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Everything posted by Akromaster

  1. Wow..not bad. Check PM...
  2. That’s ace...be good to see how you go.
  3. Thanks Yenn. That seems to be the consensus...Looks like a new one is on the cards.
  4. Yea..I’ve enquired to see if it’s worthwhile. If anyone’s had one replaced it’d be good to know if it’s been worth it. Seems such a waste to just bin it.
  5. Has anyone had a Fastfind 220 battery replaced? Looks like the folks on amsa site are not there anymore and the ‘new’ company doesn’t support these now. Ak
  6. That is a fat bird. Couple that I know are in the 370-380kg (815-840lb) mark. I assume the picture in your avatar is yours? She looks real pretty! Ak Ps: welcome to the forum!
  7. On the topic of old films, I’ve been watching this old TV show on YouTube recently:
  8. Thanks JW, much appreciate the info. The idea of basing ourselves in Cairns is a good one. But sounds like be prepared for a lot if sitting around waiting for weather, plan early morning flights and maybe just basing ourselves in Cairns and go from there. It will depend how much time we have. Early stages of planning so not sure how much time he’ll have yet. If it’s too dicy we’ll probably just fly commercial.
  9. Thinking of a trip up north, probably as far as Cairns, with my brother who’s visiting from the US. What is it like during the November period for flying in the top end?
  10. Saw santa on the horizon on Sunday. [ATTACH]37682[/ATTACH]
  11. I’ve been following Trent Palmer’s low & slow flight to Oshkosh. Day 3 (I think has the Draco...spectacular entrance). Ak
  12. Geoff, are you referring to the "on the spot" issue of Class2 medical?...From CASA website: On the spot Class 2 aviation medical certification (from 4 April 2018) (https://www.casa.gov.au/standard-page/changes-medical-certification) 1@Jaba-who[/uSER] I haven't followed the other thread, but have they not implemented this? I let my medical lapse because I was just flying RAA but I will want to get it back later this year so I was looking forward to this process. [EDIT] Or do you mean the "Basic Class 2 medical" as Jaba-who inferred that allows the GP to approve? Ak
  13. I’ve thought about and posted about this before but scrapped it because legally you’re not allowed to ride them on public roads. Similar to segways which is a real shame. Some of these monowheel ones have large wheels and are advertised as 10-13kg which would be ideal for the luggage compartment in most planes and good for country roads. Ak
  14. FunforLouis is a nice series...he’s not a pilot so the vlog is more about the trip and the destinations (for the Beyond Borders doco) making it sound easier than it actually is. However Matt Guthmiller (19yr old ‘earthrounder’) who joins he trip from the US east coast to Europe posts his own vlog of the Greenland leg with an aviation take on the ocean crossing. Ak
  15. 45min drive? Seems hardly worth the discussion. It may be a 5min drive but how long does it take him to do a daily every day? 30-45 minutes for me each time I go flying.
  16. Thought about going this weekend but other things in the way. Having not been there before, it’d be good to know how you get on with getting there. Especially interested to know flying conditions this time of year with the heat and all...Saturday forecast is hot and possible storms.
  17. I guess it depends from what perspective you evaluate this from. It's easier for you to say, but for me at least as a "receiver" of your call, it'd be easier to remember two numbers than four, irrespective of the number of syllables.
  18. Not a TV program, but a well produced VLOG up to Longreach from Moorabbin:
  19. 9news says it's a 2 engine cessna: Two dead in light plane crash near Taree - 9News
  20. @Bex...I wasn’t there so I don’t have an opinion about it either way and I don’t think I was complaining. If I was there and I thought the fence was a problem, I would suggest that it wasn’t the best choice, ask why it was and perhaps suggest that next year it be ropes like they have at Avalon or nothing at all like some flyins I’ve been to...but that’s just me ;). Ak
  21. ‘Mountain out of a molehill’ comes to mind about this thread. Like most things, you can’t please everybody, but my pet peave is how easy it is to complain as compared to offering ideas. ‘Glass half full’ anyone? Having said that, there are probably three discussions going on here so other than the original thread, I do agree on the other off topic points such as over regulation and insurance. Ak
  22. I had the same thing a couple of weeks ago...same type of bird by the looks of the eggs. Ak
  23. Yep...the elliptical wings are cool and I like the look of the plane overall. From what i've been reading, they're a nice plane to fly too. The only vice it seems, if you can call it that, is that the stall can be a bit abrupt apparently but stall speed is pretty low at under 40kts.
  24. I came across this nicely edited video. Makes you feel all nostalgic. Ak
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