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Everything posted by damkia

  1. Submit a "Question with notice" to the Secretary 6-8 weeks prior to the AGM, signed by 10-15 members for an EXACT summary of financials and membership to be provided at the AGM. Demand that the Secretary post the "Question" in full and unedited in the magazine and on the website, allowing for a minimum of four weeks for public perusal. There should be no "rabbit eyes" at the AGM as the Exec and Board will KNOW to expect that question.
  2. Surely they could make up this "deficit" by using some of the $1 million or so they have stashed. Poor management of the issue by the RA-Aus head office is no reason for the members to have to pay for the loss of income though higher premiums, especially as it will hopefully be a "one off" event.
  3. Not the way it probably should have been done, when one person carrying 20 proxy votes has as much weight as one person without support from the other side of the voting coin. Given the distances and travel/access concerns of the meeting in general, all possible allowances should have been made for those who could not be there in person by counting the proxy votes on every voting point. A "visible" majority would not be an accurate way of assessing this given the actual membership was a considerable multiple of the number of members present, with little regard for the numbers of proxies held by members present. This is clearly a disservice to those who submitted proxies to the meeting.
  4. Could the best response be for everyone that has had a comment deleted to put in a formal complaint to Facebook?
  5. Maybe that is Facebook's response to the complaint by Gentreau (#49)? I'm sure Facebook would be able to see what was written stating all comments welcome, and be able to see the comments that were deleted.
  6. Looks good. I have always wondered if it would be possible to cover an aircraft in a clear mylar-like covering giving a "flying skeleton" appearance?
  7. I'm 51 years old and think that I'm 17 - but that's the Alzheimer's kicking in....
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0W81A5Zhpk
  9. 178 lbs = 81kg wet (all fluids) weight
  10. This is exactly what the RA-Aus (or even members of this forum) should be organising through the flood affected areas of Queensland, and fire affected areas of Vic/NSW/Tas/SA, both to support the communities, and to provide a bit of light entertainment to the locals. It wouldn't hurt if the people came with tools and a smile to help out in the clean up either. This would go a long way to improving the general opinion of the RA-Aus/GA movement and more importantly illustrate the importance of having local airfields in an emergency.
  11. No offence intended... Other versions of that are "there's nothing new on the internet..."
  12. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/new-engine-from-icp-manufacturer-of-the-savannah.52302/#post-257795 A newer version of this?
  13. Any thoughts or engineering needed to increase the Vne? At 150+ kt cruise you would be pretty close to the original stated Vne of 160kt. Not much margin for error...
  14. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/is-the-site-faster.56630/
  15. Retrieval of the individual anti-airport membership with all possible available personal details published to the Facebook page as a word document. People love the "anonymity" of the internet in these sort of "NIMBY" protests, pity Facebook by its nature is NOT a private network and their personal information is after all in the public domain already (legally not an issue if only collecting like data together in one place)... May they all enjoy the spam to follow. Have you thought about contacting Facebook to get the group pulled down in some way?
  16. Well, I guess now that they are an incorporated entity you and your club members can take them on at their own game. Speaking of noise complaints, how many pilots/club members have noise issues with dogs, parties, noisy/nosey neighbours, noisy farm machinery, and other disturbances to their peace and quiet whilst at home? I'm quite sure you could rustle up a few names, and possibly use the existing council bylaws/tenancy laws/and environmental laws with noise logs to approach the anti-airport group. There is also the issue of "retrograde" claims being made. A facility that has been in use for a substantial time with little to no complaints in years gone by, and with full council approval for that activity to take place under all legislative grounds, suddenly without any significant change in operation becomes a "target" of a new group. Why the sudden interest? WHO IS FUNDING THE "COMPLAINTS" (local "Green" group? Local developers? expanse of land for sale in the near future? Council strapped for cash?). More dirt needs to be dug up here...I'm sure there is something else in the background happening. Get the local Media up to speed on some of these points and take them out to the airport and nearby surrounds for a visit during a typical day. Hope these suggestions help...
  17. I'm not totally up to speed with the wiring to/from the CDI units/ignition system, but is it run off the alternator/battery system? If so, then a few of things to consider maybe a bad alternator rectifier/regulator supplying either over voltage, or negative voltage spikes via short circuit rectifier diode to the CDI's, or possibly an open circuit to the battery, allowing for higher than normal voltage to the CDI units. It is possible for all of these to co-exist (bad alternator regulator causing battery failure -> CDI's destruction). In terms of fault finding, look for any common nodes between the two CDI's
  18. Has anyone seen...... the end of the sentence? If you have a statement to make in the heading, please do so in full....
  19. "Asking for trouble" would be a Jab powered Helicopter...
  20. This is exactly the setup and aircraft I will be looking at in the next 12 months.. Only problem noted according to their website was an issue with the orientation of the mounting of the ECU case - some people were mounting it in such a way as to allow the ingress of moisture. http://www.ulpower.com/ Also has the engine torque/power curves which seem to be rather healthy, compared with Jab and Rotax
  21. For this reason it should be the ATSB at least auditing/signing off the reports, if not actually doing them. "Keep the bastards honest"
  22. ...........and then there are statistics.
  23. <link to new thread> ------------------- This is probably the best way to handle it...too heavy handed is going to upset too many people. It does risk decimating the thread altogether, making a mish-mash of cross linked confusion rather than keeping (even loosely) linked subjects together. I have seen some epic but valuable thread drifts in other forums that really were best handled the other way, by renaming the thread with a "<New thread title> (was <Old thread title>)".
  24. Ummmmmmm.....not always.......
  25. Uranus = Mother England.... "...given that it seems to be an almost completely featureless...why would you want to?"
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