Melbourne (at least on the Western side) when compared to Sydney, so I found travelling further out isn't as bad as you would at first suspect.
  9. Hi George, happy birthday for the weekend. If you enjoy it, go for it I reckon. I've just gained my certificate, but did it very slowly due to the finances. Glad my wife didn't let me put it in the too hard basket, plugging along very slowly meant I was still flying. Hope you enjoy getting up in the foxbat.
  10. Glad to hear they got out ok.
  11. Congrats and well done indeed.
  12. There will be plenty of other people here who will be able to give a lot better advice then I could, but I think you've already done the best part of getting started, and that's actually booking in for your first lesson! Good on you for taking that step. Enjoy it and take in everything you can to be safe, and enjoy it.
  13. Congrats, that's awesome!
  14. ports

    First flight of RV4

    Congrats on the flight, particularly after the effort of building it!
  15. Congratulations and well done.
  16. Congrats!
  17. Mine arrived today, so imagine yours wouldn't be far away ayavner.
  18. Not yet either, I'm afraid.
  19. Congrats on such a special moment!
  20. Congrats Ayavner, and Happy Easter too! It really is an awesome feeling, and clearly a well deserved feeling too.
  21. Congrats on having so much fun. I felt the same way about stalls before the lesson too, the whole idea of 'losing control intentionally' never sat all that well with me before the lesson, but to me that's the whole point of the lesson - to understand why/how it happens and ro anticipate so you can react and control the aircraft (well at least that's how I look at it anyway). I love your point of view that it is a privliage, because it really is, isn't it. Cheers, Ian
  22. Shame about the weather, but great you did the familiarisation and pre-flight checks. Im learning like yourself, but can definitely see why the stuff you do on the ground is so vital to make sure you get off the ground safely. Wish you all the best with it!
  23. Personally, I worry that they will get the support they seek because they give a 'good' answer to the groundings - it was somebody else's fault. Like many, if I hadn't been on these forums I would not have had a clue as to what was happening, at all, so I could quite have quite easily read such an email (which I didn't receive as I am not in WA or QLD) and thought this is something that needs to be supported. As a student pilot, I expect to act safely and with the highest regards for the rules and regulations, including those of RA-Aus. I am deeply concerned that I have little trust that the exec or the whole board have the same opinion of the rules, such as the constitution. I am however relieved that some members of the board clearly do hold the same values, and am glad they are working so hard to improve the organisation. -Ian
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