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Everything posted by damkia

  1. I'm no poet and don't I know it!
  2. My efforts are somewhat worse that this effort that some may recognize (or Google): Oh freddled gruntbuggly Thy micturations are to me As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. Groop I implore thee, My foonting turlingdromes. And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles, Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!"
  3. B or D for my votes. (I can't vote for both) I do use it in the general news context, but find that it has a hell of a lot of repeat information (same story, different sources). In the general reader ( http://www.recreationalflying.com/forums/recreational-flying-aviation-news.19/ )it would be nice to see enough smarts in the system to do an simple ASCII text compare of the first 50 or so characters of each article looking for a better than 90% match, equaling a duplicate of the same article, and simply not including that copy in the news results. I realise there may be a perceived issue with HUGE long searches, but news is news, and is only really "current" for say the last 7 days and this would only be the depth you would need to go to (7 days worth of results). This would cut down about 98% (on general observation/guesstimation) of duplicates. If there are people are not using it I would suggest that this area of usability would be the main reason.
  4. Weight it up on a risk analysis. Get the statistics from aircraft accidents (applicable to the type of aircraft (ie RAA or GA, or Experimental versions of either), and compare that with, say, riding a pushbike on a public road at the child's age (assuming the child is old enough to ride). I am assuming the the other party allows the child to ride a bike (to/from school?). Give that information to the other party's solicitor to mull over...I doubt whether he will argue that there would be a case to put forward.
  5. IIRC the SAAA maintenance course is only for the specific aircraft that was constructed, it does not apply to any other aircraft or to any other aircraft of the same "make" built by other people.
  6. If you drop the arc at maximum peak voltage the welding cables and the metal you are welding can act like an electromagnet coil.
  7. I would think - "Not approved by Jabiru = not OK to use". These are training aircraft - would you trust you life or someone else's to Supercheap Auto anything?
  8. Another thing you may consider (definitely one from left field) would be to put your fuselage on a trailer and drive as close as you can to a decent sized mains stepdown transformer - ie 22kv to 415V three phase (at ground level). Passing close to the transformer, then driving away slowly should give enough stray magnetic field available and at enough strength to degauss your fuselage. I seriously doubt that a normal degaussing wand will have enough "kick" to do the job if your fuselage subframe is made from chrome moly steel (highly magnetic and likes to stay that way). Generally they are only good for light metal structures such as the aforementioned mesh in a colour CRT. A source of appropriate strength magnetic degaussing fields may be available at your local university too. (good project for electrical engineering/mechanical engineering students?)
  9. There's the reason - a classic "double negative"
  10. Swap places with me about 6 weeks ago?? I arrived at work in 40 degree heat (40.1 actually) in the subsequent 8 days the coolest daytime temp was 39 (x 1) and two days at 39.5, the remainder were > 41 up to 44.3 max. Coolest overnight was 27. Gotta love the Channel Country of NW Qld. Outside work (construction). Fun.........
  11. At least he would be flying south with the birds at this time of the year........ or so his compass says..............................
  12. https://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=adavale+queensland&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hl=en&sa=N&tab=wl Looking around there does not seem to be much around indicating a nearby airstrip. Smack bang in the middle of a national park, so I wouldn't like your chances
  13. It's a bit hard to see with the background clouds...Do you have any clearer photos?
  14. I can remember quite a few years ago there was a similar "linked wing" experimental ultralight concept that was constructed. Ligeti Stratos was the name of the aircraft. http://www.homebuiltairplanes.com/forums/attachments/aircraft-design-aerodynamics-new-technology/17017-ligeti-stratos-ligeti-stratoss.png It was "arrow" shaped with raked back front low wings linked to a straight rear wing and a rear engine with ducting around the propeller all done in composite. From reading articles on it there were a few aerodynamic issues that popped up, resulting in the accident that caused the death of the inventor. Very similar stated abilities (crabbing, compound lifting body, etc).
  15. So Rotax 914's aren't allowed?? I think you will find that you are only allowed piston engines as distinct from turbines...
  16. An interesting thought.....Honda are about to release an all aluminium 1.6 litre 118hp Turbodiesel in this years Civic. Couple that to the mechanicals of the Viking gearbox (+/- new gear ratio).... guessing 10-13l/hr of Jet A1 at 118hp, 8-10l at 100hp (quoted usage in the new Civic is ~3-4l/100km). Fill up anywhere in the bush with diesel or Jet fuel.
  17. FWIW they are usually very easy to spot by the way they are written. Generally have a very "friendly/kindest" tagline to them, more than you would expect of a normal post introduction. I spotted one a couple of days ago, and spotted another suspicious one yesterday that I have reported. If you see anything remotely suspicious about a post (even a first post) report it to admin so they can get on top of it. The spammers usually do a few test posts before commencing a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) type of attack on the site by swamping it with posts to the point of server failure. Read the first post again to get an idea of the odd initial friendliness. The thing in our favour is the bots/spammers rarely change things like the tagline. Yes, I have been a mod on other forums....
  18. Bored school kids. Happens to most forums this time of year.
  19. Whats to see in western Victoria? South Australia?
  20. Aeronautical golf........all fine until the wind takes you into the bush....... Seriously, look at the powerlines nearby, and I doubt that tower is self supporting (guy wires?). Then consider some of the landings and turn-arounds to take off - was it a landing with a tailwind or a take off with a tailwind?
  21. Ian, I would suggest that most people that are forum members already link their shortcut straight to the forum page, completely avoiding the home page altogether...I know I do. Would it be possible to have them as a pop-up every time a registered member logs on to the site? Just trying to keep the home page "welcoming".
  22. I realise this may be a bit controversial, but maybe you should not highlight as many accidents on the home page in the news section. I accept that people NEED to know about them, but surely not as "in your face" as that front page welcome to visitors/people starting out in the sport.
  23. I suspect members have already tasted "Management Accounting", that being the reason there has been little to no information given to them in anything like a timely or complete form. Most of what is needed is simple clear reporting back to the members. RAA are not in the business of making a profit, nor are there any "cost of production" type variables in the costings of what is done within the organisation. The BIG difference between RAA and a normal company with shareholders is the shareholders only pay once and can redeem their investment at a later date. RAA members pay annually and cannot redeem their "membership" for cash thereafter. This makes the financial and management transparency issue VITALLY important. Quite simply, you pay your fees, you should be covered by insurance(s), the administration of your registration is seen to, and the provisioning of support services is offered (accounting, secretarial, managerial, L2 training, flight school certification, etc...). Members NEED to see how and where their money is being spent.
  24. Very good point. "You don't call a plumber to fix a blown fuse" Accurate and meaningful position descriptions with minimum qualifications are what is needed. "Incorporated Clubs" do not usually have the $1m+ cashflows that the RAA have, nor do they have the requirements for stringent financial audit and reporting processes that goes with that. All of that is irrespective of the systems audit processes that are imposed by CASA. It s time to treat RAA as a "business" rather than a "club" and employ responsible, qualified professionals to run it.
  25. The position description you give is that of the responsibilities of the Secretary not the Treasurer. The Treasurer should be 100% focused on the financial books, with the skills necessary to do so (= an accountant). There was no accountant/treasurer responsible for the books as it was, and this is what is now causing grief. Do you really want a repeat performance? The solution is an accountant for the position, whose focus is solely on managing the finances.
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