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Everything posted by damkia

  1. Who, What, Where, Why When and How. Used in journalism but just as easy to remember for this purpose. Covers everything, some information may be edited down. Who you are and your audience is, what you intend to do, where you intend to do it, why you intend to do it (daylight, fuel, weather, panpan or other emergency? may be left out for routine communication), when you intend to do it (ETA, departure, action) and how you intend to do it (runway).
  2. One from my days doing CAA Flight Rules and Procedures (edit - boring as ....), bit of a story involved. Anyone that has done FRP through a flying school would be aware that it usually takes several weeks of 2 hr talks to a small class of students to complete. We had one absolute ripper of a lecturer doing our course. The usual information was passed in during the course of the talks, but the lecturer always had this little equation in the top right corner of the whiteboard which he kept wiping every time he cleaned the board off, then re-writing prior to filling the rest of the whiteboard with the next topic, without so much as mentioning what the equation meant. As you would expect as the weeks rolled on we were all getting quite curious as the the relevance of this equation and how it related to FRP. The equation of interest was: "1/2A = RTFQ" On the very last day of the course he finally came to that little equation and he stated that this will be the equation that gives you your FRP pass mark. He then said what it meant: "Half the answer equals read the Full question" (or words to that effect). Never forgotten......
  3. Since we're a bit off topic... In the Emergency Rooms at hospitals: NFI = Needs Further Investigation, or the alternative, No "Flaming" Idea PAFO = "Plastered" And Fell Over GOMER = "Get Out of My Emergency Room" Back to topic............
  4. Landing: B = Brakes U = Undercarriage M = Mixture, Master, Mags F = Fuel, Flaps, Fine O= Oil H= Hatches and Harnesses
  5. Interesting, I would have thought that the possibility of one of our own pieces of space debris (fragment of a rocket stage?) could be the most likely cause. It would not be inconceivable given that we have evidence on Earth of martian rocks from the debris thrown up from meteor impacts of Mars. I think a lot of the old explanations or lack thereof need to be reviewed in light of recently acquired scientific knowledge.
  6. Once again, there is no atmosphere to cause friction on any object that would be trapped by gravity and forward motion, therefore no wreckage field as we would know it here on earth. I would have expected to see far more intact remains. As for an oblique hit there is no evidence of massive gouges in the surrounding environment, only as stated, a crater.
  7. One thing that puzzles me about the photo of the "skull" is that there is no other remains with it, nor are there any footprints around it suggesting a disturbance of a body or placement of a skull (Neil Armstrong's footsteps are still visible 40 yrs later, and there are craters there to suggest millions of years can pass without disturbance), coupled with the lack of any atmosphere able to sustain life to the point of enabling microbial decomposition, or weather (winds) capable of blowing dust onto any other remains. There is insufficient metal visible to suggest that a spaceship of ome sort could have been constructed with it, and there is no atmosphere to burn it up (No re-entry destruction). The red pigmented areas in the photo and the metallic debris could be a mineral streak through the "skull" (and surrounding "meteors"?). Why is there only a skull remaining? I'll believe it is a skull when these most basic questions are answered. As stated previously I do believe we are not alone, but I doubt that this is an example of "someone else".
  8. Mmmmmmm..... turbulence
  9. I don't disbelieve you about some of the UFO sighting (in the true sense of "unidentified") particularly the ones out the window of the various Apollo missions, I'm just being a bit pragmatic and saying lets look for the most likely first before believing in little green men. I do believe that we may not be the only planet sustaining life, but the chances of two such planets with developed species existing in similar evolutionary states at the same time (give or take a few thousand years) is unlikely. It would not be unreasonable to say there have been many (thousands?) planets/species that have developed to our intellectual point just not in our neck of the woods, or in our relatively short period of "cognitive" existence (1 million years?).
  10. Fixed...
  11. I would propose a more believable reason as being surveillance drones ("quadcopter") which are able to do all of those maneuvers. There are some quite large quads around, 3 metres across and capable of lifting 25-30kg (lighting/cameras etc) ...possibly AFP looking for drugs??? Depth/distance can be deceptive at night - the quads may be closer than you think. The fact that they are usually electrically operated (ie, little to no noise) could trick someone into thinking they are further away than the person thinks.
  12. Commodore Sixty-Four will not be a bit happy about it...........That will be a huge byte out of their income.
  13. ...averting a Major Disaster. The perpetrator will be subject to Corporal Punishment for his misdemeanors.
  14. Why go to Mars when we have the backblocks of Universal Studios to use...
  15. Kind of like driving from Melbourne to Perth across the Nullabor.... 1 hour of excitement interrupted by 29 hours of tedium....with the same lack of civilisation at the end Nice video...
  16. Not NITS....... (Care to guess?)
  17. How about this?
  18. Given her shape she would make it a tail dragger........
  19. Another "'Cause I like the photo", but I like the story with it...(Not aviation related, but a laugh) http://au.news.yahoo.com/queensland/a/-/latest/14786568/numbers-shaved-into-hair/ Can they do that to an entire population???
  20. Southport requires application/permission to the club that runs the strip, and a has special landing/departure requirements due to proximity to residences. Jacobs Well just north of Southport (the other one you mentioned) I think is a free strip to land on - ERSA may give more details? Possibly you best bet. There is a flying school at Jacobs Well, maybe give them a call to find out more?
  21. ..which happens automatically in about 2 weeks. My guess is he will not be voted back in.
  22. "Guilty until paid off" still happens in Australia........... Congrats on the win, Ian. Pity it took what it did to get there.
  23. Apologies - hit the wrong button.......... I'll remove your quote...
  24. RA-Aus was set up by CASA as an entity to oversee the regulations CASA had put in place. It is not, and never was a "social" club set up by members, nor was it meant to be. There is no forum available on www.raa.asn.au = "not social". There is a reasonable argument to be made for separation of objective decisions by RA-Aus from "mates" agreements from within (similar to the old "Separation of powers"). "There's nothing wrong with Jab 3300 engines that I'm going to talk to you about, the owner is a mate of mine..." (Example only) RA-Aus is the authority everyone is answerable to in the first instance, possibly CASA if needed for more serious or far reaching issues. RA-Aus sets the rules, we abide by them by using due diligence, and we all live to fly another day. If we don't play by the rules then the matter is handled by RA-Aus, or escalated to CASA for appropriate judgement and possible penalty. All this notwithstanding the current issues around certain members of the hierarchy of RA-Aus...Could the real problem be that we are TOO cosy with them already, knowing them TOO well? If you want a social club, join a flying club or keep posting here.
  25. That "admin" also controls things like all the training and certification of pilots and instructors, all the certification of aircraft, maintenance and L2's, and AD's of aircraft and manufacturers, etc. To me that equals buying "safety", or at least safe systems of operation. The fact that RA-Aus is a social recreational activity group is secondary to it's primary function as an oversight of safety for the group. If you want "social" join a flying club, the RA-Aus lists them on their site, but AFAIK does not control them or take money from them. Two or more organisations with differing codes/standards of operation is a recipe for disaster. Anyone care to shop for the lowest common denominator/dodgy deals to get your membership buck? By having one set of standards by which everyone lives by, and administered by one organisation you are pretty much guaranteed a better result safety wise than having multiple standards governed by multiple organisations, especially if you re expecting "churn" between the organisations. Has anyone looked at the safety record of the NZ twin organisations compared with RA-Aus? (curious...)
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