It's been on the cards for a couple of weeks, but finally did my solo today.
We started with a couple of circuits as usual, then my instructor did some final instructions and basically said to remember to think out loud and on landing, remember it'll be lighter so just hold off. We taxied back to threshold runway 18 then he got out.
I did my pre-flight checks, did the radio call to line up and roll runway 18. My instructor said the plane would climb like a rocket without him in it and me being a quite a light guy anyway throttled up and sure enough was very quickly in the air - by the time I knew it, I was at circuit altitude. I was a little nervous, but didn't feel it until I stepped on rudder to bank onto my downwind leg. My legs felt weak and they were shaking a little!
Anyways, onto downwind leg, did more checks and watched over my right shoulder for the runway (right hand circuits). It felt weird not seeing my instructor there. When I got to the base leg, I was fine and back into the normal routine. Made the base turn call and prepared to land.
The day was very still but for some reason we always have some turbulence just before the threshold. Without my instructor onboard, the plane got bumped a little more than usual but I power through it as we practiced and drive in for a nice touch down. Not my best, no bumps or anything like that, but I could have held off a little longer and let her float in.
What a feeling...picked my instructor halfway down the runway, shook hands and taxied back to the hanger.
0.2 of command logged in my log book. Wooohooo.