I suspect members have already tasted "Management Accounting", that being the reason there has been little to no information given to them in anything like a timely or complete form.
Most of what is needed is simple clear reporting back to the members. RAA are not in the business of making a profit, nor are there any "cost of production" type variables in the costings of what is done within the organisation.
The BIG difference between RAA and a normal company with shareholders is the shareholders only pay once and can redeem their investment at a later date. RAA members pay annually and cannot redeem their "membership" for cash thereafter. This makes the financial and management transparency issue VITALLY important.
Quite simply, you pay your fees, you should be covered by insurance(s), the administration of your registration is seen to, and the provisioning of support services is offered (accounting, secretarial, managerial, L2 training, flight school certification, etc...). Members NEED to see how and where their money is being spent.