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Everything posted by damkia

  1. Not everyone is interested in looking at EVERYTHING that is new on the site every time they check in. If that is what we wanted then we simly go to the "Home" page. This was the benefit of the "Last 24hrs" option, it only gave the results for the forums. Maybe a "Followed threads" option would be of use, so people do not have to wade through reams of new threads to find the ones they are following or have posted in, in the last few days? I cannot see the reasoning behind the globe icon at all. This is a predominantly English speaking forum and the globe icon does not have a clearly defined meaning (it could be a link to the internet (very common) or some other function) "Add lightness and simplicate"/KISS - you shouldn't need an instruction manual on how to drive the menu. I doubt first time visitors would bother trying to work out an unnecessarily complicated menu system simply because it is technically impressive. If it isn't instantly intuitive, it isn't working. Change what needs to be changed when there is a need to change it.
  2. SO many lines, but I ain't going anywhere near any of them.........
  3. "What is that on the road ahead" insert a comma wherever you like for several different meanings... (courtesy of Benny Hill Show, circa 1970's)
  4. Lyc it!
  5. Generally that condition equates to poor alternator output. CAUSES Belt driven? check tension Regulator? (old school not electronic) check gaps Diode open circuit in rectifier block? Disconnect and test Brushes worn? Inspect/replace/re-tension (new springs)
  6. Location?
  7. Can someone else see an issue with wings made of thermite
  8. They may have been forced low by clouds after getting airborne. There were clouds around Mt Stuart and surrounding hills of the ranges in that area this morning at 0600 when I jumped on a commercial flight out of TSV airport, and it's not uncommon in that microclimate area for there to be rain/fog with the rest of TSV being clear as a bell. One hitting power lines is a piloting incident, two hitting powerlines could be a weather incident. Condolences to the families and friends of the pilots.
  9. damkia


    RAA is now invisible to the general public. For an organisation who's only hope of meaningful survival is increasing its membership, this was a VERY silly move.
  10. It is a well known characteristic of the wide angle lenses. It also improves the depth of field meaning minimal perception of focus changes. The opposite happens with extreme zoom lenses (200+mm equivalent) where things appear "flat". It also makes them very touchy with the focus, in other words exactly the opposite of the wide angle lens.
  11. not good for gyros or helicopters.......
  12. Not quite... Her surname is of German extraction ie pronounced "Vent", not "Went". so add her nickname "Nonna" to Vent, and you end up with a "Non event". For a journalist chasing stories???
  13. Years ago I used to work for Channel 9 and from talking to other news crews from around the traps at Ch 10 she was known as "Nonna"....
  14. Thank you for that. When I get home I will be buying a few of them. Rare as hens teeth, or I've been looking in all the wrong places.
  15. Most Android tablets have the micro USB connector. Is there any chance of sourcing this with either an adapter cable (Female USB <-> Male Micro USB x 1m length for windshield mounting), or native Micro-USB plug?
  16. Don't take it to the pub..... http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-11-18/man-who-taxied-plane-down-main-street-of-newman-fined/5901162
  17. So far there has been in excess of 125 pages of "discussion" on this issue - precisely NONE of which will have any influence on any outcome by CASA. 1. We know there is a problem. 2. There is nothing that this forum or its members can do about it (unless you are employed high up by one of the parties) 3 Speculation helps nobody 4 Antagonism amongst members in this forum achieves nothing 5 Let the concerned parties (RAA/CASA/Jabiru/CAMIT) do their work to resolve this, or risk slowing progress due to continual interruptions by the many individual "interested parties". YOU ARE NOT ALONE, NOR ANY MORE SPECIAL/IMPORTANT THAN ANYONE ELSE.
  18. I know, how about a chemistry that will eat away at your aircraft should the case split, produces combustible gasses when charging and discharging, is loaded with toxic materials, can have internal shorts that cause cells to fail, do not like cold weather, will go flat all on their own in a couple of months, can boil dry if overcharged, and will fail completely if discharged to lower than 50-60% of their capacity repeatedly? Sound familiar??? We are used to dealing with lead acid batteries and have come to accept their limitations and safety issues. With LiFePO batteries we have a safer solution. As stated they are disposable without causing environmental hazard, their electrolyte is stable and non toxic and will not eat through your metalwork, they release no combustible gasses while charging and discharging, are relatively immune from the low temperature issues, due to their low internal resistance heat up less than other types of batteries for the same load applied, and have a depth of discharge down to 20% before needing to be recharged allowing a safety margin for "engine out/alternator out" gliding with all the fast glass panels people have these days, AND THEY WILL NOT SUSTAIN A FIRE under any circumstances. Just because you are not familiar with them, does not mean they are a bad idea. As a side note, most of you are sitting with a Li ION battery inches from your crown jewels as we speak......but you have come to accept that as "normal". Would you really go digging around in your pocket looking for a burning lump of lithium quickly enough to prevent injury?
  19. It's a canard pusher design
  20. If my basic chemistry is still OK.... Aluminium and carbon = electrolysis (a battery of sorts, differing electronegativities) Steel and carbon is OK as normal steel contains an amount of carbon anyway (far less electrolysis, Fe + C + Ni + Mg + others)
  21. Do you have "GOD"'s number to make sure he is there?
  22. I heard a good line that applies to both Google and News Corp: "All the latest news, straight from your phone......" Google are using readers (algorithms) to harvest information from your emails. News Corp of course had their little hiccup with hacking phone accounts in the UK.
  23. Nah, that's next week.....
  24. Is this guys surname pronounced "Leech"? Telling, I would say....... What you should do is try to set him up with another scammer and stand back and watch the fun....... "419" scam him
  25. NEVER deal with an "agent". Personal pick up only, with cash in hand for anything less than $2000. It's not like it is a $10,000 item....
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