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Everything posted by Akromaster

  1. There was a video posted a little while ago where a training c152 had a jammed elevator. The instructor took control and managed to land safely. I used to play an online flight sim (best flight model that I know of) that simulates control surfaces being shot off. Occasionally you could lose all control surfaces which I've never recovered from but quite frequently I could coax the plane back and land with just rudder and elevator or even sometimes with just rudder - much harder of course and quite often ended in a crash. Ak
  2. I'm with you there and you put it more eloquently than I would have...I started to reply but decided against it. I make it a habit to read from many sources anyway because, as we all know, there are "alternative facts", plus it helps one form a balanced view on things. The way media is these days, not only do they have to be first out in mainstream media, they're competing against the social medium so there's bound to be pressures to get stories out before they're fully verified...often just quoting from an "official" spokesman I find who themselves aren't experts, like quoting from the emergency services.
  3. Essendon is a stone's throw from Melbourne CBD and used by air ambulance, Vic police air wing, commercial ops and during summer months is home to the fire fighting skycranes - closest to the northern/vic central danger zones. MB and AV are both significantly further away so I can't see moving services out of EN or it closing any time soon.
  4. At time of day, as mentioned above, a landing on the freeway would have been into bumper-to-bumper traffic...I was there a couple of minutes before and there would not have been any room for a landing without taking out a few cars.
  5. Didn't see it, but I'd just driven past there getting to work. I saw a plane landing just before that (could have been an air ambulance) to the west. The charter must have just taken off after that
  6. No gps in that gunship?
  7. The Storch is undergoing some repairs at the moment but might have to take you up on it with my brother or son once it's good to go. Must be pretty bumpy getting there this time of year right? .
  8. I like that idea of walking to the beach. Will have to add that to the list.
  9. Mt Beauty is definitely on my list but from Riddells it's over a lot of tiger country and mountains which makes me a little nervous - unless I fly around to Benalla - Wangaratta to minimise flying over that terrain. Re: Storch I'm only a little guy and so are my usual passengers so we're right up at the mtow with full fuel and 10kg luggage. But yea otherwise there's not much room for fuel or luggage for an average Aussie.
  10. Not sure if you intentions but back in my RC days and printing decals, I'd use a paint program to sample the colours I wanted. Anyway your question sparked an interest so with a little googling found this: Cold War RAF Roundel Colours From the thread: "BS381C 538 Post Office Red and BS381C 110 Roundel Blue" There's some discussion about the accuracies of that within the thread but have a read and see what you make if it.
  11. Looks like mechanical turbulence to me from the tree line. We get that over approaches on RWY18 at Penfield. Out of Riddells Creek same sort of thing on final approach RWY20. Just have to power through it and make sure there's enough speed so wings don't stall.
  12. Should qualify that it's a Fly Synthesis Storch and although it's supposed to be a good STOL aircraft (35kt stall in landing config), I've not tested that capability.
  13. Hmm..hadn't even thought about Barwon Heads...looks good, however from their website says it's prior permissions required and $10 landing fee. Not too bad I suppose. As a side note, Combat fighter flights based out of BH...since hearing about them in the US, I've always wanted to have a go. Going to have to pay them a visit!
  14. Where do you go for a day out with someone who's not really interested in flying to another airfield for banter with other aviators? I'm in VIC but feel free to contribute for others to benefit. My brother loves his fishing and he drives all over the country towing his boat to do it. I'm yet to convince him of the economy (in time) to get his pilot license/certificate so he doesn't have to drive. Anyone know of fishing spots near airfields? My teen kids are often my other passengers...fly-ins or visiting airfields are not their thing. Took my daughter to a very expensive lunch at Millawa was fantastic. Other more general places like that would be great too...my son had a great time at Echuca. Ideas? Ak
  15. Was watching this today. Interesting show - Floats flying in North America:
  16. Looks like a Tecnam RG so probably not "two passengers on board". Hope they're ok.
  17. More flying than hovering I reckon...all I was thinking about watching this video was the green goblin. These have got to be my favourite forms of flying so far!
  18. Apart from doing a fantastic job and the technicalities that go with it, I can only imagine what would have been going through the pilots mind, given the passengers and especially the little boy that was onboard.
  19. I'm sure there are great sites outback...I often see that with relos that come from overseas and the first thing people want to do is take them to the country. Not having a go at JA here but just because one finds it boring now having lived here all ones life, doesn't mean that the visitors won't enjoy it. Back on subject though, even if it's in the other direction, flying up the coast out Alf Jessups direction is beautiful beaches and towns like Lakes Entrance and beyond.
  20. You're in Coldstream right? How about flight around the city. Maybe just me, but as a foreign visitor, I'd take that over a flight over empty country.
  21. Why not go see another instructor to get another perspective on your progress. Although Camel provided sound advice, I think you'll hear from everyone in this forum that as a pilot you are always learning so it can't possibly be perfect from the start.
  22. I was going to say that it looks like a sexier version of the Savannah. I'm not a huge fan of the Savannahs but this one looks nice...then again I'm a Toorak tractor kind of 4x4 guy as opposed to the utility type 4x4s. Ak... ('Toorak Tractor' is Vic slang for urban 4x4)
  23. Love it Tim. You're quite an inspiration!
  24. Not really "airplane" documentaries as such but my favourite is Dogfights...less about the plane and more about the dissection of plane and tactics. Plane wise, I have the VHS box set of "Warbirds if WW II" that I've watched a few times.
  25. Re: engine Engine inspection is definitely something I want to get better at. Something that I don't fully understand is TBO when it comes to usage hours (say 2000) versus age (say 15yrs). Sometimes you see first life engines in airframes built well over engine life. I assume in both cases engine replacement or overhaul is in order although perhaps age-expired engine may cost less to OH. Re: dents and dings Older airframes pretty much have dents and hangar rash in various places but on leading edges, other than obviously large dents, when does it become a problem? I'd imagine the position of dents on leading edge probably plays a factor. In small planes like we fly would it even matter given people fly with cameras that would cause larger disruptions to airflow over the wings.
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