I can't believe people are paying $414 per hour for a C172 and $109 per hour for briefings. Large flying schools operating from Class D airports these days are just ripping students off. They have all moved to operating C172's ( most with glass) for basic training, when all you need is a 2 seater with a basic six pack.
Even if you want to fly a C172 there are smaller schools operating from non class D airports where you we pay around $350 per hour for one. As for paying $109 briefing, back when I learnt to fly briefings were free and eventually when I become an instructor the school I worked for never charged for briefings, it was all part of the service of teaching someone to fly.
With regard to the Royal Qld/AAA, look how much they have diverted away from just being a flying school. They have started flight attendant tand aircraft engineering training (trying to compete with Aviation Auatralia). Their rates were also the highest on the airport and were geared for those seeking a CPL via VET-Fee and not for the average Joe who just want's to get a PPL (what Aero Clubs were set up for).
Look back at all the flying schools that have closed in Australia over the last 20-30 years. Majority of them have been large schools (Royal Aero Club of NSW,Navair, AFTS, Axis, Aerospace, Airtex, FTA etc) that got greedy and and sold the 'you will be an airline pilot in 2 years' product, with all their students walking around in uniforms. Whilst the smaller schools (ie C and H, Witworths at Bankstown, Gill Lyatts at Archerfield etc) are still here.