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Everything posted by damkia

  1. http://www.flyamphib.com/index.html This?
  2. http://blog.ted.com/2012/06/28/photographing-the-speed-of-light-ramesh-raskar-at-tedglobal-2012/ and the talk behind it... http://www.ted.com/talks/ramesh_raskar_a_camera_that_takes_one_trillion_frames_per_second.html
  3. I hope he's coming back a day earlier, the 30th of Feb doesn't exist.... (Insert irony smiley here)
  4. Work - the rudest four letter word there is...(and it ends in "k" like most of the others.) A gentle warning - do not take a bodyboard......
  5. Just a few lumps and bumps under the seat of the pants........ IIRC it was on the verge of the 15kt winds that are allowed in a C152 - had to crab it in and do a final wing drop to the windward wheel - several touches later and a good bit of Moorabbin airport runway later I was down. Not the most elegant of landings.
  6. If there is a reasonable suspicion of fraud or major inconsistencies relating to safety, is it time to call in the police? (AFP)
  7. Could an affected flyer or two contact the ABC to give the real statistics?
  8. Sounds like they are beginning to get the gist that the Executive are not the RA-Aus, and that the Members are. It may appear that I have been personally critical of your motives for the email list, but the point I have been trying to make is that if information IS non-confidential in nature, there is no reason to hide behind a veil of email lists. Emails themselves from those opposing your views should be welcomed as ammunition if it all goes to s**t. Information from the Executive should be free for all to see equally. This would apply to all minutes from exec meetings as you are currently trying to achieve. (should normally available for viewing by members at general meetings - Companies Act, IIRC) What is needed is transparency in communication from the Executive and Board Members. With only one or two exceptions, the members aren't getting any.
  9. Congratulations!!! I seem to remember my first solo landing requiring one of these It was a perfect 7 point landing....
  10. Ian, It is the regions that "own" the discussions. It may well be that it is one member talking about a local issue to another (say, preparations in the organisation of a fly-in), completely bypassing any required involvement of the Board Member altogether. It simply does not make sense to allocate the subforum/group to a specific person. The Board Member/Area Rep is a member of that region, elected by Members in that region, not the other way around.
  11. A couple of points: The Board Member should not be able to "control" the group for the same reasons an email list is poor substitute as originally suggested (JT). The Members have elected the Board Member, and should have access to any relevant communications they have, even if it is outside the Member's region. It is not up to the Board Member to pick and choose who they want to talk to. The groups should be related to designated regions, and not specifically to individual Board Members, as these can and will change over time. I still say a separate, open subforum should be created with all the current regions nominated as sub-subforums. A simple post by the current Board Member/Area Representative as a "sticky" is all that is needed for identification of responsibilities. The aim should be for transparent communication.
  12. Hmmm....seems to happen a lot at the moment, doesn't it?
  13. They are there, on the fuselage under the wing....
  14. Workplace bullying laws would apply. Another shield would be the Whistleblowers' legislation. (Delegated Public Service status via CASA) I would assume there would be some Companies Act indiscretions if there is withholding of information based on whether someone "likes you" to the point of having a separate email list for the dispersal of information, more so if it is a private list not affiliated with the organisation itself. This applies to the board/executive and the board/member interactions.
  15. Ian, Would it be possible to have a section dedicated to the various RAA regions for communication by members and the Reps of the RAA? (per http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/victorian-members-and-others-interested.54505/page-2#post-265233 ). As noted elsewhere there is no effective forum for such activities hosted by the RAA, and there are some states that have widespread physical locations of members who may not otherwise be able to effectively link up with the wider community in their state. I realise this may be contentious with the RAA, but communication IS happening here by one method or another - best to have it all out in the open and above board. This would obviously remove the need for email groups and the issues that may create - especially if the emails end up being commented on here without the ability to see the full picture. I am pretty sure that this would DEFINITELY get up the RAA Executive's nose if it were to happen ("leaks"?). I think regular Members have had enough of secrecy and surprises, with good reason.
  16. That being said, then there is no need for a private email list, if it is reasonably found that THIS FORUM itself is the most effective way to communicate with all the Victorian and other interested members. What exactly is the purpose of the private email list? If you are bound by legal obligations in your position as a Board Member under the courts/RAA not to disclose anything publicly on this forum, then you equally cannot legally divulge any of that information privately via email. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/board-member-costs-advice-sought.54439/page-2#post-264749 Keep it open and transparent - no secret societies.
  17. "I'm so broke I can't even pay attention". This is all I can afford at the moment.
  18. Reminds me very much of all of the old Xmas parties at Channel 9, and a few of them at Channel 7 that I went to, back in the early 80's. This was a very common scene near the GTV9 pool (one or two more corpses laying around, maybe). The good old days. I had a good time.............................so I'm told...
  19. Quicker to drive it from airport to airport than fly it?
  20. Less of this? Simply, everything about the issues should be known by all members, with no "behind closed doors" activities. Members pay yearly dues to have their wishes in the organisation administrated. There is no commercial need for "commercial in confidence" decrees from the upper echelons of the RAA, particularly given the recent stuff ups by the board and executive.
  21. I would imagine after the broadcast: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/transcripts/subject/
  22. why are aircraft engines so noisy? The noise is known as a running engine - not a thing heard often on Jabs... ___________ In answer to the OP... Thin walled cylinders (for cooling), minimal muffling (lightness), propeller vortices, torque pulsations transmitted through prop (especially 4 cyl), low rev/high load, engine mounted to firewall (rather than subframe as in a car) allowing drumming of firewall, etc....
  23. "Though not one hundred percent in the scripture, It has to be said that we do get the picture"
  24. Started the car... Didn't get far...
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