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Everything posted by damkia

  1. One from left field - "Pilots Australia" given the number of Aussies on the forum. "Whatever you fly...", being the slogan to go with it. Retain the international stuff you already have, but align it more with the majority of the contributors. Going forward this will include all varieties of flyers from the RA-Aus through to the new Recreational pilots license (CASA) and also the traditional PPL's, without sounding too specific to one particular subgroup, and in fact cater to all those (aspiring) commercial pilots too. The one thing we share is the desire for flying as a pastime. It would also score a few more "free hits" from Google search too, being two very common words used in searching for similar items if interest
  2. 190kg the weight required to make a folding bicycle:poke_tongue_out:
  3. "Diets" are not the thing to go for, your body simply adapts to the suddenly new amount of energy input by slowing the metabolism leading to the plateau and yo-yo part of never ending energy input restrictions and weight gain, and feeling tired and exhausted all the time. The KEY thing is to increase your energy expenditure by getting adequate exercise. This not only burns off energy (fat) while you are exercising, but also due to muscles higher resting energy needs, while you rest between exercising. Couple this with a slowly reducing calorific input so the body doesn't try to slow it's metabolism and you should get the best long term sustainable weight loss to "normal" levels. You will lose size initially, but may not actually lose weight until muscle growth and the extra energy requirements kick in fully. Folks there is no other way, pure and simple. Energy in < energy out. Some things you can control, others you can't control easily. Work on the easy ones. Before you ask, I'm definitely no gym junkie, but I do make sure to put aside time for some exercise most days when I'm not at work (walk 1-2 hrs). I too have the middle age spread, sitting at about the 100kg/178cm size, but have lowered this from about 110kg with no major changes in diet over the last year or so and I am slowly reducing portion sizes. Gary R.N.
  4. I would think it is no different to other types of "restricted" or other licenses they are giving out now. More a clearance of anything medical that should preclude them from having a drivers license, rather than screening for an entirely new license category. Some states do this already as a matter of course for mature drivers. As for the overloading problem, a Piper Tomahawk or C150/152 is going to be obvious, but I would agree that compliance with the rules in a 172/182/Archer/Warrior is going to be a tough one, especially in remote areas. May be that CASA takes a lenient view due to the sparseness of population compared to USA/Europe. That in some ways would be a minor win for common sense. Looking at the stats for car accidents for all population (and "medical" causes included), how many car accidents are DIRECTLY attributable to an acute medical condition occurring behind the wheel? Quite honestly I can only think of a hand full or so in the last 10 years or so, scale this down to the number of people with pilots licenses and it may well be statistically insignificant. The other thing is an aircraft usually has part to fully duplicated controls (unlike a car) and this, even in the hands of an amateur, should give a better survival prospect. Surely it is time to look realistically about the likelihood and consequences of an incident actually occurring mid air (using the same medical criteria for safety of operation of equipment), that may cause more than "local" damage (ie, immediate occupants of aircraft)? A single pilot alone is always going to die, a pilot with passenger(s) has a chance of survival for all occupants. I also note that the US is having similar questions regarding the possibility of a "Level 3" medical, similar to our new model.
  5. A lot of RA-Aus pilots are here for medical reasons (fail level 2 medicals). Those reasons no longer exist, meaning they can get their GA licence back under the limited provisions above. It also opens up the use of hired GA if needed with only 2 seats occupied for more cargo
  6. Seems to me that there will be an exodus from RA-Aus given the access to controlled airspace and increased weights allowed in this new decree. I'm guessing it will cost less to be a part of than RA-Aus. Flying, minus the BS. In all honesty it sounds like CASA have been looking on and have had enough of the mismanagement that has apparently been going on. I can see a lot of VH reg 2 seat Cougars with decent (130-150hp) engines and decent load (700kg AUW) carrying capacity. Happy days Garry Morgan.....
  7. Ian, Would there be any worth in a section for "User reviews" of various electronics (GPS, Radios, EFIS, EPIRB, etc) and other parts (in-flight adjustable props, etc) that people may like some feedback on before purchasing? In other words, everything other than the airframe and engine? The idea would be to concentrate on the "ease of use"/problems/practicalities, rather than specific installations in aircraft and their associated issues.
  8. But seriously, "unbuild" it according to the original construction manual.
  9. Before even considering abandoning any input by ATSB, consider the effect of having no investigation by a specialist investigation team of a fatal accident would have on your loved ones (I bet you have NEVER openly discussed it with them...). Surely they would WANT answers? If a previous accident or near miss event was not fully investigated, would your death from exactly the same cause later on have been for nothing???? $500 well spent per year, if that's what it is going to cost. If you can afford $50+K for a plane, $2000+ for insurance, and ??? for running costs/yr, you CAN afford $500/yr for continuous improvement and mandated investigations of incidents. Who knows, in the long run it may go towards lowering your insurance by a roughly equivalent amount Maybe it is time for a big clean up of sloppy attitudes, poor management, and selfishness.
  10. No disrespect intended, but could an effort please be made to make some intelligible sense by the use of some punctuation and common grammar? There really is no need for "textspeak" here... we do not have a 140 character limit, and if you are younger that about 30 you would have learned to type properly more easily than you can use textspeak on a normal computer keyboard. Common courtesy to the rest of us....
  11. 4WD systems 101 One driveshaft goes to a differential which splits the torque between the two wheels via half shafts. On a dead straight road with 100% grip road the torque is spread equally between the two wheels. This is the same no matter which end the diff/axle is located. When the wheel on one side of the axle is in a high slip area (mud, etc) then all of the driveshaft rotational energy is expended turning that "free spinning" wheel with little to no torque getting through to the side with grip ("path of least resistance"). Locking differentials are used to remove the speed difference between sides of the axle in these cases, with the limitation that it makes turning more dificult on high grip surfaces due to the need for the wheels to turn at different speeds (inside vs outside wheel) when turning a corner. This speed difference is also applicable between the front and rear axles in any 4WD and known as "binding up" when turning a corner, resulting in possible destruction of the transfer case. Some vehicles use a center differential to equalise the speed differences between the driveshafts (Toyota Prado, mid-high end LandCruisers, RangeRovers, RR Discovery's), whereas some use a wet clutch pack to allow some slip (most AWD SUV's), and still others hope and pray thay you have common sense and have no center differential (low end LandCrisers, Hilux, Patrols etc). Back on topic..............
  12. 6x2 is a truck with lazy axle ie 6 "wheels" of which two wheels are driven (not 3) A "wheel" may consist of a single or double tyre on a rim6 x 4 is a powered double rear axle (ie one driveshaft to two differentials and 4 wheels). Other past time is 4WDing...
  13. I have a bit of a problem in this area too. Before I get started (again) into flying training, I am going to need some decent headphones. I am deaf in my left ear (75 dBA) and partly deaf in my left ear (30 dBA to 1500Hz, 60 dBA above that). I normally wear hearing aids which gives me hearing in my left ear to the equivalent of 30 dBA, and right ear within normal limits for age. Even with all this I can use a normal telephone and can hear normal conversations in a quiet room "unaided". My question is does anyone make headsets that have adjustable boost (ie louder than normal) and ANR so I can fly without my hearing aids, or would I be better to keep my hearing aids and go for a normal headset with ANR. ANR for me would be a requirement as my level of noise to "information" discrimination is reduced by lack of (for want of a better description) brain development from being so deaf in my left ear for so long (took 48 yrs to eventually get hearing aids...) Noisy pubs etc, are a pain.
  14. Nuts......................................and they have definitely got them.
  15. http://www.beyondblue.org.au/index.aspx? http://www.lifeline.org.au/ Or anyone here you feel comfortable with in private or public.... I've seen a reasonable amount of death in my time as a Registered Nurse at the pointy end of things (Emergency, ICU, Coronary Care). It never gets any easier to wittness it straight in front of you. You end up with a blunted external facade to it after a while to deal with it. In one way this is why I am now pursuing OHS, to try to stop some of it before they end up in Emergency. (prevention is better than cure) Gary.
  16. He took matters into his own hands....
  17. damkia

