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Everything posted by Akromaster

  1. Fair enough. Perhaps that question was too broad. Let me rephrase. When you bought your used aircraft, what few things did you check for? I part own one at the moment and I just rent over the last couple of years neither of which are really satisfactory. Not being in the game that long I haven't really built a feel for things to watch out for, although I've learnt lots following discussions on this forum and others. So my question was not about any plane specifically, but an attempt to capture that 'feel' if that's possible. For example, an RAAus plane with a couple thousand hours is high but GA world that's quite low. Other things like the recent discussions on batteries and the dangers of one type over another. Or avoiding short coupled tail draggers unless you have good training and hours already. <insert other mechanical/physical things here..can't think of any> So perhaps rather than say tell us what you've learn over 10,20..50 years, how did you go about inspecting your last aircraft purchase? Not asking for an exhaustive list, just a couple of key pointers.
  2. Thanks FH..although the I was thinking more about general inspection of the plane itself. Like rust at particular spots, how to look for repairs, what to look for when popping the engine bay..etc
  3. So you've done all the personal assessment of fit-for-purpose and so on and ready to pull the trigger on a plane. For the layman, what are some key things to check when inspecting a plane to buy? I'm thinking before taking it to the next step and asking for or paying an aircraft mechanic to inspect.
  4. Flint fire starter with a little compass on one end. Like this: New Magnesium Flint Fire Starter Emergency Lighter Kit Camping Survival
  5. This is how she came to dance again:
  6. What plane is that painted in USAF colours? Looks nice!
  7. Nice photos...no civilisation in sight is there?
  8. Good question. Lots of folks from across the country on here. Be a good thread if folks advertise what's going on in their towns and cities. Fly-ins are good for flying folks but my passengers are not always interested so I'm often off flying on my own.
  9. When traversing busy VFR routes, such as Kilmore, how do you report your location and intentions? Do you do it and is it basically an broadcast area frequency as you would in Class G? I live pretty much below the Kilmore Gap VFR route and (with radio on area), I've never heard anyone broadcast intentions although CASA video suggests you do. I've flown it a couple of times and each time am a little nervous because there's not much room for incursion and terrain.
  10. Yea, it'd be like a couple of geriatric TOPGUN pilots putting along going "ratatatata...". I can see it now! (Realise the average age here, so no offense intended )
  11. I found this aircraft video a little while ago. If you go through the videos, look at the construction carefully. It's not the best finishes...look at the angles in the inner wings for example. How would you clean up some of that?
  12. Not having a go CP, but who knows what I'd do in the same circumstance and yes it's pretty easy to be an armchair critic. I wouldn't normally wage in on these discussions because of my limited experience, but in his blog he does encourage it. I don't profess to think I would have done any better, but it's good that firstly he was ok and secondly he was willing to share so we CAN discuss it.
  13. Or what about that field just over the trees to his right would have been better than a 270deg turn? I suppose in this situation at the height and speed it's akin to an EFATO, so turning 270deg was probably not a good idea.
  14. I have a follow up question to this. Haven't requested one before, but I understand it's preferred that you to have a flight plan filed. If not, how easy is it to request a flight following?
  15. Like a carrier landing if there was bit more wind. Looked like no xwind (or any wind) on this particular landing. Wouldn't want over or undershorts would you?
  16. Some testing needs to be done for iPhone/iPads coz often I have to close my browser to be able to browse the site again. I also find that when this starts to happen, I can feel my phone getting hot and hence the battery drains quickly after this. When this happens I have to kill the browser. Very frustrating...I wonder how heavy the code is...too much advertising perhaps?
  17. Awesome feeling isn't it. Congrats!
  18. Refreshing to read your blog. Often blogs and videos are about the flight rather than what's at the end.
  19. This looks like a fun plane, although it seems underpowered. Web site says it can take up to 130HP engine, although Vne is only 113kts. This one must be a 582 powered model.
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  20. I'm in the same boat, although I part own a Light sport plane that's not flying at the moment. I'm putting together a spreadsheet for calculating costs in a syndicate up to 10 ppl. I can share beta version if you like, but from my basic figures, it's not going to save you any money owning a plane. My rational is a psychological one - ie my wife doesn't go psycho when she sees my rental costs! Ak
  21. Great flying...and nicely edited with purposeful sound and music.
  22. The North has hills but the southern approach is a slalom...noise abatement perhaps? Seems like they skirt just outside the populated areas on final approach.
  23. Yea, even the locals leave on the weekends
  24. Stuck in Canberra airport. No flights in and out since 5pm! They just announced boarding again but who knows how long the queues will be as things start moving again.
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