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Everything posted by GAFA

  1. And that's what most of the submissions to CASA did. The were full of emotion with little facts to back up the emotive submissions.
  2. My wife says the same when I'm looking for things.
  3. Must have been a good look, it's the first aircraft listed: https://www.raa.asn.au/market/ad.php?id=4360
  4. The Sunshine Coast airport is class 'D' non-radar.
  5. And that's how it worked when I was a GA instructor. Min was 3 circuits before we would allow anyone to hire one of our aircraft (even if they had time on type). Not many got away with just doing 3 circuits with most flights lasting 0.8 to 1.2.
  6. Agree, they would still need to be members, but the cost reduction/saving would come from the need not to produce a pointless pilot certificant. The OPS Manual would require some changes such as not stiputating a minimum number of hours required before you could fly an RA aircraft, but rather allowing the flying school to determine the applicable training required, based on the experience level of the licence holder.
  7. If you look around the world, Tecnams, Sportstars, Pipersports, Skycatcher's and the like are registered as per that countries normal aircraft registration and carry that countries normal registration ie in the USA 'N'. Australia is unique in having a separate body issuing aircraft registrations and pilot certificates. To move forward RA-Aus needs to change and one easy step would to allow PPL holders and above to be able to fly an RA registered aircraft without the need to be issued a separate pilot certificate. By dong this, it would reduce the administration burden and reduce costs. The argument about the light weight and or high performace of same RA aircraft is stupid, as just in the GA world, before any school will allow you to fly one of their 172s, PA28 etc you are required to do a check ride for insurance purposes. So the GA pilots will expect to do the same before flying any RA aircraft.
  8. The RNAV/GNSS approaches have already been published for Wellcamp.
  9. Anything is possible at Wellcamp, you just have to ask; http://australianaviation.com.au/2014/12/wellcamp-launches-aviation-school/
  10. Good to see Pathfinder Aviation got their replacement C162 operational today.
  11. Given this action by CASA and some of the comments on here have exposed potential issues with Jabiru engines, owners of flying schools are leaving themselves open to be liable for injury (or death) to their instructors under the Workplace Health and Safety act. Owners are responsible for ensuring the workplace is safe for all their staff including instructors, both on the ground and in the air. There have been many transport companies that have been found liable for knowing there were defects with a particular truck/bus etc, but still allowed their drivers to drive and then the driver was injured or killed in the defected truck/bus.
  12. Reading the responces that are contained in the Dropbox link a few pages back, it appears the respondents didn't read the part from CASA; While responsive comments of any kind may certainly be submitted, the most helpful and relevant responses will relate to the nature and scope of the proposed operational limitations, and such alternative operational limitations as might arguably be more suitable in all the circumstances. In making such alternative proposals, it will be useful if clear reasons for those alternatives are provided. Most of the replies are very emotive with no supporting information or facts and will most likely be disregarded by CASA.
  13. Today's storm was the worst Brisbane has seen in at least 5 years (possibly 10). My car, along with thousands of other cars were damged by hail and debris. Multiple buildings with broken glass and roofs removed.
  14. Looks like the entrie Pathfinder Aviation fleet. I flew 24-8511 2 years ago when it was VH-LSO. VH-LSO was used by Aeromil Pacific as the Skycatcher Demonstration aicraft.
  15. True, Cessna ana Piper engines fail, but there is no underlying issues with them, the same can't be said for Jabiru. CASA have been made aware of this possible issues so they need to act to protect the public. As I said if they didn't act and there was an accident involving a Jabiru that was caused by an engine failure and a bystander was killed, it would be game set and match for Jabiru and possibly RAAus.
  16. The owners/operators my want to take that risk, but what about the innocent bystander who could get hurt or worse killed due to a Jab having an engine failure and crashing into a house or a park full of kids? If CASA took no action and this occurred it would certainly not end pretty for Jabiru, CASA and RAAus.
  17. The Piper Sport was out flying earlier this morning, so this confirms it was the Sportstar that crashed.
  18. It's the Sportstar, refer to my previous post about the location of the stripes on both aircraft and the canopy.
  19. The photo posted above of the silver Sportstar has been taken from the Sunshine Coast Aero club web page. Unfortunately most of the photos on their web site are outdated. To see what their current fleet looks like you need to go to their Facebook page. Here you will see that their Sportstar Max is now WHITE with small blue stripes on the fuselage going up behind the rear window and blue stripes at the bottom of the fin. (the rego is still 24-7324). Their Sportstar also has the top of the canopy painted white. If you look at the picture of the crashed aircraft you will see the blue stripes going behind the rear window, top of the canopy is white and blue stripes at the bottom of the fin. You can also compare the the crashed aircraft photo with the Piper Sport photo and see the location of the blue stripes do not match, it has Piper Sport written on the side of the fin and it has the sliding canvas canopy cover.
  20. Looks like the one operated by the aero club.
  21. Before sending that stupid (useless) statistic to CASA (in a rush), RAAus should have gathered more factual data including like for like comparison data for Rotax and other aviation engines. To me it makes RAAus look very amateurish.
  22. By removing the paper version from newsagents means you cut of possible new members. If there is no way for Joe Public to read about RAAUs,then you have just removed a source for attracting new members.
  23. Thanks everyone, that sounds like the one.
  24. Anyone have details about the incident at YCAB today?
  25. Until they opened up the new access road a few years back everyone drove past on their way to both the domestic and international terminals. Brisbane airport released plans earlier this year to develop the area around the Southern Cross enclosure so I'm sure more people will visit her soon.
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