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Everything posted by t83

  1. Hi, I'm interested in maybe renting your hanger in Romsey. Could you email me back with your contact details. Regards, Mike Green [email protected]
    1. Floatplane


      Hi, have sent email for you - try me on 54287767 or 0409757767 rgs Grant
  2. Thanks Dave, And looks like he is local as well. I'll call him tonight. Once again thanks, Mike
  3. Hi Everyone, I know it's not a kit, but is anyone building or flying a Teenie Two? I intend to start building soon and would like to contact someone to gain a bit more info. Regards, Mike G
  4. t83

    Out of Fuel

    I saw this video a year or so ago and wondered how the pilot ended up. I'm amazed he survived!!
  5. Very lucky!!
  6. Great use of taxpayers money!! I envy him!!!!!
  7. t83

    GPS and Radio on T83

    Allan, I modded my instrument panel recently cos as you said, there's not much room. I mounted the ASI, ALT and ignition switches on a small panel above the pod coaming and made a central vertical panel with a Stratomaster E.M.S., voltmeter, start switch and fuses. I mounted my handheld Icom on the r/h forward A frame tube and I was thinking of doing the same on the left with my GPS. Regards, Mike
  8. Hi all, There was a question recently on the Yahoo Thruster group about these Colibri Awards (see link) and I was wondering if anyone here in Oz has done any of them, and if so who oversee's the test. FAI Microlight Colibri Awards with Microlight Scotland at Cumbernauld near Glasgow Regards, Mike
  9. t83

    xair race

    Sorry BLA, I'll check them all out so I don't do another repeat. Regards, Mike
  10. t83

    xair race

    --- LINK
  11. For those looking for plans built check out the BK-1. http://www.bkfliers.com/
  12. My only problem with the late arrival, is that if you are keeping an eye out for a second hand aircraft, the chances are if it is a bargain it will be gone by the time you get the mag halfway through the month. Surely as members we should be getting it earlier or at least the same time as the general public. Not 2-3 weeks later.
  13. Still waiting for mine:sad: although as has been said, I spotted the latest in the newsagent yesterday.
  14. Airbourne, That is the only one in Oz and it is/was ? based at Penfield Victoria. The reason I say is/was, is that I haven't seen it out there for a whilst. I saw it when it first arrived and it's a very impressive looking machine. If you give Airsports at Penfield a call on 94312131 they can probably put you in touch with the owner or give you some info on it.
  15. t83


    T87 I'm all ears. PM me and I'll get in contact. Mike
  16. t83


    Thanx Tony. That's the one. Regards, Mike
  17. t83


    Hi all, I was told about a book that was written a few years ago about some guys exploits in a Thruster. I think he was UK based, and was promised it was a great read. At the time I wrote the title and auther down, but it apears to have been misplaced. Any help greatly appreciated. Regards, Mike
  18. Thanks for that Adam. Great viewing. Mike
  19. Jim, Looks great!!!! Think I'll order one. Mike
  20. Ian, They look very much like the temporary hangers at Penfield. I think there are about 6 there and having spoken to a few of the tennants/owners, all reckon they hold up to the wind/weather quite well. I think they have been on site for about 5 or so years. Maybe you should drop in and have a poke around. No idea what they paid, came from some mob in Sydney. Someone out there should be able to help you out. Let us know how you go, I'd be interested to find out the price myself.(yours as well as theirs) Regards, Mike
  21. The main reason I asked the question was that my local car part shop won't stock them and will only order them in when I request them. On top of that it takes 3-4 days to get them in! He was telling me the Bosch WR4CC'S are an alternate according to his cross reference book, and he actually stocks them. I am just a bit dubious deviating from the manual. If all else fails I guess I'll buy a box and hopefully remember to order them when I use the last ones. Mike
  22. Hi all, At the risk of getting my head bitten off, are there alternative Spark plugs you can use in a 503. Yes I know Rotax recommend NGK BR8ES plugs, I was just wondering if I have an option. Regards, Mike
  23. Phil, JL is right, Airsports at Sunbury have a Strut Braced Drifter with a Rotax 618. Great machine. I was told that due to the recent interest in these types, their 2nd drifter may get put back into service. Time will tell. Mike
  24. Thanx Bob, I'll lock it in. Was on 724 and 805 Squadrons from 79 to 85. See you there. Mike
  25. Dennis, Try this link. Can't remember where I got it from (possibly the engine section in these forums) but it gives you a good rundown. Click the "show me what you did" link. http://home.epix.net/~jlartin/decarbon.html Mike
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