    An idea

    My reading is that RA-Aus is an "association" under the stewardship of CASA. If we have internal issues in RA-Aus requiring attention, then surely CASA are the first to be approached? Perhaps look towards their Accident Investigation team who are generally considered to be suitably detattched from the Admin side of CASA to ba an adjudicator? A true "Ombudsman" is not needed as it is the administrative personnel (clashes/power struggles, from what I can make of it) rather than the processes that appear to be at fault. Another option may be to approach the industial regulator or something along the lines of VCAT for an adjudication. Ombudsmen = customer complaints about an organisation (ie Telecommunications Ombudsman for complaintas about service (process)) Adjudication = settling internal issues by agreed to demarcations of duties (ie Fair Work Australia and QANTAS dispute)
  18. It was also Websters(?) dictionary that in its early years decided to rationalise (rationalize?) their spelling to a more consistant phonetic form, creating an "American Standard Spelling".Thank god they didn't try it with Welsh..... Soon txt spk will t8k ovr the wrld
  19. As in a areoplane with a left and a right wing with a non-lifting body in the middle AND a two or three fin tail at the other end?A true monoplane would be a weightshift kite style with a single uniterrupted wing above you.
  20. Probably should have been a "should never have left the aerodrome" landing....Forecast of fog in the area.
  21. Ian, Wrong link redirection - goes to an A frame issue with a U/L
  22. People...without aeroplanes are skydivers.
  23. But you're all OK with "Airport"?
  24. In fairness, the report did make it clear that there may have been hidden objects that impacted the nosewheel causing the rollover. It may not be poor airmanship, it may be bad luck of not seeing a rock in the proposed landing strip. It was not as if they coud do a go-around at low level to survey the field.It could be the old "Human factors" component of your field of view reducing to +/- 6 degrees in stressful situations.
  25. That would certainly be the view I have....If they are not FUNDING the RA-Aus to the required level to achieve the require level of diligence then CASA probably has a case to answer.
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