Hi all,
May I introduce myself, I have been following the Recreational Flying web site for some time but have not posted a thread, that is until Ian Baker put me on the correct runway!!! thanks Ian,
I fly a "Best Off Nynja" (Skyranger) out off Watts Bridge in Qld and also a Drifter from Kev Walters flying school, later for low & slow fun and the Nynja for more serious stuff like the Birdsville races last Aug and Natfly 2013, Greg Roberson, the "Best Off" agent in Australia built my aircraft and I could not be more pleased, so much so we plan to have his aircraft and mine on the display line at Natfly, so if you are attending this year come and have a chat and a "captains" at the best Rec aircraft in it's class.
Regards to all
Ken Hulse.