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Everything posted by GAFA

  1. If you ask me there is a greater risk of injury by wearing safety vests as they can catch on parts of the aircraft whilst dong the pre-flight. And I agree, the way they announced this was more 'Facebook' rather than a professional organisation representing it's members.
  2. RAAUs Facebook page says there will be an announcement on Friday, anyone know what it could be?
  3. The 1900D that was based there for charter work has gone back to Adelaide, so I guess the charter work never took off.
  4. Have a look at the photos I've posted on page 2 of this aircraft. The replica's don't use the split flap like the original Spitfire's had.
  5. A pilot I know was there yesterday and they are saying there was no asymmetric flap or any other issue with the flaps. Apparently the pilot has stated an environmental condition caused the accident.
  6. Rego is VH-SFG ( located just above the tailwheel. The letters RFD are to do with the owners name.
  7. This photo shows there is no flap extension on the left (or right) wing. The replica has plan flaps (as shown in the photo I posted above), so if they were extended you would see the deflection (gap) between the left aileron and the flap and there is none.
  8. Some more photos I've found of this aircraft and other replica Spitfires. In these photos you can see the wing in takes are large and have a large flat extendable rear opening. They also show the replica does not use the split flap as per the original Spitfire ans have a plan flap fitted. In the video when the aircraft starts to bank there is no flap extension on the left (or right) wing. The following photo you can clearly see the rear (flat) blue outlet on the rear of the left wing scoop open and it looks like a flap. I think in the video this (from a distance) makes it look like a wing flap.
  9. Looking at the video again, what appears to be the left hand flap extended appears to me to be the left hand intake scoop and it's flat rear outlet (see the photos I've attached above). Further once the plane is on the truck there us no major damage to the left hand flap, so it it was extended it would have a lot more damage and perhaps dislodged.
  10. Agree, that shows what appears to be the left hand flap extended. However in the photos I've attached you can see, when the flap is extended it runs along a lot of the wing, out past the replica gun and is mostly painted black and white. In the video (and the photo you have attached) the flap appears to be inside the replica gun and I can't see any black and white paint.) It could be the angle the video is taken from that that makes the right wing intake scoop (see first photo I've attached) make it look like a flap. My son took these photo as the aircraft taxiing out last week in Brisbane, but no flaps set. The second photo shows the aircraft parked in Brisbane with the flaps extended.
  11. True, but both but at both of these times you can see the left flap and right flap position are the same. Post crash there would be no need (and the pilot wouldn't even think of retracting the flap post crash).So if there was flap asymmetry you would see the left flap down, which you don't.
  12. Wasn't it's first flight, aircraft was flew into Brisbane last Saturday for the Aviation Careers Expo. Note, it was a different pilot in yesterday's accident.
  13. Have a look at 00:18 (post crash) and 00:56 (on the truck), doesn't appear to show any asymmetric flap. Spitfire's have a split flap, so given this is a replica I assume it has them as well.
  14. The aircraft appears to be in trouble just before it gets airborne. The left wheel leaves the ground first and the right wheel remains on the ground initially, before bouncing of the tail and right before coming airborne.Looking at the pilot you can see he is struggling to control the aircraft. There does appear to be lack of rudder movement, until just before the right wing touches the ground.
  15. Was the first story on the news tonight, as the accident was caught on video.
  16. I worked at the flying school (Illawara Aviation) that was in the hangar that did the maintenance on the Nomads. Got to know Bl..k George very well. Also flew the C182 VH-TMC.
  17. Phill really got his money's worth out of the Nomads. Didn't WRT end up being left at Cowora after a mishap?
  18. Looks like Sydney Skydive's two Nomads.
  19. You can download a PDF version from ISSUU as well.
  20. Have a read (Australian Aviation) of what the CAF said to today (at the C27J arrival)regarding Richmond (post Herc). In around 10 years it could be a viable option as a GA airport.
  21. Major upgrade of Willy is about to start in preparation for the JSF. Upgrade includes RWY lengthing and new TWR, so the RAAF isn't going anywhere.
  22. Have a look at all the smaller airports located near the majors in the USA. Works over there so operations at BK will be able to continue.
  23. Sounds like the audit was carried out by applying BARS (used by charter/airlines to satisfy mining companies). I've been through a BARS audit and it was the most useless audit I'd ever been through.
  24. The report on the 'special' audit CASA did on Pelair post the accident makes an interesting read.
  25. What about Wedderburn? http://www.wedderburnairstrip.com.au
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