I would have thought RA-Aus would have subordinated delegation from it's general operation under the wings of CASA, a Commonwealth Department, therefore subject to both FOI and my previously mentioned whistleblower protections. I think CASA would be able to pull the rug out from under RA-Aus by deregistering its authority to function as a governing body, in the same way as they created it if needed.
The RA-Aus is a bit of an oddball from where I sit, and I'm not sure that the standard set of "club incorporation rules" would apply as it was set up by the Govt through CASA. I have been involved with other clubs (committee member) that have gone through "incorporation" to cover field trips and public liability insurance, etc, and for the financial reporting auditing that occurs, but none of them seem to have the direct strings to a Govt department that RA-Aus has. Most other clubs do not have relevant exceptions to federal laws (allowing LSA's to fly without FAR 23, etc), mandated compliance with other international laws (airspace regs) and so on tied up in their constitution or operations manual. In fact no other club I have been in HAS an operations manual mandated in their constitution, nor has there ever been a requirement legally for one.
As far as I know, RA-Aus exists because of CASA, not the members. By that I mean the members did not have a "club" and then take the idea to CASA. It was due to a review of trends overseas and pressure from within Australia that it was created, which then gave "wings" to the idea of a RA-Aus type organisation under the initial guidance of CASA, and subsequently cut free to a degree to run itself.
My point to all of this is that RA-Aus is in fact more like a Govt department in structure and operation and position, taking money for registration and insurance, while looking after the legals of allowing people to fly (licensing) under the rules and regulations given to it by CASA. The best analogy I could give is that it is exactly like the transport/roads department in your state (taking car rego, and in old days 3rd party insurance, drivers licensing, and roads maintenance), whilst at the same time operating under state and federal legal jurisdictions of Government (ADR legislation's for vehicles etc).
Note that I am no legal expert, but have had previous dealings at committee level with clubs. It just seems odd to me.........