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Everything posted by GAFA

  1. If you look at fatal GA accidents investigated by the ATSB, they will at least provide a detailed factual report with 30 days even though the coroner is still investigating. Changes need to be made so RAAus can provide a detailed factual report (once the facts are known), rather that waiting for the coroners report. Factual reports do not have any analysis, causes or recommendations, but just the facts such as: Aircraft serviceability prior to the accident Pilot details Airport details (if the crash occurred at an airport) If an off airport crash, details of the crash site W & B details Weather at the time of the accident Time of the accident (day or night)
  2. Another + 1 for Air QLD. A few years ago I decided to get current flying GA aircraft again (currently flying for a Major Airline) and after visiting the other mob at YRED (they wanted 3-5 hours for a check ride) I walked down the road to Air QLD, spoke to DH and a few days latter after less than 1.5 hours in a C172 I was cleared to fly all their single engine fleet. Last year I started the conversion over to RAAus using their Sling, but had to stop due to work, however will be back their next month to finish it off.
  3. It was a Mallad VH-CQA, which is normally based on the east coast.
  4. I learnt to fly at Illawarra Aviation (Chieftain's sister school on the other side of the airport) in the early 90's and then went on to Instruct at Illawarra. Yes there was a pool table in the clubroom.
  5. Lots of photos on their Facebook page, but no information.
  6. I'm after a word or PDF version of the Sling 2 iS Normal and Emergency/ Abnormal checklist. Does anyone gave one to share? Note I've got the 55 page POH and the checklists in it are based on the 912 ULS.
  7. Heard similar feedback from two other pilots I know who have flown. Both were expercied Foxbat pilots and were amazed to find no trim tab on the rudder.
  8. It has the dual glass panel (photo below). I think it has the Rotax fuel injection, but not 100% sure, only found out 2 days ago they have it online.
  9. For those wanting to fly a Sling, the Royal QLD Aero Club's former Sling is now on line with Air Queensland at Redcliffe. This particular Sling has toe brakes fitted and means they now have two RAAus aircraft on line (and a reasonable size GA fleet), the other being the Tecnam P2008.
  10. How about we get back on topic. If you want to have discussion about ramp checks/ required docs etc, start a new thread.
  11. That's what I thought, but if you go back a few pages there are posts regarding the ATSB investigating.
  12. Some comments earlier about the ATSB investigating, however nothing on their website indicates this.
  13. Photos on Queensland Airport Spotters Facebook page showing the aircraft being flipped back over and being towed back in (can see the damage in this photo).
  14. The Tiger Month that operates joyflights out of Redcliffe flipped this afternoon towards the end of it's landing roll.
  15. That's including GST. Air Queensland (also at Redcliffe) have two older (M and N models) and their rate is $365 (inc GST) and there is no need to pay annual club fees.
  16. If you want to continue your training at Archerfield there are a few other schools their operating C172's. Otherwise you have Redcliffe with 2 schools operating C172's, Caboolture with at least 1 school operating C172 's and Caloundra (closer than Sunshine Coast Airport) with 2 schools operating the C172. You will pay less per hour for the C172 at Redcliffe, Calbooture and Caloundra then both Archerfield and the Sunshine Coast Airport.
  17. I can't believe people are paying $414 per hour for a C172 and $109 per hour for briefings. Large flying schools operating from Class D airports these days are just ripping students off. They have all moved to operating C172's ( most with glass) for basic training, when all you need is a 2 seater with a basic six pack. Even if you want to fly a C172 there are smaller schools operating from non class D airports where you we pay around $350 per hour for one. As for paying $109 briefing, back when I learnt to fly briefings were free and eventually when I become an instructor the school I worked for never charged for briefings, it was all part of the service of teaching someone to fly. With regard to the Royal Qld/AAA, look how much they have diverted away from just being a flying school. They have started flight attendant tand aircraft engineering training (trying to compete with Aviation Auatralia). Their rates were also the highest on the airport and were geared for those seeking a CPL via VET-Fee and not for the average Joe who just want's to get a PPL (what Aero Clubs were set up for). Look back at all the flying schools that have closed in Australia over the last 20-30 years. Majority of them have been large schools (Royal Aero Club of NSW,Navair, AFTS, Axis, Aerospace, Airtex, FTA etc) that got greedy and and sold the 'you will be an airline pilot in 2 years' product, with all their students walking around in uniforms. Whilst the smaller schools (ie C and H, Witworths at Bankstown, Gill Lyatts at Archerfield etc) are still here.
  18. And a photo of the Foxbat and Vixxen.
  19. Photos of the Vixxen taken today.
  20. Dropped in there today, both the Vixxen and C140 are on line. Was able to have a close look at the Vixxen and it looks like a nice machine and at $210 dual it's a great price.
  21. Thanks, I've been in contact with Bill recently as my 15 year old son is keen on starting flying. His flight training prices in the A22 are good.
  22. Is the Vixen going on line at one of the flying schools?
  23. RIP Ross and condolences to his family.
  24. Providing detailed reports of incidents and accidents on a regular basis, would provide a better safety benefit then handing out fluro safety vests. To me it shows the safety manger has no idea about aviation safety.
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