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Everything posted by damkia

  1. Ditto...
  2. I would hazard a guess it would depend on the type of composite structure and what loads it is carrying. I know for a fact that Nomex honeycomb typically makes about 7-8mm thick composite for the skin (Lancair 360), but it was a stressed skin design with minimal longerons and other supporting structures with only three bulkhead structures along the inside (firewall, seat back, and one in the tailcone. These are always post cured/vacuum bagged. Polystyrene foam sandwich is not something I am that familiar with, but I would imagine the thickness would vary depending on the load, and whether it is "cold layup" or post cured (baked)/vacuum bagged for better penetration of the epoxy or vinyl ester adhesive.
  3. Given the news today of the safe emergency landing by Doug and his student, my "hypothetical" seems eerily relevant........ Here's hoping the investigation follows suit...
  4. I remember the best bit of advice for doing exams I have ever come across while doing the CAA (old CASA) Flight Rules and Procedures, and I guess could be used in setting exams. The exams themselves were multiple choice/4 choice answers 1/2A = RTFQ (Half the answer = read the "full" question) The choices were: one obviously wrong, one completely right, and two that could be right if you simply skimmed the question, or only read the first or last half of the question.
  5. Normal operations in mines rescue (assumed civilian rescue also) and also for industrial rope access (ie high rise window washers/maintenance crews) is to have two lines on at all times. I wonder if the patient slipped out of the basket as they were loading, or if the basket itself was left untethered as it was being manipulated off the winch line? Pretty basic mistake if it was the latter...
  6. Condolences to all concerned. I've always wondered why they only use one winch/cable, when in all other modes of rescue they use two ropes (IRATA standards)? Surely two winch cables and two winches double caribeenered to a harness/rescue lifting hook would make more sense
  7. ROC after she blows would be far in excess of anything aerodynamically possible by an aircraft of that type... I'm figuring the AoA would have a slightly different meaning with this plane.
  8. I would suggest that the best place for the personal details of members to be created and kept by Admin would be on a USB stick and only plugged in to an offline computer when the need arises to consult the list. This would then put the list out of the way of anyone trying to maliciously gain the data it contains.
  9. Significant Met conditions were at play too and the responsibility of the BOM may be in question IIRC in relation to information available at the time to both ATC and the pilot.
  10. Given the broader audience they are talking to/about, a more easily digestible version of the paper may well have been in order - leave the "legalese" for the actual Legislation. "If you can't stun them with your science, baffle them with your bullsh!t".
  11. damkia

    Jab twin

    I was thinking also about possible "pulse" damage to the prop tips from from two prop tips passing each other in close proximity at greater than Mach 0.5 giving a supersonic "boom" to the tips, affecting both the structural integrity of the tips, and also interfering with the thrust generation. Approx prop tip velocity 815km/h at 60" dia x 2850 rpm if my calcs are correct, equaling tips passing at 1600+km/h
  12. damkia

    Jab twin

    I would wonder about the prop tip vortices interfering with each other and giving some strange aerodynamics over the fuselage and wing root.... Not an expert at all but just curious as to others views.
  13. An interesting read for some who may think the newest oils may give better protection from tappet wear.... http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/what-you-don%E2%80%99t-know-about-zinc-can-hurt-you.65608/
  14. It sounds a bit like some of the recent political rhetoric - you don't "review" anything if you are not looking at changing it (ie GST). First thing the ATSB should do is subpoena all existing engine failure data from existing manufacturers/suppliers in Australia. It could be the recipe for some (Aus) manufacturer(s) to get their act together and actually provide failure data, AND what they are doing to reduce early failures... Short of running an engine with no oil, there is no reason to have premature failures at the 100-300 hr mark off a brand new core and top end.
  15. Link?
  16. Has anyone thought about Ch22 on the basic UHF 477MHz band? This is a dedicated data channel usually used by farmers for intermittent telemetry (switching pumps on/off, measurements back to base of tanks, etc). At a pinch this would be a relatively inexpensive alternative to base a working framework on, even if it not the final one.
  17. LiFePo's are the safest of the lithium based battery chemistries. The ones that caused the problems for Boeing were the Lithium Ion chemistry found in mobile phones and laptops. There are other less common chemistries in use such as lithium Cobalt and others - it's worth a Google to understand the differences.
  18. Kind of like chasing a gnome on its travels across the globe....
  19. Q1. Define "aircraft crash" (stats 101)
  20. I love statistics... As we have been told many times by the various police forces around the country that 30% of all accidents are caused by drink drivers....this also implies that 70% are caused by stone cold sober drivers. The lesson? Drink up, you're safer.... There are liars, damned liars, and statistics.
  21. The reality is that incidents have not been adequately covered or even investigated by RA-Aus, or reported to a level that would be considered even modestly adequate in their magazine. The reason this forum is used for reporting incidents is that there is currently no other avenue that has GUARANTEED publishing of the details of incidents, let alone any discussion of the events and a resolution of cause, even if it is not officially sanctioned by the RA-Aus. Any relevant official input from RA-Aus would be welcomed (read: GET OVER YOUR ISSUES WITH THIS SITE...)
  22. RAA qualifications and aircraft only have jurisdiction in Australia and it's territories.
  23. Jacobs Well would be the best southside, , Boonah westside (best for BNE to Ipswich area), and Caboolture northside. All about 1hr or less from central BNE. I think you may find someone qualified to do your test flights at any of those areas, best to do a drive-by and ask around, I would expect...
  24. I would be waiting until next year (after Dec 1 2013 CASA changeover to RPL and sequellae). I know from mates that GA (PPL) doesn't pay that well, I don't think RAA would be any better. Something to supplement retirement, but not much more.
  25. E&OE "Errors and Omissions Expected" (CASA/RAA version) Correct version "Errors and Omissions Excepted" What a wonderful thing a bit of dyslexia and/or anagrams can be...
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