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Everything posted by damkia

  1. One drink and you're anyone's Two drinks and you're everyone's Three drinks, you can feel it Four drinks, anyone can feel it Five drinks and it's a history making night Six drinks and you feel like history Seven drinks and you know you had a good time Eight drinks and you have no idea of what a good time you had
  2. Very interesting read....everyone NEEDS to read this.Has a few recent points included in various threads here. Galaxy BRS going off after impact, Rotax engine catastrophic failure, Non/low funding of RA-Aus leading to poor auditing capacity, Lack of expertise in RA-Aus (volunteer organisation), etc...
  3. It is a nation whose economy runs on the basis of distrust and fear. As a nation they are ALWAYS afraid of someone, and fully defended in preparation. First it was the black Africans, then the Russians, then the Japanese, then the Vietnamese, then the Islamic Middle East, then the North Koreans, and now the Chinese to a degree..... Basically trigger happy.
  4. No reason another recreational flying organisation could not be set up.... or set up shop with the HGFA and extend their boundaries to include recreational aircraft. It does seem that there are significant management and culture issues at the top of RA-Aus that will not go away.
  5. IIRC replacement of all friction surfaces ie all jugs, pistons/rings, bearings, cranks, valves/seats, etc - anything that has a wear component built in - with new, or used products that are within new specs, whilst keeping compnents that do not have an intrinsic wear pattern such as conrods, cylinder heads, and crankcase, on spec (subject to rigourous inspection though). Basically an almost "As new" motor. "Zero timed" is where the core (crankcase only) is used and all components are brand new on top of that. Happy to be corrected if this is not right (been a while...)
  6. Methinks there may be more money in the land as industrial real estate that there is as a runway..... This would be the first place I would be snooping around. Try the State Govt lands regulator (development applications), or even a FOI request for the report from CASA to see what is going on. RAA may be able to assist in a formal way to get the required information with the required permissions.
  7. Tell that to kids these days and they wooooon't believe you.... (Apologies to Monty Python)
  8. A lump of Gemanium, a "cat's whisker" and a coil, and a crystal earpiece....Them were the good old days, "steam radio" and all.....
  9. Only way I could think of would be to contact RA-Aus directly and ask them. Other than that a manual search through the registration list in Australia. Look at "Resources" tab in the top of screen, and "Aircraft". There is also a section a section marked "Airstrips" that may be of use giving all licenced and unlicenced strips in Australia, there may be a few more "farmers strips" out there.
  10. Anywhere in Central Australia at this time of year is quite able to get to below freezing overnight, even to quite northern areas (Katherine NT)
  11. Remember that there will be times where some of the mainenance you need to do can ONLY be done with the panel in the aicraft, such as tuning antenna for VHF radios and tracing through faults in the wiring or other electrical points away from the panel such as servos and sensors hooked up to their panel electronics.As for Mr Murphy, let me tell you that it is possible to get some plugs to fit where they shouldn't, especially in the darkness of the back of a panel. Mr O'Shaugnessy, Mr Murphy's cousin, was the person that said Murphy was a bloody optimist...
  12. UL Power 350iS (130hp) out the front of a Jab 430 would be brilliant. If needed the software in the EFI could be rewritten (or black box added) to time limit the engine to 5 mins @ 130, then progressively throttle back to 120hp per LSA regs. Or would you only need to placard such a limitation and be allowed to do it manually?
  13. Are you SURE you haven't met me???
  14. J170 Owner said: ↑ Thanks - I have these 'memory things' every now and then. Scared stupid I'll turn up at work in nothing but my jocks. As long as you remember your jocks:blink: I wouldn't worry, I'm sure it'll be a Saturday............
  15. TTSLFU Guess........ Usually very short for me at work.........
  16. Time since overhaul
  17. well, sort of......... Anyone who has had any dealings with the internet would be familiar with th meme of the "hovercat", pictures of cats that are taken in mid flight giving the appearance of them hovering above ground. Here is one that actually does.... http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/meet-orville-the-flying-dead-stuffed-cat/story-e6frfq80-1226383126494
  18. No idea if it is relevant here, but when I was running cables to termination boards and equipment (all LV and signal stuff) we used to route all cables to the furtherest end of the board and then split the wires off as you went back. This usually gave you enough cable to pull the board or equipment off completly to work on the back of it if needed at a later point. In the pictures above (of the panel, not the Chinese olympic venue) the centre origin of the cables makes working on the panel a bit more difficult as you cannot swing it out easily. Good looking layout of the panel....
  19. ...and madness is doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome. VERY fine line between the two with landing.
  20. I would have one of the more unusual memories of a "bumpy ride"... Years ago I worked for Channel 9 Melbourne, during the Ash Wednesday fires in 1983. They had run out of cameramen so I (camara assistant) was sent out in the chopper (Bell Long Ranger) to film the fires from the air. Here I was, all harnessed in to the chopper centre column and sitting on the floor with my feet on the skid and camera sitting on my shouldter. At this point we discovered what "updraft" and "downdraft" were as we approached the fire line. A bit of explanation about fires is that you get a SIGNIFICANT downdraft as you approach the fire from either side, and as the fire consumes a lot of O2 and generates a lot of heat you get a SIGNIFICANT updraft directly above it. Heading towards the fire all of a sudden the chopper dropped, meaning I ended up hitting my head solidly on the roof (fully airborne and floating in free space), only to come crashing down to the chopper floor in the matter of a couple of seconds some 20 seconds later. As if to impress the point I ended up airborne again coming out the other side of the fire with a somewhat softer landing to the floor after that.... All this with the door open. Pilot reckons we dropped about +/- 1000'-1500' initially in about 20-30 seconds (visual reckoning as altimeter not functioning properly due to transit within the pressure difference airflow) Bloody ouch.................
  21. A couple of 912's tacked to the wings and she'll be right................imagine the range:roflmao: To the moon and back at 80 knots.......
  22. It's like the weather forcasts....they are always right...........................................................eventually.
  23. Just................wow.....................................
  24. You wouldn't exactly like to shout in a crowded pub, "Where's ..........?" Likely to be booted out quick smart.
  25. IIRC the reason for resistor leads/plugs is to extend the spark duration, rather than simply dump all the energy into one hell of a short shap whack in the plug. The actual resistance is inconsequential when compared with the open circuit resistance across the plug an does not affect the spark strength as such. The elcetrical equations escape me at the moment but the duration of the spark is related to the resistance of the plug circuit divided by inductance of the coil. The practical upshot is that you will have a 5kV spark across the plug for 5 times longer than a 25kV spark, resulting in a more complete burn of the air/fuel mixture.
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