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Everything posted by damkia

  1. I would think that bigger wing tanks (wing tip tanks?) with the Lyc engine may be an idea. 140l will only give 3.5 hrs + reserve (assuming ~5-10 litre unusable). At 130 Kt cruise that is 45o NM or ~830 km. May be worth looking into the UL Power engines FWF too as a cheaper engine option... 6 cyl 140-200 HP avavilable 100-108 kg installed. There is a dealer in Australia.
  2. Modified a bit.......
  3. "Keeping Australians employed....one beer at a time."
  4. Doesn't matter much to me...I'm still so broke I can't even pay attention.
  5. This was pretty much what I meant by CASA needing to do a "ground up" rebuild of RA-Aus structure, including "rewriting the rules" of operation.
  6. There are way too many unknowns at the moment. Could it be that a 3rd party suppliers' bearing collapsed, allowing the crankshaft to vibrate causing the crankshaft to snap? Is Jab liable for the QA/QC on all parts supplied to them? Did the propeller detach outside the built structure of the engine (ie mounting flange)? We don't know.... Given there has been no published findings (incident investigations) that I could find, it may be well to let this rest rather than speculate on current legal proceedings.
  7. For really long legs of trips, try a "Gastro-stop" (Loperamide HCl) 1 hour before you take off (Note - does not induce drowsiness = safe to use). This should give you about 4 -6 hrs of guaranteed "corkage" for the rear end if your habits are normal. Probably best not to use it if you are already having diarrhoea as it is not as immediately effective and will not last the same duration. The front can be solved by incontinence pads or urinal (bottle).
  8. I prefer glue myself - takes the harden the ..... up, to a whole new "high" with every big deep breath. I must admit all the front end speed didn't help the 100kb data rate (yes, double the old 56K modem speed!) I had in WA most of the time before we got our "portable Telstra tower". Realistically the limiting factor is always going to be the consumer side access speed, and spending too much on the latest, greatest, and fastest may not give you as good a return on investment as a more moderately equipped set up
  9. Make sure the bullet is facing the correct way......
  10. The board members may not have been able to change anything, but they could have more effectively communicated this fact with a bit of explanation.... The history of Lee Ungermann (circled in the document) is what (or is he even the "intended target")? A good percentage of people here may not be "in the know". Is it possible to give a reasonably concise, objective overview here, or is this another "swept under the carpet", "never to be spoken about again" exercise in history?
  11. These two questions remain... It is the RA-Aus that is the "mouthpiece" here, and by both accounts the response was non-existant or unsatifactory. If there is a reason, then it is fair and just that that reason be known to those who need to know, and the RA-Aus should be the people to do it even if it is decree from CASA. A design was produced around a certified engine package in use by other companies, and the design has been rejected on the basis of its use of that engine package. No compensation, minimal explanation. Does Gary have a right to a full explanation given the cost involved in re engineering the aircraft for a different engine, or the exclusion from the now lucrative LSA market? I am not "taking down" RA-Aus, simply stating that there appears to be a distinct lack of accountability and responsibility within the organisation, resulting in inconsistent decision making processes, and a lack of adequate communication with the people they are legally delegated to communicate with. With that in mind, perhaps there needs to be another look at who is responsible for these decisions (spill of positions), and the structure that allows the decision making and communication to be done in such a way (charter). This would be best addressed by CASA from the ground up by "rebuilding" RA-Aus.
  12. RA-Aus have grounded aircraft without reasonable explanation (per your post #2 and Windsor68 #4) RA-Aus have failed to explain WHY an aircraft with a certified Jab motor will not pass LSA (Gary's post #1) RA-Aus operate as an entity under CASA, separate from GA, but still under CASA by way of the various exemptions to the regulations required by RA-Aus registered aircraft. Ultimately this whole lack of transparency and consistency by RA-Aus needs to be referred to the governing body - CASA. (escalating the problem due to inappropriate response). Sweep it under the carpet for another year????....and another year???????......and another year???????????? I say, bring it to a head and fix the problem NOW, before more people die (literally).
  13. ...and why haven't those people that have PAID YOUR SALARY (by way of subscriptions to RA-Aus) been kept INFORMED of what is going on in an HONEST, and OPEN manner befitting an executive structure? Time for a legal referral, I think. At the very least a formal complaint and request for a spill of ALL positions within RA-Aus to be made to CASA by way of their overall governance of RA-Aus, followed by a gradual rebuilding by CASA of RA-Aus with new staff, and a new charter. The more I see of this clandestine, deceitful behaviour by an organisation entrusted to guard the safety of the flying population the less inclined I am to become a part of it (I'll go GA despite the extra cost and complexity).
