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Everything posted by damkia

  1. Oi!!!! You lot!..... Aren't you forgetting something? "Morgan Sierra and numerous others" and "CTsw, Gazelle, Jabiru" will do as a down-payment.
  2. I'm missing $250 000 Seriously, I've had a look through most areas today and they seem up to date.
  3. I would break them down to three basic groups. Internal (health, distraction, cognitive - all things to do with "the person") External (fuel management, mechanical preparedness - all things to do with "the machine") Environmental (terrain, weather etc - things you cannot have any influence over but need to work with) This would then simplify the examination into what came first and then the sequelae from that. (root cause) Do a risk assessment of all known factors and minimise or remove risks. Have at least two independent options over the original plan. (ie, panel GPS, handheld battery powered GPS, and compass)
  4. When we build houses we use mortar as glue to stop the bricks falling into the deep blue sky. Our aircraft landing technique has been studied by many universities to try to explain how flies can land on a ceiling. We use helicopters to mow our lawns.
  5. Laughing gas in their balloon? I just noticed that myself. The theory is OK even if the maths isn't.
  6. 24000 Taxation Bureaucrats.............
  7. That is one sight I really like to see. OHS Advisor/Medic for a mine. I have had to call up a few of times in the last 18 months....(Lawn Hill QLD x 2 and Laverton WA x 1). Hats off to you guys.
  8. http://www.paperairplanes.co.uk/planes.php Some plans for you to look at. Let's face it, if you are building a house, this is probably all you can afford in a plane at the moment. Welcome to the forum (the flying upside down is OK, it's the landings that are tricky...)
  9. https://www.brisbanehotairballooning.com.au/faqs/exam-help/133-pressure-density-height.html That there Google thing is a great idea:book:
  10. The trick with mounting is to either rubber isolate the mounting points, or to only use 3 mount points on the tank, preferably both methods. Don't forget an earthing strap to the battery/engine to dissipate any static, and to have a point available on the tank to connect a ground based earth point to for refueling. You can purchase slosh tanks from fuel cell manufacturers that will assist in keeping fuel available at all times to the fuel pump. Consider a secondary 2-5 litre non-vented tank in line to act as a reserve to the slosh tank (all standard practice in the automotive racing world)
  11. Is it only me, or is there no link?
  12. Would it be possible to get a bladder made to suit the old tank? Seems to me that this could be a good alternative to trying to repair the contaminated fiberglass.
  13. Try some auto racing fuel cells similar to this http://www.gmpracingproducts.com.au/fuel-cells/fuel-cell-bladder-fill-plate-sportsman.php
  14. IMPOSSIBILITIES IN THE WORLD: 1. YOU can't count your hair 2. YOU can't wash your eyes with soap 3. YOU can't breathe when your tongue is out Put your tongue back in fool. 10 Things I know about you... 1) YOU are reading this 2) YOU are human. 3) YOU can't say the letter ''P'' without separating your lips 4) YOU just attempted to do it 6) YOU are laughing inwardly at yourself 7) YOU have a smile on your face and you skipped No.5 8) YOU just checked to see if there is a No.5 9) YOU laugh at this because you are an idiot & everyone does it too. 10) YOU are probably going to email this to see who else falls for it
  15. So who is going to prune the trees back so people can see more than a glimpse of the race. I think it would be very difficult to do at Albert Park safely, given the pylons are only about 50m off the ground, and you have all that built structure around the area. One miss and it's into the side of a building or a tree. I think The Gold Coast would be ideal, either over the Broadwater or off the Cavill Ave beach. Both would offer the best views possible for a good stretch of the race (3-4km along the foreshore), with capacity to spare along the coast for visitors. It would be a boon for all the highrise accommodation from Broadbeach up to Paradise point - coincidentally where most of the highrise accom is. Looking further forward if we get Wavebreak Island Casino and ship harbour running in the next few years (realistically 2017) that would feed a few bucks into the tourist market too from enthusiasts.
  16. My reading of the regs is that you were (are?) allowed to use it to land in an alternate airfield (it's primary purpose) and that airfield may be some distance past your destination in you line of flight, either side of your destination, or having been overflown (turning back). (going way back when I did FRP and NavEx preparations) IIRC you are not allowed to use it to land at your destination unless there is bonefide verifiable reasons why you could not land earlier (precautionary), or that conditions on arrival had demonstrably changed, delaying your touchdown (ie, showers/heavy rain, held in circuit due to traffic, strip temporarily closed due to other reasons). 45 min is about 16kg of fuel for most people here with Rotax/Jab engines, not much really....
  17. I always wondered where that quote came from. It's one of the ones my old man used to come out with from time to time.
  18. In fairness MOST GA engines do not make it to TBO. Look at what the initials actually stand for "Time Before Overhaul", it is simply a nominated time that an overhaul MUST be done by (or at least a full teardown and inspection). No one has ever said that that is a "Guaranteed time before possible failure"
  19. RG with a prop that descends lower than the belly of the aircraft. Hmmmmm........let me think about it........not so much if it is "skill" or "stupid", but about the depths of the stupidity. All that, and with people in your line of sight.
  20. More info? Reported to aircraft manufacturer/switch supplier? Cause of failure? Could this happen to anyone else? This is the sort of thing we should be all over like a rash.
  21. damkia

    Jet A-1 Cessna 182

    A hole.
  22. Years ago I used to ride with a commercial (ex military) chopper pilot who made a habit of dead sticking a landing every month to keep himself current, even with pax on board. A bit hair raising as a passenger at first but there was a comfort in knowing he could do it wherever he was if needed for real. The fact that he had demonstrated it to most of the people that flew with him was reassuring and actually made for a calm cabin. By "normalizing" the procedure he took the stress out of it.
  23. damkia

    Jet A-1 Cessna 182

    But do you know what you can ADD to a bucket of water to make it lighter?
  24. damkia

    Jet A-1 Cessna 182

    Diesels generally burn less fuel mass per hp than petrol, anywhere from 10-20% less. Although diesel/Jet A1 weighs more, you need to carry less for the same range and hp. Having the "excess" mass in the equation fixed as a heavier motor rather than "variable" fuel supply would work to the advantage of most aircraft weight and balance requirements.
  25. damkia

    Jet A-1 Cessna 182

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