Hi Keith.
Northam has a GA and Ultralight flying school and an active club with over a 100 members. The flying schools are only there if there are trainees to teach, the Jandacot RAC fly in 2-3 times a day during the week. The Northam Aero club have a flying comp every 2nd sunday, with a bbq after the event, and hold a post mortem after the the event to pinpoint the various errors and omissions (and to rectify) the actions of some of the members taking part of the event.
At the weekend there usually are a number of A/C that fly in from all over and some ultralight A/C buzz the sky in multiple crafts from Jabs Microlights and Thrusters.
Once a year they hold a Dawn raid where Jandacot A/C fly in for a bbq breckie and show off their pride and joy, hold comps like spot landing, glide approach,best time in the circuit and so on. The overall winner gets to hold the throphy for 12 months until the next dawn raid.
There are 2 balooning outfits that are very active in the colder months of the year and some days there could be as many as 4 baloons drifting over Northam and the surrounding country side.
There is a bar facility that trades Saterday and Sunday from 500 pm till 700 pm where members go to partake of the amber stuff and tell whopping yarns about their past conquests. BBQ are held 2 a month and a Xmas bash for the little ones
I must agree that at times the airfield appears to be deserted, but if you walk about a bit you will always find someone to talk to.
Hope this is of some help.