  14. Sometimes even a spellchecker can't help you............ Sorry about that, but I am a Registered Nurse amongst other things and must admit to almost soiling myself when I read that original post.
  15. Pud, Most of what you want is already there. (Using you Thruster example). I think the idea is to get "Point A" up and running with simple details in a standard format that can be used for comparisons. All chit-chat and individual thoughts on aircraft go into "Point B" (In your case the current thruster subgroup) Point A http://www.recreationalflying.com/directory/ Point B http://www.recreationalflying.com/forums/thruster.41/ I see the "Aircraft" tab (Point A) as being a reference, and the individual (current) subgroups of "Ultralight and LSA Aircraft Usergroups" (Point B) being for discussion. By all means move relevant information across, but in an edited factual form by a moderator only. The only access to Point A should be through a moderator, with all normal users blocked from uploading. My 2 cents worth.. Oh, and I think you will find it is a "repository" not "suppository". I'll let you Google it.......
  16. This... Include the amount of hours to build, average weight of airframe (+/- engine), available engine FWF packages. Basically the ability to compare FOR YOURSELF what suits you, your circumstances, and your budget, without the usual slanging match erupting. I would welcome comment as long as they are FACT based, "My XXX weighs 319kg empty with a Jab 3300 motor and fast glass panel, and cruises at 112Kt at 23l/h", enabling a judgement to be made for the individual as to suitability. Any other comments should result in a suspension from the forum (Draconian, but necessary - keep it fact based and leave the questions and slanging matches for general chat.). Would it be possible to embed excel spreadsheets? (x3? = "trikes", "low and slow", and "conventional 3 axis", and 2 for engines, "2 stroke", "4 stroke"). This would be a worthy addition to enable a "mix and match" of engines and airframes. Yes, the information is available, but it is scattered all over the internet. It would be useful to have it all in one place.
  17. I had a similar problem at school when I missed a week of school while we were doing multiplication in maths. I now have to repetitively add....
  18. Turbo-normocharged I believe is the term. It does not increase the effective compression ratio (or power) at ground level but carries a "ground level equivalent" manifold absolute pressure up high so there is the same effective power output without the altitude derating you normally get. The less dense air at altitude is also not capable of air cooling as well, resulting in the metal components needing to dissipate more heat away from the cylinders, and per a normal turbocharged engine including the extra heat generated by the turbocharger in the fuel/air mix (no intercooler) into the overall heat generated, hence the build by Lycoming of everything being a bit heavier and the time derating of TBO.
  19. The mask should have a blue tint to it rather than a yellow one (I only know this from being an RN, not though personal experience)
  20. http://www.corvusaero.com.au/corvus.html Click on spec sheet. Seems reasonably new and DAMNED fast (157 KTAS cruise - "missile"). http://www.corvusaero.com.au/UL-Power.html He also seems to be a distributor in Australia for UL Power engines (for anyone who may want to think about repowering a Jab?) I am in no way connected with this company (for clarity's sake), just putting it out there as another possibility for anyone looking at LSA's. (Ian to follow up about advertising here???? Would be sad to see this company go under....especially with the UL Power engine dealership) Anyone in Sunbury VIC want to have a look?
  21. "Don't grow old, there's no future in it." "Never worry about having more birthdays, worry about not having them." (From my late 83 yr old G/father, bald to within a skirt around the back of his neck) "You've only got so many hormones. If you want to waste them on you hair, that's your problem...." (also with his Parkinson's Disease) "One good thing about having Parkinson's is you don't need to buy an electric toothbrush, but an electric shaver is a necessity for continued existence."
  22. Honestly there must have been a bit of rehearsal, or a s***load of preparation. Getting those things to stay put for more than 5 secs is a decent task in itself. The only way I could see that many doing that many maneuvers is by accident... If that is what is in our future ....GPS landings for LSA.... Yeah...
  23. WOW, and HOW? This rates up there with Honda's "It just works" ad campaign a couple of years ago in terms of "incredible-ness"
  24. ...as in maritime naval pilots? Not something you do for fun though, and most searches would be looking for "Skippers" (who rather ironically are an aviation company that works out of Perth LOL)
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